A showdown with Tzenkethi! Who will emerge victorious?
When: Sunday, Oct 20, Alpha-1
Audience: Klingon and allies
Event type: Bridge RP
Starting point: Starship bridge
OOC point of contact: @gulremal
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Spoiler: We came, we saw, we kicked their...Show
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> After the statement of vengeance by the Tzenkethi captain, tzenkethi squadron moves into combat formation. Four frigates spread to the flanks, while the cruiser moves fully behind the larger -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - battleship, extending shields.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Kem: They are acquiring target locks, will be in finirng range in 30 seconds.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- PREPARATION ROUND --
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: you ccan plan before acting, talking is a free action most of the time
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar's action --
[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: <C> "San'leth moving to flank them. Try and keep their attention with your bigger ships!"
B'Atar@anncarise FX | Having cloaked before the fight, San'leth tries to sneak up behind a frigate before dropping cloak and firing its disruptor cannons and polaron beams.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 41 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> San'leth decloaks behind one of the "outermost" frigates and opens fire, but frigate expected the move and performs a "sidestep" move by burst firing it's port thrusters, and evades most of the-
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - damage, taking only 25% damage to aft shields.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Hag'lhr, doin' the same.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <FX> Hag'lhr swings wide to the other side, lining up on a (different) frigate and decloaking to give it hell.
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 85 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Other outermost frigate tries to evade the attack the same way, but R'rit deftly compensates for the enemy's maneuver and stays on top of the evading ship - frigate takes serious pounding -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - as it's shields are completely fried!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana plays its part of being the team bullseye and looms towards the Tzen battleship, all forward weapons peppering its shields to get its attention, while both Interceptor squads+
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + swarm out from under its belly left and right
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 94 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: wow
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Everyone is just rolling better and better
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: *actually flies an outdated & plot-armoured Battlestar*
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Hahaha
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Thana's fire sprays the front shields of the mighty battleship, focusing on the weakest location just at the front of the ship. Front shields buckle under pressure.
Lorri@crystyll FX | The Interceptors sweep around the battleship to run interference against its reinforcing cruiser
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg looks to his tactical station.."Concentrate a full ssspread of quantum torpss on the battlessship in that weak ssspot Thana jusst found."
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 78 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Torpedoes hit the weakened front shields of the Tzenkethi battleship. Shields give up, and a couple of torpedoes strike the wide front side, devastating the missile barrage launchers and one of the
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - main tetryon heavy dual beam banks.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Derem> Turn the left side of the ship and provide covering fire!"
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Widrab> Left side? Is that port or starboard?
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Derem> Doesn't matter, just turn us and open fire!
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Heh.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari turns slowly to the flank, its cannon turrets targeting nearest enemy - frigate damaged by Hag'lhr. Frigate takes couple of direct (lucky?) shots in the bridge section and drifts -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - out of the combat zone.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Widrab2> Wait, we hit something?
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: haha
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Second tzenkethi frigate turns on Hag'lhr, moving on it's tail and peppring it's aft shields, dropping them down to 50%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> San'leth has it twice the hard, as both frigates focus on the bird of prey - having weapons both on front and aft, and their joint attack causes serious damage, dropping the San'leth's shields -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - down to 20%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser boosts its shield and computer link with the battleship, restoring the front shields to 30% and providing targeting locks on the incoming Interceptors.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Battleship reinforces its front SIF fields, slows to almost full stop in coordination with the cruiser. As it slows down it vents damaged front section holding the -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - damaged missile launcher bays allowing the inertia to carry them forward, along with the unexploded missiles towards the Thana. As they close the distance,
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - battleship fires a tetryon beam bank, igniting the protomatter munitions and creating a massive radiation/explosion cloud, damaging Thana's shields by 40% and messing up targeting locks.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 1 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar's action --
B'Atar@anncarise | San'leth tries to outmaneuver the frigates and get behind both of them, all the while opening fire on whichever one it has in its line of sight.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 50 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> While B'atar fails to outmaneuver the foes completely, she manages to score some more shots on the first frigate, dropping it's aft shields.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
Egzo@HF_Mudd is rocked in his command chair as the dispatched frigate's comrade avenges it. "Evade! Reinforce aft, use battery power if ya gotta!" If they can get clear, maybe re-engage cloak...
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 40 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Hag'lhr speeds away and re-engages cloak...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> All across Thana, alarms and hazard emitters light up as ship is bathed in protomatter radiation...
