Zantaari Resettlement Project | To: Starbase Department Heads, RDML Perim


CC CAPT Freeman, RDML Perim
FROM CMDR Thiessen
SUBJ Zantaari Resettlement Project

Following up on the previous line of communication on this matter, I am pleased to announce that the 3rd planet of the K-1454 System has been cleared by our teams as ready for habitation by the Zantaari people.

Getting this started I have several requests. I'd like for us to get this first group off the station
and on-planet by the end of the week. To that goal:

Admiral, I'd like to request aid from what ships you could spare for a three part resettlement. I know Lieutenant Commander Zaldo of the Myanmar had shown interest in assisting in this aspect of the project. Whatever ships you could spare would be appreciated.

Doctor Pohl, please tap officers you can spare to assist in outfitting USS Atlantis with the necessary medical equipment for long-term medical care - additional immunizations, regenerators, and standard supplies for refugee housing for long-term. You're likely well aware so I'll leave this up to your judgement.

Commander Sivath, Everhart, Caspius if you would please select staff that have skill enough to assist, we'll be setting up prefabs and technology onsite of their new colony. As the structures are constructed and technology at the level they're comfortable with installed we're going to need people who can ensure their finest minds are properly trained.

I've coordinated with High Chief Ooog and we're sending along quite a few of their best minds and leaders in this first wave. A good base and established order will be best to have in place before we begin bringing in the more vulnerable members of their society.

We're almost there. More individual dissemination of pertinent information will make its way to you each as it comes in. Thanks for all the hard work so far.


Commander Tau Thiessen
Executive Officer, Deep Space Thirteen
TO CMDR Thiessen
CC <38th\Command>; CAPT Burns; CAPT Desimone; CAPT Nimitz;
SUBJ Zantaari Resettlement Project

Commander Thiessen,

In addition to the Atlantis, the resettlement effort will be allocated the assistance of the Axiom, Yorktown, and Rutledge. This group of vessels should be able to complete the entire relocation with a single trip each to New Zantaar and therefore with minimal interruption in normal patrols.

Once relocation is complete, those vessels will return to their regular duties while Captain Freeman and the Atlantis remain in the Tau Zeta System to oversee the construction and setup of the expanded colony facilities and to ensure that the Zantaari are settling into their new home.

Please thank Lieutenant Commander Zaldo for her enthusiasm, but the limited carrying capacity of the Avenger Class makes Myanmar a poor choice for this assignment. However, seeing as Atlantis will be indisposed for at least the next week, you may utilize Myanmar in its place for patrols of the local system.

Thank you for your hard work on this project, Commander. Well done.

Rear Admiral Neema Perim
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet