Species and Planet: Eledri System



Eledri are a race of telepathic bipedal humanoids native to the planet Eledri Prime. Their appearance is similar to that of Vulcans, with a few obvious differences. They generally start developing their telepathic skills at an early age; slowly gaining the ability over time until reaching peak abilities around puberty. The level of telepathy is most keen among eachother, though they have been known to be empathic with other species, and even able to speak telepathically with offworlder telepaths.

Eledri also produce a pheromone which tends to induce a calmed state in eachother and most other species they encounter, though inhibitors are used to limit the effectiveness of the pheromone, both for the Eledri and for visitors to their world.

Eledri seem to have no issues interbreeding with most other species, with the offspring having the genetic traits of both parents.

According to recovered data, the Eledri have the Borg designation of Species 4777.

(left: An Eledri female mid-50's in age. right: An Eledri male late 70's in age.)


On average a height of between 1.5 and 1.85 meters , with slim-line appearance, and weighing approximately 45 to 75 kilograms on average, dependent on height. With women being slightly taller than men.

As all Eledri are telepathic, they sometimes choose not to vocalize their thoughts to one another in order to communicate, but often do so for the benefit of offworlders. While Eledri are able to empathically sense the moods and feelings of offworlder species, they tend to ask permission first, as this is the custom and the law on Eledri Prime. Among eachother, permission to telepathically read one another is implicit, unless stated otherwise by the individual. As a result, duplicity among the Eledri tends to be limited, and they will often tell offworlders exactly what they are thinking in a polite, but often blunt fashion.

Externally, Eledri are nearly indistinguishable from Vulcans, with the exception of their ridged brows, called Lovi Zedai, and their innately darkened pupils. They can reproduce with many species, although this often dilutes the telepathic abilities of the offspring. Full Eledri are unable to read the minds of Ferengi, Breen, Ullians, Dopterians, or Changelings due to their unusual brain lobe formations.

Eledri produce a releaser pheromone when experiencing high levels of adrenaline release into their systems. The pheromone produces what is called The Eledri Effect, which simply put, pacifies the mood and behavior those in the general area. It also acts as an alarm pheromone, signaling other Eledri in the general area to come to the aid of the original releaser. There are several different types of inhibitors produced to counteract the Eledri effect, and many are used by tourists to Eledri Prime, and Eledri members of Starfleet and other such organizations.

There has been some speculation of a commonality between the Eledri and Vulcan species, based on appearance and shared internal structure, recently a genetic survey by Romulan Republic scientists have suggested a common post-sundering origin. These findings have undergone Federation peer review, and had gained acceptance among the many in the scientific and religious communities on Eledri Prime prior to the rise of the Legacy regime. It should be noted that while this theory has not been disproven, the study of it and education based on it have been recently outlawed officially by the Legacy government. The findings of the study have been endorsed by the leadership of the Vulcan Autonomous Zone of al'Loviva.


Childbearing is similar to humans, except the normal gestation rate for Eledri females is 10 months rather than 9. Eledri are considered adult at the age of 15, though it is frowned upon to procreate prior to the midpoint of the second decade of life, and Eledri women are not considered to be fully matured until they at least reach their 30s in equivalent human years.

Eledri are also fertile for the majority of their lives, sometimes having children in their 70s, and even beyond with medical assistance.

Eledri have an average lifespan of 170 standard years, though some have lived into their second century.

Full blooded Eledri have very dark pupils, often black. It is not uncommon however for half-blooded Eledri to have lighter colored pupils as the gene from the non-Eledri side can dominate.

The pronounced ridges of the Eledri brow, called Lovi Zedai or Mask of the Goddess in basic, are a vascular system used to cool the blood supply entering the brain, and is suspected to be linked to their telepathic abilities.

Eledri blood is dark purple in color, and is based on both magnesium and copper compounds, as opposed to iron in many other species. The blood of a hybrid Eledri will always retain the color and type system of the Eledri parent.


Due to the nature of Eledri, they are mostly found in positions of psychiatry, psychology, therapy, and diplomacy. Their ability to be empathic with most species makes them most suited to this area within the Federation, even though will occasionally find them in other positions.

They tend to display many various personalities, and are just as varied as humans are. Most tend to run on the extroverted side, yet probably 30% of them are introverts. They appear to enjoy socializing in large groups, while also creating a smaller inner circle of trusted friends and family. Most seek enlightenment through personal experience, often traveling a great deal over a lifetime or taking up several careers over their long lifespans. They also display total honesty, almost a phenomenon. It is encouraged strongly even while young, but it persists often throughout their last days. It can be viewed sometimes as brutal and impolite honesty, but they mean no harm when they speak the blind truth.