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana veers sideways, holding it's pace, and bringing the side cannons to bear on the battleship +
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: "Two can play at that game. Prepare to vent drive matter, and if you can; get a lock on that debris of theirs"
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + As it swings across the bow of the stationary battleship, green plasma vents from it's nacelles to bathe the Tzen ship in an equally unpleasant soup. If successful, the tractor lock would be towing+
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + the Tzen's shed forward section full of missiles right back at it
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 53 (1-100)
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (Um, I think they detonated the whole thing with their guns.)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tractor beam fails to find any useful remains of the Tzenkethi's prow, Thana moves out of the protomatter radiation and swing by the big battleship, venting plasma and creating another veil -
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: argh, it's prov?
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: i thought it was just leaking, a big explosion of a missile bank like that would have taken the Thana out?
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: *shrug* all good fun!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - between the two big ships.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Interceptors start attack run on the cruiser, but so far they don't manage to do damage that isn't immediately regenerated by the shield-link.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg Tactical, all tetryon banksss concentrate on the battlessship.
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 74 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Even with the protomatter radiation providing partial cover, G'Quan's frontal weaponry finds the weak spot, this time frying the front shields emitters for good!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari fires at the next closest target, remaining frigate at Egzo's side, but scores no lucky shots this time.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Said frigate turns on the Thana, focusing the side with damaged shields, dropping them from 60 to 25%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Two frigates on the other side of the battleship continue the deadly dance with San'leth, taking out it's remaining shields, but scoring no hull damage...so far.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser turns it's tetryon cannons on the Thana, and blows a hole through the weakened shields, and then makes another opening for the main hangar bay, causing moderate structural -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - damage to the orion flight-deck carrier.
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: sorry, they rolled natural 100
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: wow...they're rolling pretty well today...
[Team] Lorri@crystyll:
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Battleship turns to the side, trying to escape vented plasma that started eating through it's port shielding, it's tetryon weaponry returning favor to G'Quan, dropping the front shields to 60%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 2 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar action --
B'Atar@anncarise | San'leth launches a torpedo at the frigate that lost aft shields before breaking off and going evasive to avoid further hits.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 48 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Torpedo strikes exposed frigate's aft - not directly but enough to heavily damage it's aft engines and send the frigate into a spinning loop.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: you know, I need some kind of online RP tool so I can make space maps and give you battlefield situation after every action. I have it in my head but I'm unsure if my descriptions are good enough ...
Egzo@HF_Mudd nods in satisfaction as bridge readouts and officer reports show the aft shields coming back. Less pleasing is what the tactical display shows.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "San'leth's takin' hits. Let's take some pressure off."
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: I think I've done that with paint before haha
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: As in microsoft paint...
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <FX> Hag'lhr sweeps across the battlefield and de-cloaks on the flank of one of the frigates harrying the other raider, opening fire as it ripples into visibility.
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: egzo chose b'atar over lorri to assist, #notsurprised
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 56 (1-100)
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Hey, I saw 'shields down'
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Also B'Atar chose to try and blow up the baddies instead of restoring shields hehe
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> While not expecting this development, Tzenkethi pilot is good enough to evade the full beatdown, but still loses 50% of their aft shields.
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: No defense like a good offense for Klingons!
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: must see if I can use that Roll d20 thingy
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: And move these events outside the game entirely? :wry:
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (I've used it, but only as a player.)
Lorri@crystyll decides to never again allow the males to pilot anything other than Interceptors and mentally notes to transfer the idiot who left their weakened shield facing the enemy over to Lexi's crew when she returns
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: well, if this game vanishes unexpectedly, I'm not giving up on running the events
Lorri@crystyll 's image flickers as the power surge from blow Interceptor manufacturing facility ripples throughout the Thana's EPS grid
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana veers away and barrel rolls over 180 degrees to protect it's weakened side. Obviously a female Orion is back at the helm. Interceptors swarm to protect the mothership as it turns away
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 41 (1-100)
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: not much to actually roll for there I know, Interceptor success or something? idk. just an IC response
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Thana turns on it's main axis and presents undamaged side to the enemies, and the interceptors abort their attacks on the enemy cruiser to provide defensive cover against incoming fire...
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Interceptor cover plus the manuever to change shield arcs.
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: and for context for ku'jho, Lexi is my previous char for whom it was a running joke that she regularly executed incompetent pilots xD
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
[Local] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Target quantum torp ssspread on the Sssan'lethsss attackersss.
