4 & 7 Feb: Kelterre II

According to existing Federation records, the star system Kelterre is home to four fairly undistinguished planets and three humble comets. And since that's about all the information that exists, the system is due for a more extensive survey. Argo follows up on the heels of the science expedition team that went radio silent.


Part I: 4 Feb @ alpha hour
Part II: 7 Feb @ lambda

These events are directly sequential, they are not repeats. Participation in one is not mandatory to participate in the other.

Where: You will want to position yourself outside of K-7 in space to make a quick transition into the foundry map. Other than that, we will be starting with bridge RP.

What: Foundry definitely, but might be a little bit of everything. Except combat. No co-- ... wait. Hrm. Maybe there might be combat. Wow, guys, this one's a total crapshoot!

OOC points of contact: @evenrue


This is a two-part event that will progress at real time. It is most likely that only one ship will be sent to investigate, maybe two.

Please note the following equipment requests!

- flashlight device: appropriated by running the fleet action Starbase Incursion. This is optional, will just 'enhance' your RP experience

- any speed floater jetpack: from the Risa summer event, which means it won't be possible for some of the newer members to get if they don't already have it, unfortunately. I will be polling to find out who is able to obtain which equipment and make sure to assign mission parameters accordingly.
Time/day has changed a bit, apologies for any confusion.

The first event will be on Thurs, Feb 4th, at alpha hour.
The second one will be, as originally planned, on Sun, Feb 5th 7th, at lambda hour.

Furthermore, the original post has been edited with some equipment requests. These are not mandatory, but what you are able to bring may dictate what your role in the mission will be.
((That's Superbowl Sunday, Kat))
The first event will be on Thurs, Feb 4th, at alpha hour.
The second one will be, as originally planned, on Sun, Feb 5th, at lambda hour.
Uhhh Thursday the 4th, and Sunday the 5th?
Mreh, whoops, wrote it right everywhere else. Sunday the 7th.

As for Superbowl, yeah ..... don't care. :p if no one comes cause you'd all rather watch football, I'll live. :roll:
I have no interest in American Football. I have a lot of interest in exploration RP.
I'll be there.
I'll be there as well.

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((Thursday, Febuary 4th? Do you mean Friday or Febuary 3rd?))
It's this Thursday, the 4th.

Osi, you might be looking at Thursday, the 3rd, in March. (I am guessing this because when I double-checked the date, *I* panicked when I saw Thursday the 3rd... then realized it was March that I was looking at. :p )
Yup, was looking at March.
Pfft american football, try soccer. Ill try to be there.
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Soccer with a flashlight in a foundry mission and you can do both. I can try and be there on the Sunday.

*Dodges various airborne objects moving at high velocity towards the head*
How late do you estimate the Thursday alpha shift going?
I have an event I am running elsewhere at 8, so i could only be there an hour.
I'm expecting about two hours, no more than three.

As with some of my other events, there is going to be problem-solving, so how fast that goes depends on you guys, but that also means it's not a big deal to skip out early. You should definitely get most of the story pretty quickly and without staying for the whole thing.
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Will the part on Sunday require a lot of actiony-foundry stuff too? Or will there be "roles" that can be played outside that?
Question answered in PMs to avoid potential spoilers. If this is a concern for anyone else, please message me for a response.

- any speed floater jetpack: from the Risa summer event, which means it won't be possible for some of the newer members to get if they don't already have it, unfortunately. I will be polling to find out who is able to obtain which equipment and make sure to assign mission parameters accordingly.

If a member wants/needs a floater jetpack they can get with me before the event. I have enough favors to get level 1 floaters for about 40 people or level 3 floaters for 4. :). But, yeah, willing to hand out favors for folks to get floaters if they have access to the summer store.
Now that I've officially returned I'm totally joining in on this. Would be a great way to get River back in the fray with Argo. :)
I'd love to do this, but my work schedule dictates I'd need to leave an hour after this starts. I hate doing only half an RP, but I could probably do Sunday.