OOC: Just for people on the Endeavour to show what they were doing when
The Endeavour goes to Red Alert as the computer systems overload, shutting off all power to several decks and engaging the emergency bulkheads...
OOC: Just for people on the Endeavour to show what they were doing whenI was asleep this offscreen event happened!
OOC: Just for people on the Endeavour to show what they were doing when
Sam unzipped his jacket as he entered the turbolift, exhaling as the doors closed. Yes, he was off duty, but it was now the only time he had free to go and let the Steward know that a guest room had to be booked.
"Deck 11," he said, and leaned back, closing his eyes as the lift whirred.
"Red Alert!" the intercom blared.
"Captain Bishop to the bridge!"
"I'm on my..."
The lift groaned, and suddenly all the lights went off. Sam stood in the dark for a second, blinking.
"Bishop to bridge. What's going on?"
"We seem to have lost all power sir. Working on getting it rebooted,"
"I'm stuck in turbolift one. I'll try to get out and link up with you on the bridge. Start rebooting the system and make sure life support is still working. That's your priority," he said, before looking around the lift.
"It had to be a lift?" he muttered.
"Deck 11," he said, and leaned back, closing his eyes as the lift whirred.
"Red Alert!" the intercom blared.
"Captain Bishop to the bridge!"
"I'm on my..."
The lift groaned, and suddenly all the lights went off. Sam stood in the dark for a second, blinking.
"Bishop to bridge. What's going on?"
"We seem to have lost all power sir. Working on getting it rebooted,"
"I'm stuck in turbolift one. I'll try to get out and link up with you on the bridge. Start rebooting the system and make sure life support is still working. That's your priority," he said, before looking around the lift.
"It had to be a lift?" he muttered.
Mischa sat at the desk in her quarters-turned-office, a rub of her dry eyes told her she'd been staring at the display for far too long, disseminating reports and building psych profiles - fun as it was for her - could be equally tiring, not least after a day of running through crew evaluations as well. She pushed back from the desk, stretching her arms out and rolling her neck some. With a weary sigh she checked the chrono, noting her swapped shift to cover Sam while he went to play games on the Valley Forge was fast creeping up on her and so, got to her feet with another stretch and went to grab a sonic shower before heading up to the bridge.
Just beginning to relax at feeling the day's weariness drifting away, she was snapped back to reality by the alert klaxon, "Oh for the love of..." she mumbled, turning to deactivate the shower. However as she reached for the power control unit, the lights flickered out and she found herself in darkness, not even able to let out more exasperation before she felt her feet gently drifting off the floor as the grav-plating failed in that section. "Well... this is fun..." she scoffed out loud as she felt herself twist weightlessly against the natural orientation of the room. With the power out she knew the intercom would likely be down too and so needed to find her combadge, floating somewhere in this darkness...
The emergency lighting aided her to some degree; the pulsing dim red hue to the room only serving to bolster the disorientation as the obtuse angle of everything was further obscured by objects floating calmly around the open space. Pushing off the side of the shower unit with her bare feet, Mischa coasted through to her bedroom, knowing that was where her combadge had been; laying beside a freshly pressed uniform on her bed. "Ow!" she muttered at a stray boot bouncing off her head as she coasted around the room. She looked up - at least from her perspective - at her bed and groaned, "This is why I shouldn't bother making it every day..." shaking her head slightly at the ridiculousness of yet another system failure on board this ship, silently resolving to get the Endeavour in shape if it's the last thing she ever achieves in her life.
Mischa's attention was drawn by a banging noise coming from behind the walls. Head snapping towards the source - which seemed to echo eerily around the bulkheads with less ambient sound from the ship's systems as she was accustomed to - completely unknowing of the situation, her instincts assumed the worst and she pushed off again from the ceiling and - grabbing the open door frame - swung herself through to the open living area of her quarters. She again silently cursed at the mess that she would have to tidy up when her normally immaculate living space is put back to normal, though focused on the task at hand she aimed for the secure locker behind her desk to retrieve her phaser.
The banging continued - getting louder as it drew nearer - and seemed to centralize behind her replicator's access panel. Mischa spun instinctively, bringing the phaser to bare; cursing herself as instinct overwrote her zero-G training and she spiraled backwards like a fairground ride, though was prompt in bracing herself against the window; the slight chill of the exposed surface in the lack of environmental control waking her exposed back to her senses. She brought the weapon back to bare on the access panel, squinting through the poor lighting to see it pop clear and float away before what looked like an exocomp popped out.
A blink of surprise betrayed Mischa's reaction to the drone as it shone a spotlight around the room which focused on her. A series of excitable beeps ensued as it rose from the floor slightly; under complete and self-orientated control from it's standard maneuvering capabilities, before a figure rippled into view, standing quite naturally on the floor which was at about 60 degrees from Mischa's orientation. The figure - clad in a 23c yeoman uniform - smiled wide at Mischa, head tilting some with a giggle, " 'Allo Ms. Mischa!".