Some Eledri are outspoken and strong willed, others can be quiet, sensitive, and subjective. Most fall in-between.


The social organization of the Eledri is an open class-system, with individual achievement and personal merit determining social rank. While gender roles are mostly equal, the Eledri had a history of matriarchy, which still holds over in some cases.

Eledri society values the comfort of its citizens and guests, as well as their entertainment and personal freedom to express themselves in whatever manner they wish as long as it doesn’t harm others. This socially liberal mindset has made many consider Eledri Prime as a potential new home, something the Eledri themselves welcome as xenophobia is nearly non-existent in Eledri society.

Eledri society focuses more toward the present and future and less towards traditions and history, and not much is known of that history. Still, Eledri hold many festivals and celebrations to mark the growth of their culture over time.

Despite their welcoming nature, their location in the Kassae sector has put their society in peril through several conflicts between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, as well as the Dominion and Iconian wars. As such, they’ve maintain a substantial civil defense force, despite their innate pacifism.

Prior to first contact, there are very few recorded instances of war between the Eledri, with none lasting longer than a year. Most disputes were resolved with diplomacy and ritual appeasement.

In mid-2416, after the death of their High Minister, Eledri Prime voted to leave the Federation and form a new government, seemingly taking a more isolationist stance.


The Eledri government is called The Eledri Legacy, is led by a High Minister, and is a Democratic Republic. The High Minister appoints cabinet members to lead various lower ministries of governance for the duration of the High Minister’s term, which last six years. There is also a high court of laws, and the Legacy Chamber and Diet, which are separate legislatures made up of regional representatives. Information on the post-Unity government is based off of currently known information.


(left: The flag and anthem of the Eledri Legacy. right: The symbol of the High Minister's government.)

Prior to Eledri Prime leaving the Federation, their government was known as the Eledri Unity.

The Eledri Unity had been a member of the Federation since 2310, and Starfleet made first contact with them in 2256, not long after the successful launch of the first Eledri warpship, al'Latani.

They held a seat on the council, and while not considered a major power, their location and culturally welcoming mindset had allowed their status to rise over time.

The Unity also maintained relations on a planetary level with many worlds, both Federation and otherwise, for the purpose of trade and cultural exchange. The status of diplomatic relations with the post-Unity government is currently unknown.


The Eledri culture is a vibrant one, with importance placed on celebration, personal enjoyment and the arts, while focusing less on its own personal history; it instead places value in the many cultural exchanges that take place among their people and the various visitor species.

A lot of evidence points towards a monotheistic belief in the deity al’Zedai, or The Goddess, in basic. There are mentions of a sacred text recounting the religion, though it is not widely shared with offworlders, and rarely mentioned.

The arts hold a very special place in Eledri culture, with many government grants being given to foster artistic expression. Eledri also high value the art of other cultures, incorporating it into their own works whenever appropriate.

The sciences are also important to the Eledri, but to a lesser degree than the arts. Still, several notable Eledri scientists have worked in the fields of physics, warp theory, subspace theory and medicine.

Eledri schooling starts at an early age and is very intensive, most students spending fourteen hours a day, for most of the year, in classes, so that they might be fully educated by the age of majority, which is fifteen years.

There are several holidays celebrated in Eledri culture, but none is more important than the Festival of Gratitude, which is a weeklong celebration on Eledri Prime, where Eledri are encouraged to return home to observe. Before the festival, there are seven preludes during there year that an Eledri will observe to prepare.


Eledri Prime
Eledri Homeworld, Former Federation Member (Kassae sector)

Spoiler: Regional DataShow
April's Landing System

The April's Landing System is a star system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. It's third planet is the location of the April's Landing colony, a Federation colony named after former captain of the USS Enterprise and ambassador-at-large Robert April and his wife Sarah, who helped to establish the colony. The April's Landing colony is the home of 3 million residents.

Ayala System

The Ayala System is a star system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. It is the site of a Federation maximum security facility. The existence of Facility 4028 is not general knowledge.

Cernan System

The Cernan System is a system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. Due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Starfleet requires that members of away teams visiting Cernan II be inoculated with a tri-ox compound prior to arrival. Trace amounts of argon-nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere may cause problems for Benzite away team members. Respiration devices are recommended.

Dace System

The Dace System is a system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. A Y-class world with a diameter of 55,047 km. Surface temperatures can exceed 500 degrees Kelvin. Thermionic radiation discharges from the planet may affect starship navigation systems. Low orbit is considered hazardous, and away missions are restricted without approval from Starfleet Command.