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 63 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Frigate has no chance withstanding battlecruiser's fire, and torpedo swarm rips it to pieces, forcing Hag'lhr into last second evasive action...
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: no kill like overkill?
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: The klingon way..
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari keeps firing on the remaining frigate, but it's cannon fire fails to connect with the dodgy vessel.
Egzo@HF_Mudd swears quietly as Rritt barely gets Hag'lhr clear of the sudden bright detonation(s). "Too close..."
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser keeps pressure on the Thana, moving between orion vessel and the battleship. Most dangerous hits are absorbed by the "defensive layer" of Interceptors, almost half of them -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - getting exploded by the powerful heavy weaponry.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Battleship keeps turning and starts speeding up putting San'leth and Hag'lhr in "crossfire" between itself and G'Quan. It's broadside fires undiscriminating...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: ...and fortunately missing the smaller vessels, but still hitting the big battlecruiser and dropping it's front shields to 25%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 3 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> The last enemy frigate turns around and speeds up, leaving the battlefield...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> The frigate with damaged aft engines manages to stabilize it's trajectory and steers with remaining thrusters towards the battleship...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar's action --
B'Atar@anncarise | San'leth tries to intercept the frigate heading to the battleship, darting behind it and opening fire with all forward weapons to try and finish it.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 97 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: yes!
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Finally a good roll!
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Bit of a waste on a damaged frigate...but still a good roll for once!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Poor frigate stands no chance, at it explodes in fiery inferno of conflagrating detonations.
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (Showing off your English vocabulary there a bit? ;)
[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "Ha! About time I got one!"
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I just wish my grammar was on the same level lel.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Nice. Uh... Thana's in a bad way, let's see what we can do."
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (Battleship and cruiser, yes?)
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: (ya, it looks like the battleship is legging it while covered by the cruiser
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Rritt, bring us about for a strafing run on the cruiser." He hopes to weaken or even knock out their shields, perhaps scrub a few weapons off its hull.
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 43 (1-100)
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (probably just the very first of those :/ )
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Hag'lhr peppers the cruiser's shield that faces Thana, and drops it down to 70%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana continues it's strategic withdrawal while unleashing a barrage of torpedoes from it's rear launchers on the cruiser, mostly out of spite than strategic value
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 98 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Wow
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: there you kids. Don't f*** with the OSN *nodnod*
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: teach the baddies for rolling well!
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: hehe
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Well, the spite seems working well, as torpedoes wreak havoc on the cruiser, dropping down it's port shields completely and destroying half the guns on that side...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 3 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Welp we stole Kujho's dice...
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: hehe
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Think I just heard a pew pew, bb gun shot on that one.
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: erm, what does ku'jho do...and you can reroll
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: everyone has 1 reroll per event, don't forget
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: oops sorry.
Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg tactical fires all tetryon banks on the cruiser.
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 8 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Yeah...definitely stole his spots
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Ah nice, same thing..a bunch of guys whisper in..pew pew pew.
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: ..."I said fire the tetryon banks, not break out the fireworks!"
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Most of the shots bounce off the cruiser's starboard shields, as G'Quan's gunners clear and reacquire targeting locks...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari opens its main hangar and a bunch of drones leave the ship and move towards Thana. It looks like a bunch of somebodies jury-rigged the excavation drills and similar equipment into repair drones...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser keeps the current course and speeds up, preparing to warp out...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi battleship does warp out.,
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> As does the last remaining frigate.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 4 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Everyone gets a shot at the cruiser as it tries to warp away...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Please roll in usual order - B'atar, Egzo, Lorri, Ku'jho.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 76 (1-100)
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 11 (1-100)
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 56 (1-100)
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: assuming you are shooting at aft shields.
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: hahahahano
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 63 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> San'leth and Hag'lhr rush after escaping cruiser, damaging her aft shields by 25%. Thana chips a bit more, and G'Quan drops the shields completely - unfortunately not enough to do any hull/warp
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - engine damage. Cruiser jumps to warp seconds later...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari moves to catch disabled Tzenkethi frigate (the first one that was shot down) with a tractor beam before it enters Nel'tok II atmosphere, while the jury-rigged drones start -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - regenerating Thana's hull plating.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "All talk, no guramba."
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Derem> They will not be calling back to swear revengeance, I hope?