Mischa groaned, shaking her head, "Mia?! What are you doing here? Did..." she narrows her eyes, "What did you do...?"
Mia giggled, calmly strolling over as though gravity was normal, and extended a hand to Mischa; pulling the XO to hold her at a more natural orientation, "Oh, non-non-non Ms. Mischa! We did not cause this!" she gestures around with one hand as the drone behind her beeps an affirmative, while she continues, "We have been here working to fix your slight holomatrix problem, but were in between tasks when this occurred. Do not worry though, Ms. Mischa! We are aware of the fault and en route to render assistance! It will be a simple matter and we are far more capable of traversing the ship in this condition than your engineers!"
A soft sigh escapes Mischa's lips as she relaxes at the familiar presence. She moves to holster her phaser now the situation is known to be safe, remembering that she doesn't currently have a belt on, or anything for that matter. She looks around some and with a shrug, just lets it float away from her grasp before looking back to Mia, "Well then don't let me keep you. I'll just... try to get dressed I guess" she chuckles
The drone gives a chuckling sound of beeping, causing a smirk from Mia herself as she looks back to Mischa, "You do seem to be in quite the predicament Ms. Mischa. Can we assist before departing at all?"
"No Mia, you have more important things to do. And hey, no sensor scans! Little minx!" she notes to the drone, who seems to laugh more
Mia smiles, "Oh don't mind the little one! We promise, no scans or holo's. And don't worry, we'll have you back in gravity in no time at all, so... enjoy the zero-G Ms Mischa!" she gives a cheery wave, letting Mischa go to stabilize herself briefly against the side of her desk; watching as Mia ripples back out of view and promptly disappears back into the access panel.
Just starting to try and get her bearings before returning to the bedroom area, Mischa pauses at hearing the drone bump around in the access crawlways; more emotive beeping not unlike her own reaction to the earlier boot bouncing off her head. She laughs and then pushes over that way to listen more closely, was that drone... trying to whistle...?
Shaking her head with a laugh, Mischa looked about her room with a sigh before noting something else brush against her leg. Reaching out she picked up the small object and held it before her face, "No, I haven't forgotten about you. Maybe this trip will give me more time to study you, eh?" she muses, eyeing the small box which still tauntingly evades her attempts to opening it. She had studied all manner of lockbox techniques from the most advanced Olelian safes to the ancient cryptex puzzle boxes of Earth, yet this one still eluded her. She did not even know from whence it came, only that it was recovered along with her own personal effects during the station cleanup; thrown in with them because it seemed to be addressed to her and appeared as a standard Federation container, yet she was still to learn it's secrets and could only hope that finding a way to open it may reveal it's elusive origins...
Just beginning to relax at feeling the day's weariness drifting away, she was snapped back to reality by the alert klaxon, "Oh for the love of..." she mumbled, turning to deactivate the shower. However as she reached for the power control unit, the lights flickered out and she found herself in darkness, not even able to let out more exasperation before she felt her feet gently drifting off the floor as the grav-plating failed in that section. "Well... this is fun..." she scoffed out loud as she felt herself twist weightlessly against the natural orientation of the room. With the power out she knew the intercom would likely be down too and so needed to find her combadge, floating somewhere in this darkness...
The emergency lighting aided her to some degree; the pulsing dim red hue to the room only serving to bolster the disorientation as the obtuse angle of everything was further obscured by objects floating calmly around the open space. Pushing off the side of the shower unit with her bare feet, Mischa coasted through to her bedroom, knowing that was where her combadge had been; laying beside a freshly pressed uniform on her bed. "Ow!" she muttered at a stray boot bouncing off her head as she coasted around the room. She looked up - at least from her perspective - at her bed and groaned, "This is why I shouldn't bother making it every day..." shaking her head slightly at the ridiculousness of yet another system failure on board this ship, silently resolving to get the Endeavour in shape if it's the last thing she ever achieves in her life.
Mischa's attention was drawn by a banging noise coming from behind the walls. Head snapping towards the source - which seemed to echo eerily around the bulkheads with less ambient sound from the ship's systems as she was accustomed to - completely unknowing of the situation, her instincts assumed the worst and she pushed off again from the ceiling and - grabbing the open door frame - swung herself through to the open living area of her quarters. She again silently cursed at the mess that she would have to tidy up when her normally immaculate living space is put back to normal, though focused on the task at hand she aimed for the secure locker behind her desk to retrieve her phaser.
The banging continued - getting louder as it drew nearer - and seemed to centralize behind her replicator's access panel. Mischa spun instinctively, bringing the phaser to bare; cursing herself as instinct overwrote her zero-G training and she spiraled backwards like a fairground ride, though was prompt in bracing herself against the window; the slight chill of the exposed surface in the lack of environmental control waking her exposed back to her senses. She brought the weapon back to bare on the access panel, squinting through the poor lighting to see it pop clear and float away before what looked like an exocomp popped out.
