SUBJ: Customer Support ID#192783| TO: CMDR R. Phoenix, CAPT A. Nimitz

Stardate 95041.5

TO CMDR R. Phoenix, U.S.S. Zulu; CAPT A. Nimitz, U.S.S. Akagi
FROM <TSTT/Customer_Service>
SUBJ Customer Support ID#192783

Dear valued customer,

We are sorry to have received a complaint from you about one of our services. Please be assured that we take all complaints seriously here at TSTT, and we value your input.

Please accept a token of our appreciation below. For further comments or complaints, please contact customer support through the usual channels.

Vrilki Papic
Head of Customer Relations, Trans-Sector Trading Triskaidecarch

Level 2 - Confidential
Stardate 95049.0

TO CAPT E. Quint, U.S.S. Victory
CC CAPT A. Nimitz, U.S.S. Akagi
FROM CMDR R. E. Phoenix, U.S.S. Zulu
SUBJ FW: Customer Support ID#192783

Captain Quint,

Please see the forwarded message and the attached report below.

Neither Captain Nimitz or I submitted this support ticket, but the tracking code says that it was submitted from Deep Space K-7. I believe the ticket is a trap. The holiday is to a planet in the Donatu Sector, named in the Federation database as D-8372. Originally surveyed as an M Class planet, the thick vegetation and violent creatures on the planet deemed it unsuitable for habitation. It was recently purchased by a company called "Lisou Holidays." They have been attempting to transform the planet into "a second Risa" if the reports are to be believed.

I am unsure of what to do going forward, and I welcome your advice in this matter.


Commander Rayna Emma Phoenix
Commanding Officer - USS Zulu
38th Fleet, Taurus Squadron

U.S.S. Zulu Rescue.aar
Stardate 95055.8

TO <CMDR R. E. Phoenix>
CC <CAPT A. Nimitz>
FROM CAPT Emery Quint
SUBJ Re: FW: Customer Support ID#192783


I've reviewed the AAR, and spoken with Captain Nimitz as well. Initially I was of the mind of Captain Nimitz, play the trap. However, that must always be done carefully. We do need to ID the exact terminal on K7 the ticket was sent from and start a back trail from there. Secondly with a recent AAR I just read about a freighter attack, I think we need to re look at this. Let's consider a sit down, the three of us, soon to discuss some ideas before moving forward.

Emery Quint
Captain, USS Victory
38'th Fleet, Taurus Squadron

Stardate 95056.7

TO CAPT E. Quint, U.S.S. Victory
CC CAPT A. Nimitz, U.S.S. Akagi
FROM CMDR R. E. Phoenix, U.S.S. Zulu
SUBJ RE: RE: FW: Customer Support ID#192783


Agreed. I am returning from a patrol, and will seek the pair of you out upon my return.

In regards to the signal, I was tracking it before we departed on our current patrol; it was not sent from within the starbase itself, at least, from none of the consoles that I could track. Thus, it must have been sent from the vicinity of the starbase, most likely from one of the ships that visit the base. The support ticket was sent between Stardates 95011.8 and 95013.1. I believe gaining access to the ships around K-7 during these dates will help us narrow down our search.


Commander Rayna Emma Phoenix
Commanding Officer - USS Zulu
38th Fleet, Taurus Squadron

OOC: I probably won't be around this evening (21st Jan), but I should be around after that. I'll let you know!
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT E. Quint
CC CMDR R. Phoenix
SUBJ RE: Customer Support ID#192783

Captain, I assume this is the AAR in question?

If so, I can be 99.99% sure that these two cases are completely unrelated to each other, the only connection is my involvement on both cases.

Captain Alistair H. Nimitz
U.S.S. Akagi (NCC-1779-A)

//ATTACHMENT// DistresscallAAR.log