To: Nimitz | Subj: Proposal

Security Level 1 - Open

TO GOV Nimitz, A.
CC --
FROM LT Valore, S.
SUBJ Proposal

Governor Nimitz,

As we previously discussed, I present the following to you for the Tzenkethi homeworld:

As of right now, the Tzenkethi people are a united people ruled by what they perceive to be an occupying power. The first measure should be to break that. As such, I propose the following:

1) A slave exchange, Tzenkethi depart the planet in return for a diverse group of imported slaves. If the species demographics were to change, the Tzenkethi would no longer be able to unite under their species, nation, or shared cultural traditions.

2) In areas where resistance is the highest, to appoint a local leader, potentially a spiritual one who ultimately must answer to the Empire. Therefore, the population would be divided by their loyalties.

3) The separation of Tzenkethi children from their parents to prevent political socialization and the continuation of Tzenkethi beliefs and traditions.

4) The construction of reeducation centers and schools, of which the curriculum will be totally controlled by the governor's office, in order to instill them with Terran civics.

Lieutenant Sera Valore
Slave Uprising Prevention and Pacification
Battle Station 13

OOC: Mirror Universe.
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