27 Oct: Voyage Home, part 6

After chasing away the Tzenkethi, all what is left is to secure the planet...


When: Sunday, Oct 27, Alpha-1

Audience: Klingon and allies

Event type: Bridge RP

Starting point: Starship bridge

OOC point of contact: @gulremal
Spoiler: Is this gonna be a stand-up fight, or another bug hunt?Show
[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Five days have passed after the battle over Nal'tok II. After securing the disabled Tzenkethi frigate and doing the necesarry ship repairs, team is called by the High Engineer Derem to meet him-

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - at the widrab base camp just below the planet's surface. The room they are in was once some kind of a mess hall or similar gathering place, and is now used as a base of operations for widrab -

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - recovery teams that are clearing the rubble towards lower levels of now abandoned underground city.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Greetings! I hope things are well up in the space?

Istar@anncarise follows Lorri down and stands behind her to keep watch.

[Team] Istar@anncarise: *has the high ground* -10 to enemy attack rolls

Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg looks around the area.."Derem, isss the area ssstable and sssecure?"

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks around, confirming that himself by eye.

Istar@anncarise checks out the area as well through her visor.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Yes, we have secured the topmost areas of the old city. Shiled projectors will keep all the ground beasties away.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *shield

Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg give an affirming nod as he looks around.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: However, we have problems down below that will require your skills.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *he walks to the console that is totally on his size level and starts poking, and the old-looking projector at the centre of the gathering place whines a bit before turning on and showing a large -

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - underground 3-D map.

Egzo@HF_Mudd looks the map over as well.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Our teams have so far cleared the way to the main fabricator facilities, and we've started scrapping them for parts *parts of the map start blinking*

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: However, as we started clearing the rubble to the lower level towards the main computer core and the laboratories, we've hit a Creeper nest.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNXP4cvZovpyuy-Y7tkICm_xg24gJDDJ-AQXigeA_53EIZVyBiZA&s

[Team] Plott DeVice@gulremal: note: so not bluegills

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Guess we need to do pest control, then..."

[Local] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: Bugsss, good eating.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: I know, it's not a real scientific name, but they were named in ancient times while we were still using primitive weapons, and it stuck. They are our only natural predator in the depths of the

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - planet. They usually dwell near the geothermal sources, but they are often drawn to other heat and food sources.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: We've had to artificially collapse the way down and fall back. There's just too many for us to deal with.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: Guessin' tha tjust burnin' em out ain't an option.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: I'd appreciate if we could remove them without further damaging the ruins...they are probably drawn to old fusion reactor - it was probably left at low power to keep the lab and computer -

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: - security systems working.

Egzo@HF_Mudd hrmms and nods. "Makes sense."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Still, it's enough heat to draw them in. We sent our observation drones to scout the area...most didn't return, but we still got a good lay of the caverns.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Creepers are tough beasties, and very numerous, but their colonies follow the simple setup, which is centered on defending the "Queen", their main breeder.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: This Queen also relays order though bigger Creepers to their smaller, worker units.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "What happens if we off their Queen? Do they just shut down, or get less organized?"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: They become less organized, and start focusing on their own survival...until other Queen is hatched from one of the bigger ones. However, that makes them far more easier to deal with.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods. "So, priority target. Plus any of 'em what gets in the way."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: It would take days, if not weeks, for new Queen to hatch...depending on closeness of heat sources.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *nods* We will need distractions - couple of teams to hit from different directions, draw as much of them as possible, while the main team goes for the Queen - we'd get swarmed otherwise.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "I'm guessing it's not going to be as easy as beaming down beside her and disintegrating her?"

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Never is."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: I wish, it would make our own recovery work much easier - we could just beam out stuff we need. No, as usual, minerals in the rocks are causing too much interference.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: I'm not enjoying this prospect of having to fight the Creepers, but we've got so far to give up now.

Istar@anncarise chuckles, "Figured as much. Oh well, old fashioned way it is!"

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods, and cracks a few joints.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Let's get to it, then."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: I'll go with the main team, while volunteers from recovery teams will support other assault groups - if you think that's good idea.

Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg nods.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: I'll also use the mining charges to clear out the rubble.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Be careful, Creepers are called such for a reason. They can dig through soil and sneak on you if you're not careful.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Also, shoot the flying ones first, their buzzing sounds affect perception, making you miss or even hit friendlies.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Cute."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Big ones have really tough hides, and spit acid - be careful where you step!

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Small ones...well, they bite and will try to swarm you. So try not to get separated from the team. I'll support you with my drones and turrets, I'm not much of a fighter but I'll do my best -

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *waves his engineer stick*

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "And I thought the Klingons grew up on a rough homeworld..."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: If you need anything before going down, let me know, we have some medical supplies.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "I'm ready when you are."

Egzo@HF_Mudd unslings and racks his pulsewave disruptor, k-CHAK.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "I'm good."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: This way, then!

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <FX> Derem leads the team down the side stairs towards lower levels...

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: All teams are ready.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: I detect creepers just down the ridge.

Egzo@HF_Mudd clubs a particularly insistent Creeper with his stock, then finishes it with a blast.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: This is the last barrier

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Main nest starts just below this level.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Look out!

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Yeah, lost of creepers just below. We'll be hitting their first defense line.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Mind the jump.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "If anybody's got big guns, now might be the time. Long as we don't bring the tunnel down on top of us..."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "So this was just the warmup, huh?"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Yes, we can expect more numerous numbers as we close in.

Egzo@HF_Mudd grunts and nods.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Uh...

[Team] Istar@anncarise: I used my teleport to enemy kit

[Team] Istar@anncarise: got up to the ledge

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Phew!

