19 May: Falsely accused

KDF and allies chase one of the clues recovered from the NCR listening post - a former True Way agent that's rotting in the Ventraxian prison...


When: Sunday, May 19, Beta -1

Audience: Klingon and allies

Event type: Bridge RP

Starting point: Starship bridge

OOC point of contact: @gulremal
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Spoiler: Mission logShow
[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <FX> Small task force led by captain Egzo and IKS Hag'lhr is approaching Ventraxian space. Info from the last staff meeting points to a prisoner, former True Way agent Khemak Ghib, who might have a -

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: - lead regarding the location of an old cardassian military research facility "The Armory".

Nesha t'Merek@thesophist is supporting up a storm.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> Bara here, we'll be in comms range in couple of minutes. What's the plan?

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Figured we'd try 'sneaky' first, keep 'loud' in reserve.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Oh wait, you mean...

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Well. Still.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Figg'rd we'd let the Orion ladies do the diplomatic talkin' first - they're better at it.

Lorri@crystyll smiles a little at that

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> *grins at Bara* Not like us.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> Ah, yes, you almost got me there. Suuure, we can try that. Might save us the effort.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> We gotta think a' somethin' to offer 'em, though.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> They ain't gonna just give him up without somethin' in trade.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> I mean, I wouldn't.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> How'd he end up in the slammer anyway?

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Way I heard it, Urnal framed 'im for some dirty business.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> That he didn't actually do, for once.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Dunno if they'd believe us, though... we don't got no hard proof he DIDN'T, I don't think.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> The boss sent some ships t' cover their supply lines from raids, so that gives us a /little/ leverage, but...

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Guess we could frame it as good faith. "See, we did somethin' nice for you, now how 'bout you recipr'cate?"

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> They'll prolly ask fer SOMETHIN' to sweeten the deal, but we can work with that when we hear what they want.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> Might work, but sets them up with the power in negotiations. If it goes, it will be costly to you that way"

Egzo@HF_Mudd frowns and nods to Lorri's image.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Gotta better idea?

Lorri@crystyll hrms, rubbing her chin

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> We helped them against the Breen, that could count as something

Egzo@HF_Mudd is actually asking, not challenging.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> What you want is to hold on to the power. Set up the table so they /want/ to give him to you"

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Yeah, that's still the same thing... "We did ya a favor, now how about you do us a favor."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> They still get t' say "nah, don't wanna."

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "If negotiations don't work out, we Ghosts on the Thana are always up for an extraction mission."

[Emotes] Nesha t'Merek@thesophist: rolls 68 (1-100)

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods to Lorri.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Smuggle us in and we can get the target out with minimal collatoral damage. Hopefully."

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> They believe he is guilty of... whatever he is likely guilty of. So why not drum up something more severe that you want to nail him to the wall for

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> Insist they transfer to your custody because your jurisdiction overrules, and if they don't behave then they risk losing the aforementioned support you give them

Lorri@crystyll nods to her side, "Or... we can send in the ghosts" she smirks a little to Istar's eagerness

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods. <C> That's more my usual style. 'We want him... we'll give ya a fair price for 'im, but we're leavin' with him either way.'

Istar@anncarise smirks back.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with these people, so not able to judge which approach they are likely to respond best to

[Local] Nesha t'Merek@thesophist: Looks like... this Khemak guy is in for two murders and an attempted coup. Frame job by an NCR operative. We've got receipts, if that helps.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks back over his shoulder. "We do? huh."

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> Hm, as good evidence as we can get, at this point.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> Want my girls to look it over? Can't imagine these NCR guys left any gaps but if they did, we can find them and go with the 'proving innocent' release path

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Sure, if we actually got the truth on our side for once.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> But we /are/ talkin' about Cardies.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> They live for this stuff. Almost as much as Romulans.

Egzo@HF_Mudd grins over his shoulder at Nesha.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> Well I may not have Kayd with me, but my Intel guy is former Scryer so you never know

Lorri@crystyll looks to Istar, "Go wake him up, see what you can find on these files"

Nesha t'Merek@thesophist spots the grin out of the corner of her eye and scowls.

Istar@anncarise frowns, "Great...I have to deal with him again...I mean, I'm on it!"

Nesha t'Merek@thesophist sends the reference numbers to Lorri and Istar.

Istar@anncarise checks with Nomen to see what info the Orion Naval Intelligence agent can dig up.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks to his helmcat. "Stand by t' drop from warp."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: | Rritt: "Aye, captain."

Istar@anncarise appears back on the Thana's bridge after they drop out of warp, "Looks like the files are real. Or at least that's what Nomen says."

[Team] Sadia@gulremal: sorry bout that, mouth ful of pizza and writing infodump for Istar

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "These NCR know what they're doing. They pulled off a whole elaborate operation assassinating these people and pinning it on our prisoner here. Had a whole network of inside help set up, too."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> We know who DID do it?

Lorri@crystyll hrmph's, "What do we pay that lump for, anyway?"

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Could trade those names for our guy, plus the favors we're already doin' em.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Sadly we don't have any names. Just a code name of who filed the report to Gul Urnal, someone going by Agent Book."

Egzo@HF_Mudd frowns. <C> Stupid name.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> Sounds like some kind of nerd spy.

Nesha t'Merek@thesophist is shocked -- shocked! -- to hear Egzo doesn't respect books.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Nomen says it's a common callsign in the Obsidian Order, but everyone known to hold it is dead."

[Team] Sadia@gulremal: egzo eats books for breakfast - if the letter-form cereals count

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "And from what he knows, the Scryer doesn't use it. Even though the Network's pretty much just a freelance offshoot from the old spy group."

