AAR: Satellite Repairs

Stardate 94133.8
CAPT Nimitz A.H.
Level 1 - Open

LOCATION: Isep Xedi system, Droza sector

MISSION: Starfleet communication satellite was taken offline, Akagi was sent to repair.

OUTCOME: Satellite repaired, Xedi are preparing to send a diplomatic delegation to Deep Space 13.

CAPT A Nimitz
CAPT Fives
LCDR T. sh'Zarath
LCDR K. Verlin

NARRATIVE: The Akagi was dispached to the Isep Xedi system after Deep Space 13 lost contact with the communication Satellite that was left in orbit. Upon arriving the Akagi found a Xedi ship parked next to the Satellite with someone tethered to the Xedi ship. After talking with the Captain of the Xedi ship, we beamed her and her engineer, as well as the Satellite into our hanger bay for repairs. The Captain was escorted to the bridge while the Engineer was shown how the Satellite works.

As repairs were underway, Myself and Fives had a talk with the Xedi captain, where we learned it was her idea to look at the satellite, unintentionally breaking it, while we explained we were not mad, just worried because of the sudden loss in contact, the captain contacted her own government where they proposed sending a delegation to Deep Space 13. After repairs were finished, we sent the Captain and Engineer back to their ship and redeployed the satellite.

RECOMMENDATION: The Xedi don't seem to be at huge of a risk for learning new technology, and they have an appetite for acquire our Federation technology. I recommend allowing their delegation to arrive and hearing out what they want.