Xedi - Diplomatic Meeting - 94090.1 AAR

Captain Fiona Skye
Level 1 - Open

LOCATION: USS MacAlpine, Captains Ready Room.
Isep Xedi II, Doza Sector, Alpha Quadrant

MISSION: Continuation of diplomatic interactions with the Xedi Sepecies.

OUTCOME: The USS MacAlpine hosted a minister of the Xedi people, in the goal on continuation of diplomatic comunication.

Captain Skye, F.
Minister Harley (Xedi Representative)

NARRATIVE: Upon the arrival of the Xedi Minister aboard the USS MacAlpine, I (Captain Fiona Skye) hosted the minister in my ready room to discuss continued diplomatic communication with the Xedi people.
Upon the start of the conversation, the Minister requested to know what sort of technology the United Federation of Planets (UFP) would be willing to share with them, I then regretfully informed the minister that the UFP is unwilling to offer technology to newly encountered species with first assessing their development due to the Prime Directive.
The core of the conversation revolved around the minister learning more about how the UFP would be taking diplomatic communication forward between the UFP and the Xedi people.

At the end of the conversation, I then inquired into the nature of their government and core beliefs. The Minister described a nation ruled by a ruler picked for life based upon who scores the highest out of the ministers in a number of exams; their ministers are selected in the same manner. The Minister also revealed that they believe in a higher power that created everything.

RECOMMENDATION: Diplomatic interactions could prove to be beneficial for all involved. But further study of their society is recommended, along with care when it comes to them gaining or learning about our technology, as they seemed almost too eager to learn about our technology.

OOC: If I've unintentionally misrepresented your character's actions, misspelt their names, got their rank incorrect, et cetera, please send me a PM over enjin and I'll make the necessary edits.