TO: CAPT Se'Lai; | SUBJ: Aivala's Background Check

Stardate 93834.1
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CAPT K. Se'Lai, U.S.S. Valley Forge
CC SCMDR A. t'Aendon
FROM CAPT S. A. Bishop, U.S.S. Endeavour

SUBJ Aivala's Background Check

Captain Se'Lai,

As requested, I sat down with SCMDR Aivala t'Aendon to perform a quick background check prior to her assignment on the Valley Forge.

The assessment was done informally and the subject understood that if there was anything that she wished to be taken off the record, that I would do so. The following is a summary of my findings. As you are no doubt aware, this information is highly classified and should only be known to the recipients of this message. My findings are broken down into four parts.

1. To begin, I asked some basic questions in order to get to better understand the subject and to break the ice. These consisted of questions such as favourite colour and animal. I then asked if the subject had killed anyone. The subject told me that she had killed five people that she could remember, plus countless others remotely from behind a console.

2. Delving further, I started to unpick the subject's PTSD. The subject at times finds it hard to cope with the horrors she has witnessed whilst at Installation 18. Whilst most of this conversation took place off the record, I have suggested that the subject possibly attend counselling sessions to help overcome and manage these horrors. Whilst the subject rejected the offer, I would recommend her attending a standard psychological eval on DS 13 with LCMDR Sedai before accepting any posting.

3. The subject also revealed that her knowledge of hacking has been well developed, making her an expert in the field. Although this is perhaps why you offered her a place on the Valley Forge, I have ascertained that she is able to hack the most secure encryptions with little effort. What we have so far seen is the tip of the iceberg, if you will, of her abilities. Furthermore, she has demonstrated a certain tactical aptitude and, with formal training, she could excel tactically, adding to her growing repertoire. I also believe that if given some practice in command, she would make an excellent bridge officer candidate, if not being able to obtain a command at some point in the future.

4. I finished off the session with a few more ending questions. The subject appears to have settled into DS 13 well and has made many friends in her short period here. This demonstration of her verbal communication and charisma further demonstrates the possibility of her being able to succeed in a command position.

I would like to conclude by underlining the subject's highly commendable qualities and I believe she is more than capable of succeeding and thriving on the Valley Forge. I would recommend giving her bridge officer experience; perhaps shadowing the Tactical Officer on the bridge as Assistant Tactical Officer for a few months before promoting her to a full position.

Forever yours,


Captain Dr Samuel Alexander Bishop,
Commanding Officer - USS Endeavour,
38th Fleet, Libra Squadron
Stardate 93814.5
Security Level 3 - Restricted

TO CAPT S. A. Bishop, U.S.S. Endeavour
CC SCMDR A. t'Aendon
FROM CAPT K. Se'Lai, U.S.S. Valley Forge

SUBJ Aivala's Background Check


Thank you for taking the time to provide an impartial assessment of SCMDR t'Aendon's candidacy; I trust your judgement and find encouragement in the fact that my initial feeling about her was correct.

I fully support the subcommander's efforts in dealing with her PTSD - I know all too well the challenges faced. I trust that Eunha's ongoing crew evaluations will assist with this as time progresses; but for now, as long as she is deemed fit for duty then I have no desire to push her further.

It is my initial intention to post her alongside the duty tactical officer, but as you point out - she has already demonstrated a natural affinity for the role - so I envisage her role growing increasingly independent within a short space of time. I also anticipate her intelligence skills being a great boon to the Valley Forge as she becomes more settled and have already taken steps to see how we might customize her bridge station to better accommodate this.

With regards to more formal training; I will be more than happy to sponsor her once the position is settled and if it something she wishes to pursue as a potential career path.

All in all; Subcommander t'Aendon should make a fine addition to the crew and I consider us lucky to have piqued her interest.

Thanks again!



Captain Keelah Se'Lai,
Commanding Officer - USS Valley Forge,
38th Fleet, Libra Squadron