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- SCENE END --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - battleship, extending shields.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Kem: They are acquiring target locks, will be in finirng range in 30 seconds.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- PREPARATION ROUND --
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: you ccan plan before acting, talking is a free action most of the time
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar's action --
[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: <C> "San'leth moving to flank them. Try and keep their attention with your bigger ships!"
B'Atar@anncarise FX | Having cloaked before the fight, San'leth tries to sneak up behind a frigate before dropping cloak and firing its disruptor cannons and polaron beams.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 41 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> San'leth decloaks behind one of the "outermost" frigates and opens fire, but frigate expected the move and performs a "sidestep" move by burst firing it's port thrusters, and evades most of the-
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - damage, taking only 25% damage to aft shields.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <C> Hag'lhr, doin' the same.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <FX> Hag'lhr swings wide to the other side, lining up on a (different) frigate and decloaking to give it hell.
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 85 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Other outermost frigate tries to evade the attack the same way, but R'rit deftly compensates for the enemy's maneuver and stays on top of the evading ship - frigate takes serious pounding -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - as it's shields are completely fried!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana plays its part of being the team bullseye and looms towards the Tzen battleship, all forward weapons peppering its shields to get its attention, while both Interceptor squads+
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + swarm out from under its belly left and right
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 94 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: wow
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Everyone is just rolling better and better
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: *actually flies an outdated & plot-armoured Battlestar*
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Hahaha
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Thana's fire sprays the front shields of the mighty battleship, focusing on the weakest location just at the front of the ship. Front shields buckle under pressure.
Lorri@crystyll FX | The Interceptors sweep around the battleship to run interference against its reinforcing cruiser
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg looks to his tactical station.."Concentrate a full ssspread of quantum torpss on the battlessship in that weak ssspot Thana jusst found."
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 78 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Torpedoes hit the weakened front shields of the Tzenkethi battleship. Shields give up, and a couple of torpedoes strike the wide front side, devastating the missile barrage launchers and one of the
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - main tetryon heavy dual beam banks.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Derem> Turn the left side of the ship and provide covering fire!"
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Widrab> Left side? Is that port or starboard?
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Derem> Doesn't matter, just turn us and open fire!
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Heh.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari turns slowly to the flank, its cannon turrets targeting nearest enemy - frigate damaged by Hag'lhr. Frigate takes couple of direct (lucky?) shots in the bridge section and drifts -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - out of the combat zone.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Widrab2> Wait, we hit something?
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: haha
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Second tzenkethi frigate turns on Hag'lhr, moving on it's tail and peppring it's aft shields, dropping them down to 50%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> San'leth has it twice the hard, as both frigates focus on the bird of prey - having weapons both on front and aft, and their joint attack causes serious damage, dropping the San'leth's shields -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - down to 20%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser boosts its shield and computer link with the battleship, restoring the front shields to 30% and providing targeting locks on the incoming Interceptors.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Battleship reinforces its front SIF fields, slows to almost full stop in coordination with the cruiser. As it slows down it vents damaged front section holding the -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - damaged missile launcher bays allowing the inertia to carry them forward, along with the unexploded missiles towards the Thana. As they close the distance,
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - battleship fires a tetryon beam bank, igniting the protomatter munitions and creating a massive radiation/explosion cloud, damaging Thana's shields by 40% and messing up targeting locks.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 1 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar's action --
B'Atar@anncarise | San'leth tries to outmaneuver the frigates and get behind both of them, all the while opening fire on whichever one it has in its line of sight.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 50 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> While B'atar fails to outmaneuver the foes completely, she manages to score some more shots on the first frigate, dropping it's aft shields.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
Egzo@HF_Mudd is rocked in his command chair as the dispatched frigate's comrade avenges it. "Evade! Reinforce aft, use battery power if ya gotta!" If they can get clear, maybe re-engage cloak...
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 40 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Hag'lhr speeds away and re-engages cloak...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> All across Thana, alarms and hazard emitters light up as ship is bathed in protomatter radiation...
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana veers sideways, holding it's pace, and bringing the side cannons to bear on the battleship +
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: "Two can play at that game. Prepare to vent drive matter, and if you can; get a lock on that debris of theirs"
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + As it swings across the bow of the stationary battleship, green plasma vents from it's nacelles to bathe the Tzen ship in an equally unpleasant soup. If successful, the tractor lock would be towing+
[Local] Lorri@crystyll: + the Tzen's shed forward section full of missiles right back at it
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 53 (1-100)
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (Um, I think they detonated the whole thing with their guns.)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tractor beam fails to find any useful remains of the Tzenkethi's prow, Thana moves out of the protomatter radiation and swing by the big battleship, venting plasma and creating another veil -
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: argh, it's prov?
