100386.9 Federation News Service
After 48 hours of debates, speeches, and closed-door meetings, the Federation Council has tonight passed a declaration of war against the Romulan Star Empire.
Speaking on behalf of the Council, Federation President Aennik Okeg summarized the declaration. The President cited the Star Empire’s unprovoked invasion of the Romulan Republic, disregard for interstellar law and sentient life, unwillingness to engage in good-faith diplomacy, and finally the murder of three Starfleet personnel on diplomatic assignment to Rator III.
After outlining the justification for war, the official declaration reads: “The President is directed to utilize the full force of Starfleet and every other resource of the United Federation of Planets available and necessary to bring about the swift resolution of this conflict.” The full text of the document was transmitted through official channels to the Romulan Imperial Senate and delivered personally to the RSE Ambassador on Earth.
The first engagement between Starfleet and the Star Navy took place only minutes after the President’s remarks and saw the Starfleet 9th Fleet engage and destroy a supply convoy en route to Tri’Vokil. While Starfleet Command has not yet announced any additional fleet mobilizations to the Romulan border, sources close to Admiral T’Nae report that elements of several other nearby standing fleets will be utilized to support and reinforce the units already committed.