A blink of surprise betrayed Mischa's reaction to the drone as it shone a spotlight around the room which focused on her. A series of excitable beeps ensued as it rose from the floor slightly; under complete and self-orientated control from it's standard maneuvering capabilities, before a figure rippled into view, standing quite naturally on the floor which was at about 60 degrees from Mischa's orientation. The figure - clad in a 23c yeoman uniform - smiled wide at Mischa, head tilting some with a giggle, " 'Allo Ms. Mischa!".
Mischa groaned, shaking her head, "Mia?! What are you doing here? Did..." she narrows her eyes, "What did you do...?"
Mia giggled, calmly strolling over as though gravity was normal, and extended a hand to Mischa; pulling the XO to hold her at a more natural orientation, "Oh, non-non-non Ms. Mischa! We did not cause this!" she gestures around with one hand as the drone behind her beeps an affirmative, while she continues, "We have been here working to fix your slight holomatrix problem, but were in between tasks when this occurred. Do not worry though, Ms. Mischa! We are aware of the fault and en route to render assistance! It will be a simple matter and we are far more capable of traversing the ship in this condition than your engineers!"
A soft sigh escapes Mischa's lips as she relaxes at the familiar presence. She moves to holster her phaser now the situation is known to be safe, remembering that she doesn't currently have a belt on, or anything for that matter. She looks around some and with a shrug, just lets it float away from her grasp before looking back to Mia, "Well then don't let me keep you. I'll just... try to get dressed I guess" she chuckles
The drone gives a chuckling sound of beeping, causing a smirk from Mia herself as she looks back to Mischa, "You do seem to be in quite the predicament Ms. Mischa. Can we assist before departing at all?"
"No Mia, you have more important things to do. And hey, no sensor scans! Little minx!" she notes to the drone, who seems to laugh more
Mia smiles, "Oh don't mind the little one! We promise, no scans or holo's. And don't worry, we'll have you back in gravity in no time at all, so... enjoy the zero-G Ms Mischa!" she gives a cheery wave, letting Mischa go to stabilize herself briefly against the side of her desk; watching as Mia ripples back out of view and promptly disappears back into the access panel.
Just starting to try and get her bearings before returning to the bedroom area, Mischa pauses at hearing the drone bump around in the access crawlways; more emotive beeping not unlike her own reaction to the earlier boot bouncing off her head. She laughs and then pushes over that way to listen more closely, was that drone... trying to whistle...?
Spoiler: It was!Show
Shaking her head with a laugh, Mischa looked about her room with a sigh before noting something else brush against her leg. Reaching out she picked up the small object and held it before her face, "No, I haven't forgotten about you. Maybe this trip will give me more time to study you, eh?" she muses, eyeing the small box which still tauntingly evades her attempts to opening it. She had studied all manner of lockbox techniques from the most advanced Olelian safes to the ancient cryptex puzzle boxes of Earth, yet this one still eluded her. She did not even know from whence it came, only that it was recovered along with her own personal effects during the station cleanup; thrown in with them because it seemed to be addressed to her and appeared as a standard Federation container, yet she was still to learn it's secrets and could only hope that finding a way to open it may reveal it's elusive origins...
Crewman Jonathan Li was the very definition of unremarkable.
Jon was named for President and Admiral Jonathan Archer, the commanding officer of the NX-01 Enterprise who saved Earth from the Xindi superweapon and made first contact with countless civilizations on behalf of humanity, among them key members of the Federation he helped shape. Naturally, Jon’s parents had hoped that he, like his namesake, would rise to greatness.
For some time in his youth, he subscribed to this fantasy, aspiring to become a legend like James T. Kirk. Throughout elementary school, when the other children were discussing the latest holo-adventures, Jon was reading the accounts of the USS Voyager’s seven-year journey in the Delta Quadrant. He paid close attention to his secondary school history classes, learning what happened in every engagement of the Dominion War. Whenever a critical decision arose, he always asked himself: What would Jean-Luc Picard do?
And then, his dreams were shattered when he applied to Starfleet Academy and failed the entrance exam.
Jon was by no means unintelligent. He had won the poetry award at his school in his 9th year and came within the top 25 percent on Beta Ursae Minor II in mathematics testing. Unfortunately, whether by some fluke on his end or the misfortune of having a strict evaluator, he was denied entry into the Academy and never had the will to try again. Jon signed up as an enlisted member of Starfleet, underwent a brief training program, and became a turbolift technician on board the USS Endeavour.
He tried his best, he really had. Jon lived every aspect of his life by the ideals of Starfleet, but he simply never had a chance to shine. Besides breaking up a few arguments between his childhood friends, there was no opportunity. It is not easy to stand out in the utopia that was the core worlds of the United Federation of Planets, where everyone is an upstanding citizen.
That is why when Jon gets the call, he wastes no time leaping to action. It all happens quickly- one moment he is walking down the hall and the next power is gone. Lights, gravity, everything just shut off, leaving him to float helplessly into the air. Jon can hear the voices of other personnel around him, some confused, others afraid, but he cannot see anything at all. When his combadge chirps, he thought for a moment that it is someone else’s.