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "If I had to guess, I'd say it's some True Way or NCR wannabe trying to call back to their people's glory days."

Egzo@HF_Mudd rolllllls his eyes.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> So, we gonna talk to them? Could at least try to find out where they are holding him up.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <C> You know...if we need to bust him out...

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Any info we can get would be helpful!"

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: <C> If my ghosts are to go in for an extraction, knowing where to go would be... fruitful

Egzo@HF_Mudd ponders his options.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Can't hurt. Y'up for some sweet talkin'? Lay out what we know, and what they owe.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks to Lorri again.

Lorri@crystyll smirks, "Always"

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods. <C> 'Kay. I'll make the call an' the intros.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks to Nesha to open the channel.

[Local] Nesha t'Merek@thesophist: Channel open.

Egzo@HF_Mudd does actually sit up straight in his command chair, since he's talking to a planetary leader of a client race... that's /almost/ as good as a KDF captain, innit?

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Connection is soon established, and a Ventraxian in gaudy uniform appears...

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Sovereign-General. Captain Egzo here. Thanks for takin' my call.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> They carefully observe the scene and then focus on the nausicaan.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Captain Egzo. I remember you from the negotiations, but I must say I do not know your allies.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods and gestures.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: "I am Tabadi Lorri of the Orion Space Navy flagship; Thana Vaneri"

[Team] Istar@anncarise: I imagine Istar is audible on the bridge, but not directly visible as holocomm is focused on Lorri

[Team] Istar@anncarise: So he won't know she's there unless she makes a noise!

[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Sounds good.

[Team] Lorri@crystyll: i wonder how long it will be before I MT and ICly refer to her as Mysti heh

[Team] Istar@anncarise: hahaha

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *nods slightly* The ship name sounds familiar, but not it's commander. I spoke with matron Mysti previously.

Lorri@crystyll bows her head a little, "Mysti was my predecessor. I took command after her untimely demise last year"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> That is unfortunate, I hope you prove as resourceful as she was.

Egzo@HF_Mudd takes up the talk again. <C> Just wanted t' make sure that you haven't had any more trouble with raiders, since we sent some of our ships t' help keep yours safe.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Yes, captain Cynis informed me during the last allied strategic planning that I should expect this call. Your help is welcome, so it is only polite to listen to your request.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods. <C> So, funny thing. Turns out you're holding someone who's done a lotta bad stuff, I'm sure, but /not/ what you're holdin' him for.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> So we'd like to take him off your hands, and share with ya what we know about them who did.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> In the spirit a'... cooperation.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> If there were any KDF prisoners, they would be released long time ago. Who is this individual?

Egzo@HF_Mudd , for all that he claims to not be much for the fancy talk, isn't a bad negotiator.

Egzo@HF_Mudd shakes his head. <C> Not KDF. A Cardassian.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks to Lorri, or her image.

Lorri@crystyll nods, "The individual my colleague refers to is one Khemak Ghib"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *a short pause* I see. What do you need him for?

Lorri@crystyll considers the General a moment, "Does that really matter?" she offers with a somewhat sweet smile, "We are here for him regardless, and wish only to see you are fairly compensated for your +

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + efforts thus far in detaining him"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: It is relevant, as this person is a very dangerous individual.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: "The only aspect to this affair which that bears relevance to is the extent of compensation. We appreciate the advisory of her dangerous nature, of course. But I suspect you already know just how +

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + well my associates here are equipped to handle on such as him"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> I was also confident like that, and after two escape attempts I had to consign him to the Bastion.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks duly impressed.

Lorri@crystyll smiles a little, "It sounds as though he is more trouble than he is worth to you. Seems then we would in fact be doing you a favour by transferring him to our custody"

Nesha t'Merek@thesophist looks for records on the "Bastion", since it now seems plausible they'll have to break in.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Then you should bring the issue to the Bastion itself.

Lorri@crystyll looks to Egzo, assuming local knowledge prevails here

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> With your permission, Sovereign-General, we'll do that. And what'll your recommendation be?

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Let them rot. Bastion will not release him anyway, not with all the evidence stacked against him.

Egzo@HF_Mudd raises a finger. <C> About that.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks back to his newest bridge officer. "Transmit that report."

[Local] Nesha t'Merek@thesophist: Files transmitted.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *looks to the side* <C> Well, that is troublesome.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Gul Urnal's legacy is proving to be more trouble that he was worth.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> No matter. I will provide you with the location of the Bastion, and the codes that are needed for approach and the prisoner case in question.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Under one condition.

Egzo@HF_Mudd opens his mouth to thank the Sov-Gen, then shuts it to listen.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> This person is forbidden to ever approach or enter the Ventraxian Sovereign State territory, or act against it in any way.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Either by word or deed. Can you ensure that?

Egzo@HF_Mudd takes a moment to think it over, very seriously, then nods. <C> Yeah. I will.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> My adjutant will send you the written statement, I expect you sign it. Expect all relevant documentation within an hour.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> Is that all?

Egzo@HF_Mudd glances to Lorri, letting her handle the polite and/or flowery close.

Lorri@crystyll smiles sweetly, bowing her head, "We would be happy to ensure that everything is order with your documentation"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C> In that case, I wish you vigilance, as you will definitely need it. Soft soil to you. *feed cuts*

Lorri@crystyll perks a brow after the comm cuts, "Soft soil indeed..."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <C-Bara> That was an interesting reaction...

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Yeah.

Egzo@HF_Mudd still has a serious, considering expression. Those familiar with him know, this is what the 'dumb brute of a pirate' looks like when he's really thinking hard.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- SCENE END --