Interrogation of Starfleet prisoners has revealed the location of 12 surviving Azedi dreadnoughts. All available battlefleet ships are being gathered to assault the I-7815 System to destroy the dreadnoughts and any Starfleet ships arriving to meet with them. This mission takes priority over all other assignments.
At great cost, a trap has been set for the Terran fleet. They believe a number of Azedi dreadnoughts are hiding and vulnerable in the I-7815 System, near the Itrin/Doza border. Because of the potential threat posed by such a gathering of dreadnoughts, and the original objective of their invasion, Starfleet Intelligence believes that the Terrans will commit the bulk of their battlefleet to this engagement. When they arrive, the 38th Fleet will be ready for them.
Shift Time: beta
Audience: SEMI-OPEN for any character controlling a starship.
Event Type: Structured
Starting Point: Discord
This event will use the SHIP Captain space combat system for PvP. I’d expect it to last around 3 hours.