Dragus System

The Dragus System is a system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. On the edge of the Briar Patch, the Dragus system is the home an independent colony called Perdition. Perdition is considered to be somewhat lawless, and not recommended for travel for the purposes of personal leave, trade or commerce. The Dragus systems is suspected to harbor various criminal enterprises and is a known home to piracy and mercenary activity. The Dragus system was originally settled as a Human colony for those who were against the Federation's notion of inclusiveness, and that same xenophobia seems to persist even today. Exact numbers on the population of Perdition are unknown.

Eledri System

The Eledri System is a star system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. The system's second planet, Eledri Prime, is the most populated planet in the sector, and home to the Eledri people. The system's third planet, Zedai Minor, hosts the bulk of the Eledri Civil Defense facilities, including its cadet training facility. There are over ten billion Eledri and over two hundred million residents of other species in the system, mostly on Eledri Prime.

Hightower System

The Hightower System is a star system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. Hightower's position on the edges of Federation territory made it a vital strategic asset and first defense during several conflicts with the Klingon Empire. While not nearly as vital in the modern age, the M.A.C.O training facilities there still makes the system important in the grand scheme. 1.5 million people call Hightower colony and its attached facilities home.

Kassae System

The Kassae System is a system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. The Kassae System consists of seven planets orbiting a G-class star. Starships entering the system should adjust communications systems to compensate for high levels of metreon isotopes. The Federation Science Council has an archaeological research team stationed on Kassae II to study an extensive series of underground ruins linked to a reptilian race that may have been a precursor to the Gorn and Saurian species, among others.

Sardah System

The Sardah System is a system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. A Federation colony world with more than 4.7 million residents. The Sardah Academy of Cosmology is famed throughout the Federation, as are the volcanic lakes of Sardah's Ulpek province. Tourists often visit Sardah to see the "Great Plumes", a luminous astronomical phenomenon similar to the aurora borealis on Earth.

Servin System

The Servin System is a system located in the Kassae Sector of the Beta Quadrant. Servin II and III share an orbit around the G-class star in this system. Although the two worlds are not technically twin planets, the trajectory of their orbits and the composition of their atmospheres shares some properties with Romulus and Remus. The Federation Science Council has proposed using the Servin system as part of its ongoing study of the Hobus supernova. Pirates under the control of the Orion Syndicate have recently begun using Servin II as a rendezvous point. Transport captains are advised to use caution when moving through the system.



~11 billion total
~10 billion Eledri
~250 million of other species


Type : Small iron/silicate
Radius: 4814.74 km (0.76 x earth)
Surface Area: 2.91 x 108 km2
Land Area: 1.25 x 108 km2 (0.84 x earth)
Mass: 2.97 x 1024 kg (0.50 x earth)
Density: 6.35 g/cm3 (1.15 x earth)
Composition: 40.3% iron, 29.2% nickel, 20.4% oxygen, 9.8% silicon, 0.3% other metals, trace other elements
Gravity: 8.51 m/s2 (0.87 x earth)
Escape Velocity: 9.05 km/s
Rotation Period: 21.32 hours
Axis Tilt: 30.87°
Solar Cycle: 295.25 standard solar days


  • 8 functioning ground-based spaceports
  • 1 orbital space station
  • 320 'minor' starships, ~12 crew
  • 30 'major' starships, ~150 crew


The Federation's first contact with the Eledri occurred in 2256, when after a decade of observation, the U.S.S. Hood was sent to make formal introductions after the successful launch and warp jump of Eledri Prime's first warp capable vessel, al'Latani. Captain Kenneth Dodge and his crew managed to arrange for formal meetings to establish diplomatic relations between the Federation and the people of Eledri Prime, and remarked that, "These people are remarkably welcoming, and remarkably blunt. While understandably surprised by initial first contact gestures, they seemed to take it in stride pretty well."

The Eledri system, and Eledri Prime specifically rapidly became a destination for trade and commerce, as the species seemed to advance in technological abilities. Advancing from the warp 1 ship al'Latani, to faster warp capable ships that were soon reaching top speeds of warp 5.8. The system was given protectorate status, and eventually petitioned for full Federation membership in 2294, being granted that status in 2310.


The Capital of Eledri Prime is the megalopolis of Detak, which is the home of half a billion people. Detak is divided into 25 districts and foreign enclaves, and is the most populous city on Eledri Prime. It's also the home of the Federation Embassy and the embassies of several worlds, Federation and otherwise.

al'Loviva is the location of the Vulcan embassy, and one of the largest Syrrannite monasteries outside of Vulcan territory.

Dodge City, named after Captain Kenneth Dodge of the U.S.S. Hood, is a major point of interest for humans traveling to Eledri Prime, and historians of 23rd century Starfleet. It hosts the U.S.S. Hood Museum, which includes a full sized replica of the Hood.