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: i thought it was just leaking, a big explosion of a missile bank like that would have taken the Thana out?
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: *shrug* all good fun!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - between the two big ships.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Interceptors start attack run on the cruiser, but so far they don't manage to do damage that isn't immediately regenerated by the shield-link.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg Tactical, all tetryon banksss concentrate on the battlessship.
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 74 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Even with the protomatter radiation providing partial cover, G'Quan's frontal weaponry finds the weak spot, this time frying the front shields emitters for good!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari fires at the next closest target, remaining frigate at Egzo's side, but scores no lucky shots this time.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Said frigate turns on the Thana, focusing the side with damaged shields, dropping them from 60 to 25%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Two frigates on the other side of the battleship continue the deadly dance with San'leth, taking out it's remaining shields, but scoring no hull damage...so far.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser turns it's tetryon cannons on the Thana, and blows a hole through the weakened shields, and then makes another opening for the main hangar bay, causing moderate structural -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - damage to the orion flight-deck carrier.
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: sorry, they rolled natural 100
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: wow...they're rolling pretty well today...
[Team] Lorri@crystyll:
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Battleship turns to the side, trying to escape vented plasma that started eating through it's port shielding, it's tetryon weaponry returning favor to G'Quan, dropping the front shields to 60%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 2 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar action --
B'Atar@anncarise | San'leth launches a torpedo at the frigate that lost aft shields before breaking off and going evasive to avoid further hits.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 48 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Torpedo strikes exposed frigate's aft - not directly but enough to heavily damage it's aft engines and send the frigate into a spinning loop.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: you know, I need some kind of online RP tool so I can make space maps and give you battlefield situation after every action. I have it in my head but I'm unsure if my descriptions are good enough ...
Egzo@HF_Mudd nods in satisfaction as bridge readouts and officer reports show the aft shields coming back. Less pleasing is what the tactical display shows.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "San'leth's takin' hits. Let's take some pressure off."
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: I think I've done that with paint before haha
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: As in microsoft paint...
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: <FX> Hag'lhr sweeps across the battlefield and de-cloaks on the flank of one of the frigates harrying the other raider, opening fire as it ripples into visibility.
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: egzo chose b'atar over lorri to assist, #notsurprised
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 56 (1-100)
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Hey, I saw 'shields down'
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Also B'Atar chose to try and blow up the baddies instead of restoring shields hehe
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> While not expecting this development, Tzenkethi pilot is good enough to evade the full beatdown, but still loses 50% of their aft shields.
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: No defense like a good offense for Klingons!
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: must see if I can use that Roll d20 thingy
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: And move these events outside the game entirely? :wry:
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (I've used it, but only as a player.)
Lorri@crystyll decides to never again allow the males to pilot anything other than Interceptors and mentally notes to transfer the idiot who left their weakened shield facing the enemy over to Lexi's crew when she returns
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: well, if this game vanishes unexpectedly, I'm not giving up on running the events
Lorri@crystyll 's image flickers as the power surge from blow Interceptor manufacturing facility ripples throughout the Thana's EPS grid
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana veers away and barrel rolls over 180 degrees to protect it's weakened side. Obviously a female Orion is back at the helm. Interceptors swarm to protect the mothership as it turns away
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 41 (1-100)
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: not much to actually roll for there I know, Interceptor success or something? idk. just an IC response
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Thana turns on it's main axis and presents undamaged side to the enemies, and the interceptors abort their attacks on the enemy cruiser to provide defensive cover against incoming fire...
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Interceptor cover plus the manuever to change shield arcs.
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: and for context for ku'jho, Lexi is my previous char for whom it was a running joke that she regularly executed incompetent pilots xD
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
[Local] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Target quantum torp ssspread on the Sssan'lethsss attackersss.
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 63 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Frigate has no chance withstanding battlecruiser's fire, and torpedo swarm rips it to pieces, forcing Hag'lhr into last second evasive action...
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: no kill like overkill?
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: The klingon way..
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari keeps firing on the remaining frigate, but it's cannon fire fails to connect with the dodgy vessel.
Egzo@HF_Mudd swears quietly as Rritt barely gets Hag'lhr clear of the sudden bright detonation(s). "Too close..."