Then someone addresses him, “Bridge to Crewman Li.”
Jon’s hand instantly shoots to his chest, tapping the insignia attached there that doubles as a communication device, “Li here.”
“The ship’s lost power as you’ve no doubt noticed,” the officer on the other end states. “We’re working to bring everything back online, but the Captain’s stuck in Turbolift One. If you could-”
“I’m on it!” Jon blurts out enthusiastically before stopping himself, suddenly terrified that he has cut off a superior.
Fortunately, the officer doesn’t seem to mind, “You’re on Deck 14. There should be emergency power reserves in some of the engineering labs, separate from ship systems. They should be able to power a lift long enough to get the Captain out.”
“Understood,” Jon replies, conscious of being formal this time.
As the comm cut off, one of the others beside Jon shouts something he doesn’t quite catch, but her meaning becomes clear as a flashlight clicks on and drifts across to him in the almost gravityless environment. He takes the light and thanks her before kicking off the floor and shooting down the hallway. Jon is going to free the Captain. For once, he has a chance to do something significant.
When the Borg boarded the Endeavour, Jon was safely sealed inside a room with other enlisted while the trained security personnel defended their position. The Azedi attack before that only resulted in extra work when he had to perform repairs and lift shaft integrity checks in the aftermath. Jon does not know what peril the ship was in today, but this is without a doubt his moment to shine. The Captain, trapped in a turbolift! What else can it be, but the prime opportunity for him to prove his worth?
Pushing off the walls, ceiling, floor, Jon zips through the deck on his mission. The doors to the first lab he reaches have already been opened by the personnel inside. A quick question confirms that there are no emergency power sources here, and he moves next door. This one is shut, and it doesn’t seem like anyone is inside. He pulls the manual override and enters.
Various pieces of tools and equipment float around him. Jon assumes they are nothing dangerous, as such objects will not have been left out in the open like this. He still does his best to avoid them though, occasionally even performing a roll just for the sake of it. Bits and pieces eventually end up bumping into him, though he barely notices the small impacts, let alone are hurt by any. This isn’t some agility training holo-simulation after all. He soon forgets about them altogether, focusing on his task.
The search proves difficult, mostly due to the disorientating nature of the environment around him. As Jon looks through the lab, his mind begins to wonder. Once he gives power to the turbolift, perhaps he can send the lift down to Deck 14. The Captain will exit and they will run into one another. He will ask Jon about the situation, and Jon will tell him about his efforts freeing him from the turbolift. Then perhaps the Captain will commend him, recognize his efforts, maybe even promote him to Petty Officer…
Jon locates what he is looking for in a storage compartment. Hauling it back down the hall is easy as the lack of weight makes it completely effortless. Once again he kicks off from wall to wall, pushing the piece of equipment along, occasionally saying an ‘excuse me’ to any still remaining in the hall. They instantly part ways for Jon; he is on a Starfleet ship and everyone always moves aside if he says ‘excuse me,’ but this is different. They aren’t making room for him out of courtesy- they are doing it out of duty.
Jon soon reaches Turbolift One and begins connecting the reserve power storage to its systems. The task is not particularly hard, certainly easier than actually having to repair a lift or shaft. There is, however, a special sense of importance this time. Crewmembers can afford to use a different lift or even the Jefferies tubes if maintenance is being done. But this is the Captain and he is trapped.
He finds himself working faster and more intently than usual, though he can’t help his mind from playing out scenarios of what can transpire next. Jon decides that sending the Captain down here is a terrible idea; he will certainly be needed on the bridge during a time like this. He might still have a chance at recognition though, if he calls in at the exact moment the Captain arrives on the bridge.
“Crewman Li to bridge. Turbolift One has power again. The Captain should be on his way up anytime now.”
“He’s already here,” the Captain will reply. “Good work, Crewman, and thank you.”
“Just doing my duty, sir,” he will say humbly, as a good Starfleet member should.
“You do it well. I’ll keep your name on my list for commendation.”
The small console outside the turbolift door comes to life as the power kicks back in. Jon clenches his fists in a silent ‘Yes!’ and pushes himself over to the interface. He notices that the lift is actually moving down, without his guidance. It must be following the last command it was given before the power went out! Can it be that the Captain is on his way to Deck 14? Is this Jon’s lucky day?
His musings are cut short as the lift passes Deck 8. The machine flashes a low power warning- this is all it can give. Working rapidly, Jon taps on the console, overriding the lift’s last command with his maintenance authorization. The Captain is headed for Deck 11, but the turbolift is already slowing down and won’t get there before the power cut again. Jon thinks fast and sets it to open at Deck 10. He watches as the lift reaches its destination and the console readout affirms that the door has opened. A few seconds later, the emergency reserve flickers out, and the lift console along with it.
Jon breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes his posture, allowing himself to just float. The Captain is free. He will likely never know who is responsible for releasing him, but it doesn’t matter. Jon feels...accomplished, perhaps for the first time in a long time. He lets his mind wander again, thinking of all the heroic deeds that the Captain might go on to perform, which may or may not occur had he met an untimely fate in the maw of Turbolift One. But he understands the truth now.
