Security Measures for Red Crystal-hatched Organisms

Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CMDR Strand, Dandin
CC LCDR Galanodel, Elora
SUBJ Security Measures for Red Crystal-hatched Organisms

Dear Commander Strand,

I have requisitioned a sample of the red crystals currently stored aboard the U.S.S. San Francisco for further study in the DS13 geology lab. However, before we actually transfer it over to the station, given the recent incident aboard the U.S.S. Saraswati (original report attached), I thought it would be a good idea to run our containment plans by station security and seek advice for any other measures to take. Currently our plan is to set up a level 10 containment field around the specimen, and transport it directly into space at the first sign of movement within.

LCDR Galanodel, I copied you on this as well in case you have any ideas for substances we could introduce into the containment field to kill, or if possible simply incapacitate, the organism should it hatch. I am totally unfamiliar with silicon-based life so I'm not sure if normal suppressants like anesthizine will have any effect.

ENS Sorik, DS13 Geology
TO CMDR Mandra; ENS Sorik
CC LCDR Galanodel
SUBJ RE: Security Measures


After reading the relevant reports I'm comfortable making a few suggestions. Your transport procedures from the San Francisco to Deep Space 13 are sound. However, while transporting the specimen directly into space is the foolproof way to deal with any hatching in the lab, I believe it's overkill in this case. A level one containment field was sufficient on the San Francisco, and we have no reason to believe that will be different here. There was sufficient warning before the specimen hatched. I've included the Acting Chief Science Officer in this message as well, as it's my intention to ensure that two security officers are in the lab at all times. I'm authorizing these officers to carry phaser rifles in addition to their normal duty weapons. Additionally, I'll ensure a rapid response team remains on call should they be needed.

Commander Dandin Strand
Chief of Security, Deep Space 13
TO CMDR Strand
CC CMDR Mandra; LCDR Galanodel
SUBJ RE: Security Measures


Thank you for your recommendations. I had a feeling it might be a bit overkill but just wanted to be sure. As long as your security officers are ready, I'll let the San Francisco know we're ready for the samples and begin the transfer.

ENS Sorik, DS13 Geology