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser keeps pressure on the Thana, moving between orion vessel and the battleship. Most dangerous hits are absorbed by the "defensive layer" of Interceptors, almost half of them -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - getting exploded by the powerful heavy weaponry.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Battleship keeps turning and starts speeding up putting San'leth and Hag'lhr in "crossfire" between itself and G'Quan. It's broadside fires undiscriminating...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: ...and fortunately missing the smaller vessels, but still hitting the big battlecruiser and dropping it's front shields to 25%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 3 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> The last enemy frigate turns around and speeds up, leaving the battlefield...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> The frigate with damaged aft engines manages to stabilize it's trajectory and steers with remaining thrusters towards the battleship...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- B'atar's action --
B'Atar@anncarise | San'leth tries to intercept the frigate heading to the battleship, darting behind it and opening fire with all forward weapons to try and finish it.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 97 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: yes!
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Finally a good roll!
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Bit of a waste on a damaged frigate...but still a good roll for once!
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Poor frigate stands no chance, at it explodes in fiery inferno of conflagrating detonations.
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (Showing off your English vocabulary there a bit? ;)
[Local] B'Atar@anncarise: "Ha! About time I got one!"
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Egzo's action --
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I just wish my grammar was on the same level lel.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Nice. Uh... Thana's in a bad way, let's see what we can do."
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (Battleship and cruiser, yes?)
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: (ya, it looks like the battleship is legging it while covered by the cruiser
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Rritt, bring us about for a strafing run on the cruiser." He hopes to weaken or even knock out their shields, perhaps scrub a few weapons off its hull.
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 43 (1-100)
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: (probably just the very first of those :/ )
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Hag'lhr peppers the cruiser's shield that faces Thana, and drops it down to 70%.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Lorri's action --
Lorri@crystyll FX | Thana continues it's strategic withdrawal while unleashing a barrage of torpedoes from it's rear launchers on the cruiser, mostly out of spite than strategic value
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 98 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Wow
[Team] Lorri@crystyll: there you kids. Don't f*** with the OSN *nodnod*
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: teach the baddies for rolling well!
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: hehe
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Well, the spite seems working well, as torpedoes wreak havoc on the cruiser, dropping down it's port shields completely and destroying half the guns on that side...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- Ku'jho's action --
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 3 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Welp we stole Kujho's dice...
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: hehe
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Think I just heard a pew pew, bb gun shot on that one.
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: erm, what does ku'jho do...and you can reroll
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: everyone has 1 reroll per event, don't forget
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: oops sorry.
Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg tactical fires all tetryon banks on the cruiser.
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 8 (1-100)
[Team] B'Atar@anncarise: Yeah...definitely stole his spots
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Ah nice, same thing..a bunch of guys whisper in..pew pew pew.
[Team] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: ..."I said fire the tetryon banks, not break out the fireworks!"
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Most of the shots bounce off the cruiser's starboard shields, as G'Quan's gunners clear and reacquire targeting locks...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari opens its main hangar and a bunch of drones leave the ship and move towards Thana. It looks like a bunch of somebodies jury-rigged the excavation drills and similar equipment into repair drones...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi cruiser keeps the current course and speeds up, preparing to warp out...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Tzenkethi battleship does warp out.,
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> As does the last remaining frigate.
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- ROUND 4 --
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Everyone gets a shot at the cruiser as it tries to warp away...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Please roll in usual order - B'atar, Egzo, Lorri, Ku'jho.
[Emotes] B'Atar@anncarise: rolls 76 (1-100)
[Emotes] Egzo@HF_Mudd: rolls 11 (1-100)
[Emotes] Lorri@crystyll: rolls 56 (1-100)
[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: assuming you are shooting at aft shields.
[Team] Egzo@HF_Mudd: hahahahano
[Emotes] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: rolls 63 (1-100)
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> San'leth and Hag'lhr rush after escaping cruiser, damaging her aft shields by 25%. Thana chips a bit more, and G'Quan drops the shields completely - unfortunately not enough to do any hull/warp
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - engine damage. Cruiser jumps to warp seconds later...
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> S.S. Rundari moves to catch disabled Tzenkethi frigate (the first one that was shot down) with a tractor beam before it enters Nel'tok II atmosphere, while the jury-rigged drones start -
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - regenerating Thana's hull plating.
[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "All talk, no guramba."
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Derem> They will not be calling back to swear revengeance, I hope?
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: -- SCENE END --
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