The universe is not like his fantasies. The Captain’s situation is not a life-or-death one. And Jon is certainly not a hero. Not everyone can be a legend, but Starfleet doesn’t function on the actions of a few significant figures. All people contribute in creating the wondrous society that is the Federation. Jon accepts that now. He is glad to have played a part, no matter how small.
Crewman Jonathan Li is a member of Starfleet. And he is proud to serve.
Jon was named for President and Admiral Jonathan Archer, the commanding officer of the NX-01 Enterprise who saved Earth from the Xindi superweapon and made first contact with countless civilizations on behalf of humanity, among them key members of the Federation he helped shape. Naturally, Jon’s parents had hoped that he, like his namesake, would rise to greatness.
For some time in his youth, he subscribed to this fantasy, aspiring to become a legend like James T. Kirk. Throughout elementary school, when the other children were discussing the latest holo-adventures, Jon was reading the accounts of the USS Voyager’s seven-year journey in the Delta Quadrant. He paid close attention to his secondary school history classes, learning what happened in every engagement of the Dominion War. Whenever a critical decision arose, he always asked himself: What would Jean-Luc Picard do?
And then, his dreams were shattered when he applied to Starfleet Academy and failed the entrance exam.
Jon was by no means unintelligent. He had won the poetry award at his school in his 9th year and came within the top 25 percent on Beta Ursae Minor II in mathematics testing. Unfortunately, whether by some fluke on his end or the misfortune of having a strict evaluator, he was denied entry into the Academy and never had the will to try again. Jon signed up as an enlisted member of Starfleet, underwent a brief training program, and became a turbolift technician on board the USS Endeavour.
He tried his best, he really had. Jon lived every aspect of his life by the ideals of Starfleet, but he simply never had a chance to shine. Besides breaking up a few arguments between his childhood friends, there was no opportunity. It is not easy to stand out in the utopia that was the core worlds of the United Federation of Planets, where everyone is an upstanding citizen.
That is why when Jon gets the call, he wastes no time leaping to action. It all happens quickly- one moment he is walking down the hall and the next power is gone. Lights, gravity, everything just shut off, leaving him to float helplessly into the air. Jon can hear the voices of other personnel around him, some confused, others afraid, but he cannot see anything at all. When his combadge chirps, he thought for a moment that it is someone else’s.
Then someone addresses him, “Bridge to Crewman Li.”
Jon’s hand instantly shoots to his chest, tapping the insignia attached there that doubles as a communication device, “Li here.”
“The ship’s lost power as you’ve no doubt noticed,” the officer on the other end states. “We’re working to bring everything back online, but the Captain’s stuck in Turbolift One. If you could-”
“I’m on it!” Jon blurts out enthusiastically before stopping himself, suddenly terrified that he has cut off a superior.
Fortunately, the officer doesn’t seem to mind, “You’re on Deck 14. There should be emergency power reserves in some of the engineering labs, separate from ship systems. They should be able to power a lift long enough to get the Captain out.”
“Understood,” Jon replies, conscious of being formal this time.
As the comm cut off, one of the others beside Jon shouts something he doesn’t quite catch, but her meaning becomes clear as a flashlight clicks on and drifts across to him in the almost gravityless environment. He takes the light and thanks her before kicking off the floor and shooting down the hallway. Jon is going to free the Captain. For once, he has a chance to do something significant.
When the Borg boarded the Endeavour, Jon was safely sealed inside a room with other enlisted while the trained security personnel defended their position. The Azedi attack before that only resulted in extra work when he had to perform repairs and lift shaft integrity checks in the aftermath. Jon does not know what peril the ship was in today, but this is without a doubt his moment to shine. The Captain, trapped in a turbolift! What else can it be, but the prime opportunity for him to prove his worth?
Pushing off the walls, ceiling, floor, Jon zips through the deck on his mission. The doors to the first lab he reaches have already been opened by the personnel inside. A quick question confirms that there are no emergency power sources here, and he moves next door. This one is shut, and it doesn’t seem like anyone is inside. He pulls the manual override and enters.
Various pieces of tools and equipment float around him. Jon assumes they are nothing dangerous, as such objects will not have been left out in the open like this. He still does his best to avoid them though, occasionally even performing a roll just for the sake of it. Bits and pieces eventually end up bumping into him, though he barely notices the small impacts, let alone are hurt by any. This isn’t some agility training holo-simulation after all. He soon forgets about them altogether, focusing on his task.
The search proves difficult, mostly due to the disorientating nature of the environment around him. As Jon looks through the lab, his mind begins to wonder. Once he gives power to the turbolift, perhaps he can send the lift down to Deck 14. The Captain will exit and they will run into one another. He will ask Jon about the situation, and Jon will tell him about his efforts freeing him from the turbolift. Then perhaps the Captain will commend him, recognize his efforts, maybe even promote him to Petty Officer…
Jon locates what he is looking for in a storage compartment. Hauling it back down the hall is easy as the lack of weight makes it completely effortless. Once again he kicks off from wall to wall, pushing the piece of equipment along, occasionally saying an ‘excuse me’ to any still remaining in the hall. They instantly part ways for Jon; he is on a Starfleet ship and everyone always moves aside if he says ‘excuse me,’ but this is different. They aren’t making room for him out of courtesy- they are doing it out of duty.
