AAR: Rebuild External Structures

Stardate 95037.6
LT Maxwell
Level 1 - Open

LOCATION: Deep Space 13.

MISSION: Complete installation of external structures, pressurize remaining decks, test emergency bulkheads and forcefields.

OUTCOME: External structures installed, station fully pressurized, tests completed successfully.

Captain Caspius
Lieutenant Maxwell
Engineering Teams 3, 4, 6, 8, 9

NARRATIVE: External structure installation was directed from Main Engineering. Installation of all modules but module six proceeded without issue. During the course of the installation for module six power junction 14B was severed due to improper maneuvering. The resulting power loss prevented magnetic interlocks 250 through 304 from properly engaging. An engineering team was dispatched to repair the damaged junction. Once repairs were complete station pressurization began.

Pressurization went without issue, and engineering now reports all decks and sections fully pressurized. Access remains restricted to approved areas per order of Captain Caspius.

Following full pressurization tests were carried out on the emergency bulkheads and forcefield systems. All bulkheads triggered and sealed without issue. During the course of forcefield testing primary EPS junctions on decks 102 and 103 were reporting maximum throughput capacity. Engineering teams were dispatched, as the reported levels were far below their rated values. A team discovered safety features designed to protect workers during installation were not fully deactivated and rectified the problem on site.

RECOMMENDATION: No action necessary.

OOC: Rebuild External Structures of Project DS13