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: We are getting close...

Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg crunch, crunch..."mmm Deliciousss!"

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "I hope those things weren't poisonous...they did spit acid you know."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Scans detect a big area down ahead...lots of lifesigns, and a really big one.

Istar@anncarise chuckles, "But then again, I wouldn't exactly be surprised if Gorn were immune to that."

[Local] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: You don't eat the gland that producesss acid, just the meat.

Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg chuckles.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Or that!"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Queen should be there...as will strongest defenses. We will have to focus on the queen, take her down quick, or we'll get swarmed fast.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Need to move. Come on!"

Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg nods.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Focus on the queen!

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Taking out a priority target, that's what we Ghosts do best!"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Ha! *takes holos*

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Now that was one oversized bug..."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: well done, now let's head back!

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Rest of 'em went t' ground. Literally."

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "No complaints about heading out of these tunnels from me!"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Yeah, survival of the fittest and all that.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "You say they'll lay low, 'till they can hatch another?"

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Yep, but we'll be gone by that time!

Egzo@HF_Mudd has found a cloth somewhere and is wiping bug spatter off his armor.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *His suit is still covered by creeper gunk, but he's in high spirits.*

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Hah! That was great! You wiped that creeper queen so fast my drones barely had time to record it!

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "That's what Ghosts do! Lil messier than my usual ops, though..."

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Guess it /was/ that easy. Almost."

[Local] Warhunter Ku'jho@Domarg: bet none of your opsss were asss tasssty though..

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Well, we'd never be able to clean them out without your help - without organized resistance, we'll have no problems dealing with any stragglers.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: If no other surprises pop up, we should be done with recovery efforts within half a tenday.

Egzo@HF_Mudd finishes with the wiping and discards the soiled rag. "Good."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: It's sad we have to scavenge the old Nel'tok this way, but this will help Mal'laan's own development efforts greatly.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Shlaak> Hag'lhr to Egzo.

Egzo@HF_Mudd speaks to his gauntlet. "Egzo, go 'head."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: <Shlaak> We've got Captain Cynis on the line. She wants to speak to you.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Put her through."

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: Derem: Lemme patch the call through the holoprojector.

[Local] Plott DeVice@gulremal: *tap taps on the console, until holo activates again and...

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods to Derem, and puts his arm down to watch as well as listen.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: *appears on the flickering holo, wearing some kind of trader outfit*

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "Hey, boss. What's with the getup?"

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Ah, finally. I'm in Donatu sector, doing some "off the books" inspections so to speak. Trying to figure out what's Maral doing, getting back to some of my old contacts during the war with feds.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Left the Daramar with my XO to keep watch on the breen border. Should be back in couple of weeks, you'll live.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Just had a chat with captain Henry Hawkins, if you guys remember him.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: *rises eyebrow* Come on, shouldn't be that hard, we don't have THAT many human mercs/businessmen around.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "I think I remember him..."

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: "Presumably from before my time out here"

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Oh well, anyhow, he's informed me about a rising company, Trans-Sector Trading Triskaidecarch, or TSTT, that could pose a problem in the future.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: *to Lorri* Did you hear about them?

Lorri@crystyll nods, "Not through direct dealings, but I am familiar with the name, yes"

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods.

[Local] Egzo@HF_Mudd: "And I remember the cutter, just wasn't impressed."

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "I've heard some mentions of that name, back before I was a Ghost."

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: They are heavily expanding, and no small deal to bunch of underhanded tactics, inlucing slavery.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Yeah, a lotta big scale crime ops tend to have business fronts. Seen so many with slavers and smugglers I can hardly remember all the names."

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Outside, they keep squaky clean image, but there's a lot of trash beside that facade. Hawkins wants them brough down a peg, I guess he has his reasons. I want to make sure these guys don't get into -

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: - bed with Maral and Syndicate, though I'm not sure how much the latter would appreciate TSTT butting into their turf.

[Local] Lorri@crystyll: "That's assuming a Syndicate cell isn't already pulling the strings there"

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Hawkins got me some info regarding their slavery business, and it's within Starfleet's area so I'm now heading to Deep Space 13.

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Well if they're slavers, I'm all up for taking 'em down. Doesn't matter who they answer to."

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Egzo, I'll be assigning commander Bara and couple other stealth capable merc ships to the task of tracking TSTT trade routes.

Egzo@HF_Mudd nods to the holo.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: I want to know what are they really transporting, and possibly "impounding" illegal goods. *ahems*

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: I want you folks to check with your contacts and see what you can dig about this corp. They are run by a circle of 12 businessmen - well, 13, but one got "taken care of" in the meantime.

Egzo@HF_Mudd snorts and nods. Occupational hazard.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: I'm sending you all the data I managed to get from feddie network...

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: https://argo.enjin.com/forum/m/6618775/viewthread/32465072-transsector-trading-triskaidecarch

[Team] Sadia@gulremal: you are free to ping the player about it :)

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Anyhow, keep up the work you're currently doing. If I'll need an actual backup, I'll let you know. We'll have a briefing when I return.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: This TSTT isn't an issues to us now, but for once, I'd like to be able to stomp a spark now before it turns into a wildfire.

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Anything you guys have to report, before I move out? You look like you've been fighting?

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Just pest control!"

[Local] Istar@anncarise: "Stomped out a few big bugs, nothing to worry about!"

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: Very well, that's all for now then. Cynis out.

[Team] Istar@anncarise: Thanks for the event and I'll see you all next week!

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: <FX> Sadia's image fades...

[Local] Sadia@gulremal: -- SCENE END --
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