Jon soon reaches Turbolift One and begins connecting the reserve power storage to its systems. The task is not particularly hard, certainly easier than actually having to repair a lift or shaft. There is, however, a special sense of importance this time. Crewmembers can afford to use a different lift or even the Jefferies tubes if maintenance is being done. But this is the Captain and he is trapped.
He finds himself working faster and more intently than usual, though he can’t help his mind from playing out scenarios of what can transpire next. Jon decides that sending the Captain down here is a terrible idea; he will certainly be needed on the bridge during a time like this. He might still have a chance at recognition though, if he calls in at the exact moment the Captain arrives on the bridge.
“Crewman Li to bridge. Turbolift One has power again. The Captain should be on his way up anytime now.”
“He’s already here,” the Captain will reply. “Good work, Crewman, and thank you.”
“Just doing my duty, sir,” he will say humbly, as a good Starfleet member should.
“You do it well. I’ll keep your name on my list for commendation.”
The small console outside the turbolift door comes to life as the power kicks back in. Jon clenches his fists in a silent ‘Yes!’ and pushes himself over to the interface. He notices that the lift is actually moving down, without his guidance. It must be following the last command it was given before the power went out! Can it be that the Captain is on his way to Deck 14? Is this Jon’s lucky day?
His musings are cut short as the lift passes Deck 8. The machine flashes a low power warning- this is all it can give. Working rapidly, Jon taps on the console, overriding the lift’s last command with his maintenance authorization. The Captain is headed for Deck 11, but the turbolift is already slowing down and won’t get there before the power cut again. Jon thinks fast and sets it to open at Deck 10. He watches as the lift reaches its destination and the console readout affirms that the door has opened. A few seconds later, the emergency reserve flickers out, and the lift console along with it.
Jon breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes his posture, allowing himself to just float. The Captain is free. He will likely never know who is responsible for releasing him, but it doesn’t matter. Jon feels...accomplished, perhaps for the first time in a long time. He lets his mind wander again, thinking of all the heroic deeds that the Captain might go on to perform, which may or may not occur had he met an untimely fate in the maw of Turbolift One. But he understands the truth now.
The universe is not like his fantasies. The Captain’s situation is not a life-or-death one. And Jon is certainly not a hero. Not everyone can be a legend, but Starfleet doesn’t function on the actions of a few significant figures. All people contribute in creating the wondrous society that is the Federation. Jon accepts that now. He is glad to have played a part, no matter how small.
Crewman Jonathan Li is a member of Starfleet. And he is proud to serve.
It was always exciting to board a new ship. Being on the Endeavour was no different for Alisha. Despite a few hiccups during her introduction to the Captain, she had thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the ship via a tour and her own exploration. She believed it was vital for a Yeoman of the Captain to familiarize herself with everything on the ship. After all, requests could come from anywhere!
Thus, she was once again wandering the halls after having completed her initial schedule for the Captain and having left it to take a breather and review it once she was back. She greeted crewmen and officers with her cheerful little wave as she moved about, introducing herself where needed.
She had just wandered into the Endeavours school area, introducing herself to the teachers and kids when the Red Alert klaxons sounded and power suddenly went out. The emergency bulkheads came down before anyone could even properly react and a moment later there was a pandemonium of wailing from children. Teachers moved to try to assuage fears in the dark, herding the children into groups.
"What is happening?"
"Why is it all dark?"
"I want my mommy!"
"We're all gonna die!!!!!!"
"No we're not, shut up!"
"You shut up!"
"No you!"
"Children, behave, calm down. Everyone gather..."
"I want my mommmyyyyyyy!"
"Now now, everything will be fine...gather here, follow my voice!"
Alisha was not scared. She -was- annoyed though. While she didn't mind children, even enjoyed being around them occasionally, the incessant chatter that was currently going on in the background was giving her a headache already. She frowned, trying to find her way in the dark around the room. She had just spoken to one of the teachers. She found a shoulder. Oh wait...that wasn't a shoulder. Oooooops! She blushed fiercely. Thankfully, no one could see her now.
"Uhm, I am sure you have everything under control here...?" she asked quickly.
"Of course. It may not seem like it right now but these children actually are quite well behave - OW! No no, not this way!"
Alisha left the teacher to her devices and to herd the children into the safe area of the classroom. Meanwhile, she moved around to try and find a console. Her fingers found one a moment later and she gently traced her fingertips along it, figuring out the configuration from the patterns and edges. "Mhhhh..." she murmured.
