CAPTAIN'S LOG Stardate 100629.9
Ensign Sadaann’s business on M’Talas has concluded. He suffered some minor injuries while on the surface. An accident, I’m told. Nothing a trip to sickbay couldn’t set right. I expect he’ll be back on duty in a day or two. With that impromptu adventure out of the way, we’re en route back to DS13 for a crew rotation.
For the most noteworthy, I’m sorry to say that Doctor Castillo will be leaving us for greener pastures aboard the Dragon. I’m sad to see him go, though I can understand the appeal he might see in moving on to heading up a larger department. While I’d like to believe it’s unrelated, a part of me can’t help but feel like this stems from our … disagreement during the war. In hindsight, maybe I could have reached out to broach the subject directly instead of hoping a little shore leave would cure all ails. But then, he didn’t make a point to come see me after the fact either, so maybe it wouldn’t have mattered in the end. In any case. Lieutenant Mirren is going to cover CMO duties for the time being.
Most of the rest of the transfers are standard rotations. A note on the bridge staff, we are picking up a new helmsman, Ensign Idrael, fresh from the academy. I swear, they’re getting younger every year.
(( Transcripts: Mandated Checkup, Time to Tell The Captain, A Visit From The Captain, The Logical Chaperones, I Want Him Back by 1900
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