News Network Report


Galactic News Network Report: Xedi Activity
Report by T'Shair

Recent reports from an inside source within the Xedi has made this journalist aware of a faction of Xedi rebels, known as the Defenders of the Faith, have begun breaking off from the mains of Xedi society. This faction has begun attacks on the planet and ships of the Xedi government. These people have since been declared enemies of the state, however is something much bigger at play here? Further investigation has suggested that the Xedi rebels are being supplied from outside source, outside the Xedi State.

The initial attack by the Defenders of the Faith was upon the warp capable ships of the current Xedi government, and two of the three ships were severely damaged right from the beginning. A ground attack has occurred in the capital city/cave system and the number of casualties are in the hundreds, although the number of dead is expected to be low--perhaps 10-20. Specific numbers are currently unavailable at this time. A Broadcast Message has been pieced together, reported as follows:

"In pursuit of knowledge as proclaimed by the Great Genius, we, the Defenders of the Faith, have stepped forth to claim what is ours by birthright. When one avenue of research is insufficient, it is the responsibility of the Council of the Learned to seek another. In this they have failed us, the people. The Defenders of the Faith triumph where the Council of the Learned falters. We have obtained new science and technology for the people! We bring new knowledge and freedoms to the people! And because of this, our path is right for the people!

The Council is content to crawl like an infant at the pace the Federation has set for us, while the Defenders of the Faith want to fly free! We demanded knowledge from powerful sources, hastening our research and proving our technological might! Those who sit in the Council of the Learned are corrupt, bloated with satisfaction at their successes over the people. The Defenders of the Faith say, “No more!”

We come to bring our technology to the people as a whole, to seek knowledge from any source that will provide it and no longer kneel at the fetid feet of the Federation. We know that the system--provided to us by the Great Genius--is not at fault. Those who cower behind the restrictions of the Federation are! We will replace them, with people strong enough to take a stand against this decadent caretaker, this infantilizing rulemonger. The Federation does not rule us, and neither will the faithless Ministers!

People like you, those who come from cave-bound roots, whose hands worked hard like yours, will take their place. People who follow the word of the Great Genius, and took their lives into their hands to put it before everything else! These are the people who defend your faith, who seek to lead you into a world of technological wonder unlike anything you’ve experienced. Worlds will tremble before us, and none will dare challenge us! Our difficulties will be overcome by new technology, and we will stand as equal to the mightiest of civilizations we discover as our ships explore new space!

We beseech you, good brethren of the Faith, stand not with the heretical treason of the Ministers! The time for inaction has passed and the need for unity is greater than ever! Stand beside those of the Faith and claim the future our children and our people deserve!"

More on this story will become available as it develops. For now, be careful around Xedi space, regional stability is in question at current and your safety can not be guaranteed. Any information you have regarding this story should be sent to the Galaxy News Network's office headquarters.