It was annoying that emergency power didn't seem to be working here. So that was likely the first thing to work on. With a faint frown, she settled down in front of the console and began to feel her way to the access panel. She fumbled only for a moment, fingers being remarkably dextrous and knowing her way around a computer system like nobody's business.
She felt a thud against her back. Someone had walked into her.
"So sorry!" she heard the voice of a little boy.
"Oh, it's all good. Are you lost?" she asked, restraining herself from articulating the sigh of despair at being interrupted.
"A...little. I don't know where the others are. I can hear them but...I don't want to go so far..." the boy whined.
"Alright well. Just sit down here. You are safe with me!" she chimed happily while her hands continued to work.
"What are you doing?" the boy asked, sniffling. She heard him plopping down near her and felt his hand on her leg, reaching for support.
"I'm trying to get us some light. See, this is one of the computer terminals, and I am pretty good with computers. I may be able to do something from here."
"Oh! You're a scientist?!?" he asked, excitedly.
"Haha, no...well, maybe a little. I'm the Captain's Yeoman, Coshi Alisha." she introduced herself. "What's your name?"
"Alex Dunnings." he responded timidly. "What's a yeeman?"
Alisha sighed inwardly as her hands continued to work on the internal organs of the computer terminal. She was rerouting and adjusting couplings and power distribution nodes. Working blind, it took her a bit longer than it should have, but to be fair, she had a little boy to console at the same time!
"Ye - o - man." she pronounced it for him slowly. "I help the Captain do his job as good as he can. Remind him of tasks. Schedule appointments. Make him aware of issues. Bring him coffee." she chuckles softly.
"Oh so, you're not on the bridge?" the boy asked a bit disappointed.
"Sometimes. But truth be told...the more interesting stuff on a ship always happens away from the bridge anyway."
Her hands had managed to reconnect power flows in a way that she now just needed to adjust the power distribution grid and program the terminal to use that newly distributed power. She hummed as she continued.
"But isn't the bridge where the Captain works?" the boy asked.
"Well yes. But more work happens off the bridge. Think of all the people making this ship run. The engineers. The scientists. The crewmen. The bartenders. The teachers. The botanists. It's all a big, big web of people and the captain has to be there for all of them. That's why he needs my help." she replied while finishing up the adjustment to the grid. The terminal glowed faintly now, enough power in it to at least input basic commands.
She sat up, and began to rewrite the program responsible for the power distribution in the console itself. This was a terrible hack-job, but the cries from young children became louder.
Alex had fallen quiet. Apparently contemplating her last words. This was good, as it allowed her to finish her work.
"Emergency Power, active." the computer confirmed a moment later and soft light flooded the classroom area. Almost immediately, there were relieved sighs and the chatter in the background changed from scared to relieved.
"Phew." Alisha smiled and turned to look at Alex.
"That was amazing. You did all that without being able to see?" Alex asked, clearly stunned.
"Well, if you're good at your job, you can always find a way to make a difference." she said with a wink and stood up, offering him a hand to stand up as well. She guided him back to the group of teachers and children. The teachers gave her a warm smile of gratitude as they now began passing the time by playing games. Alisha remained in the background, smiling a little smile to herself. Alex would occasionally look to her and talk to other kids excitedly. Good. She hoped she had made it clear that everyone on board the ship counted. Everyone was important.
When the power was restored, she bid her farewells. An engineer had dropped by and had stared, stunned, at her modifications to the computer terminal. She explained them briefly but left him to revert the changes as needed. He informed her that he would have to write a report to his superior. But he also whispered to her that he had never seen a computer jury-rigged like that and how the hell had she managed this?
Alisha just smiled and winked.
"We always have a way forward, don't we?" she replied and left the area with another one of her cheerful little waves. There was still more of Endeavour left to explore after all.
Thus, she was once again wandering the halls after having completed her initial schedule for the Captain and having left it to take a breather and review it once she was back. She greeted crewmen and officers with her cheerful little wave as she moved about, introducing herself where needed.
She had just wandered into the Endeavours school area, introducing herself to the teachers and kids when the Red Alert klaxons sounded and power suddenly went out. The emergency bulkheads came down before anyone could even properly react and a moment later there was a pandemonium of wailing from children. Teachers moved to try to assuage fears in the dark, herding the children into groups.
"What is happening?"
"Why is it all dark?"
"I want my mommy!"
"We're all gonna die!!!!!!"
"No we're not, shut up!"
"You shut up!"
"No you!"
"Children, behave, calm down. Everyone gather..."
"I want my mommmyyyyyyy!"
"Now now, everything will be fine...gather here, follow my voice!"
Alisha was not scared. She -was- annoyed though. While she didn't mind children, even enjoyed being around them occasionally, the incessant chatter that was currently going on in the background was giving her a headache already. She frowned, trying to find her way in the dark around the room. She had just spoken to one of the teachers. She found a shoulder. Oh wait...that wasn't a shoulder. Oooooops! She blushed fiercely. Thankfully, no one could see her now.
"Uhm, I am sure you have everything under control here...?" she asked quickly.
"Of course. It may not seem like it right now but these children actually are quite well behave - OW! No no, not this way!"
