16 Dec: Vincennes Festive Soiree

To: 38th Fleet Argo
From: CAPT Meadows, Rebecca Anne
Subj: Vincennes’ Festive Soiree invitation

Dear officers, enlisted personnel, and civilian contractors of the 38th Fleet,

We’re approaching that time again!

For those of you who don’t know, for the last few decades it’s been an annual tradition aboard Vincennes to host a non-denominational ‘festive event’, known simply as the Vincennes Festive Soiree. I’ve only commanded Vincennes for a short period of time compared to her age, but I’m proud to help keep the tradition alive for another year, and to once again invite our colleagues in the fleet to join us!

Cultures across the Federation - and the wider galaxy - share similar “end-of-year” celebrations, be they religious or secular, and we invite them all to bring their traditions to our ship. Perhaps it’s a particular foodstuff, or a special drink, or a customary dance or gesture - it doesn’t matter, we want to experience them all in a friendly and fun setting!

As with last year, we are inviting officers, enlisted personnel, contractors, and civilians working with the 38th Fleet to come aboard Vincennes to participate in our decades-old tradition of celebrating the many ways in which we all commemorate the successful completion of another orbit around our respective home stars. While festive attire is not required, it is encouraged.*

Please note that this year, Lt. Commander Kagiso’s annual “extreme drinking games” event has been designated to an off-ship location, owing to the extreme damage caused to holodeck four and surrounding areas last year. I’m happy to accommodate any traditions, but not if they impede upon the normal operations of a Federation starship. If you’re looking to join Cmdr Kagiso’s entirely separate event, please contact him directly.

Vincennes will be arriving at Deep Space 13 on stardate 99958.4 [Saturday 16 December], and the soiree will begin from 20:00hrs Vincennes-time [Alpha +3]. The bulk of the festivities will be taking place in Ten Forward, but there are holodecks and restaurants all over the ship that will be participating, so please contact Vincennes’ Operations Department if you have any questions.

Captain Rebecca Anne Meadows,
Commanding Officer,
USS Vincennes

*Captain Tungsten’s catastrophic choice last year is not a good model, however.

Shift Time: Alpha +3

Audience: Non-grinches

Attendance: OPEN - Anyone can attend on any character.

RP Format: Social

Setting: Bridge

Starting Point: USS Vincennes’ Ten Forward [ask for invite on the day!]

OOC Christmas Party!