Alisha left the teacher to her devices and to herd the children into the safe area of the classroom. Meanwhile, she moved around to try and find a console. Her fingers found one a moment later and she gently traced her fingertips along it, figuring out the configuration from the patterns and edges. "Mhhhh..." she murmured.
It was annoying that emergency power didn't seem to be working here. So that was likely the first thing to work on. With a faint frown, she settled down in front of the console and began to feel her way to the access panel. She fumbled only for a moment, fingers being remarkably dextrous and knowing her way around a computer system like nobody's business.
She felt a thud against her back. Someone had walked into her.
"So sorry!" she heard the voice of a little boy.
"Oh, it's all good. Are you lost?" she asked, restraining herself from articulating the sigh of despair at being interrupted.
"A...little. I don't know where the others are. I can hear them but...I don't want to go so far..." the boy whined.
"Alright well. Just sit down here. You are safe with me!" she chimed happily while her hands continued to work.
"What are you doing?" the boy asked, sniffling. She heard him plopping down near her and felt his hand on her leg, reaching for support.
"I'm trying to get us some light. See, this is one of the computer terminals, and I am pretty good with computers. I may be able to do something from here."
"Oh! You're a scientist?!?" he asked, excitedly.
"Haha, no...well, maybe a little. I'm the Captain's Yeoman, Coshi Alisha." she introduced herself. "What's your name?"
"Alex Dunnings." he responded timidly. "What's a yeeman?"
Alisha sighed inwardly as her hands continued to work on the internal organs of the computer terminal. She was rerouting and adjusting couplings and power distribution nodes. Working blind, it took her a bit longer than it should have, but to be fair, she had a little boy to console at the same time!
"Ye - o - man." she pronounced it for him slowly. "I help the Captain do his job as good as he can. Remind him of tasks. Schedule appointments. Make him aware of issues. Bring him coffee." she chuckles softly.
"Oh so, you're not on the bridge?" the boy asked a bit disappointed.
"Sometimes. But truth be told...the more interesting stuff on a ship always happens away from the bridge anyway."
Her hands had managed to reconnect power flows in a way that she now just needed to adjust the power distribution grid and program the terminal to use that newly distributed power. She hummed as she continued.
"But isn't the bridge where the Captain works?" the boy asked.
"Well yes. But more work happens off the bridge. Think of all the people making this ship run. The engineers. The scientists. The crewmen. The bartenders. The teachers. The botanists. It's all a big, big web of people and the captain has to be there for all of them. That's why he needs my help." she replied while finishing up the adjustment to the grid. The terminal glowed faintly now, enough power in it to at least input basic commands.
She sat up, and began to rewrite the program responsible for the power distribution in the console itself. This was a terrible hack-job, but the cries from young children became louder.
Alex had fallen quiet. Apparently contemplating her last words. This was good, as it allowed her to finish her work.
"Emergency Power, active." the computer confirmed a moment later and soft light flooded the classroom area. Almost immediately, there were relieved sighs and the chatter in the background changed from scared to relieved.
"Phew." Alisha smiled and turned to look at Alex.
"That was amazing. You did all that without being able to see?" Alex asked, clearly stunned.
"Well, if you're good at your job, you can always find a way to make a difference." she said with a wink and stood up, offering him a hand to stand up as well. She guided him back to the group of teachers and children. The teachers gave her a warm smile of gratitude as they now began passing the time by playing games. Alisha remained in the background, smiling a little smile to herself. Alex would occasionally look to her and talk to other kids excitedly. Good. She hoped she had made it clear that everyone on board the ship counted. Everyone was important.
When the power was restored, she bid her farewells. An engineer had dropped by and had stared, stunned, at her modifications to the computer terminal. She explained them briefly but left him to revert the changes as needed. He informed her that he would have to write a report to his superior. But he also whispered to her that he had never seen a computer jury-rigged like that and how the hell had she managed this?
Alisha just smiled and winked.
"We always have a way forward, don't we?" she replied and left the area with another one of her cheerful little waves. There was still more of Endeavour left to explore after all.
Sam looked around the lift. He had no idea how he was going to get out. Sam ran his hands over the panelling by the door, trying to find a false panel that he could take out. There was always one of those in these lifts, he was sure.
He found none and slowly felt his body grow lighter, as the gravity systems turned off.
"Oh great," he muttered and looked around. If gravity was off, it was likely that life support was off, and he only had a few minutes of air remaining. In the darkness, he grabbed the side of the wall and pulled his combadge off, using the end to carve a large arrow pointing up on the wall, so that he had something to orient himself by, now that the gravity had failed. Then, kicking the floor hard, he floated upwards towards what he thought was the ceiling. There had to be a roof hatch he could escape from.
The air grew tighter around him, and doubt began to trickle into Sam's mind. His hands couldn't find anything that resembled a hatch, and he knew he was working to a deadly timeframe. Still, Sam had got out of worse situations, and he knew that panicking would limit the amount of time he already. His patience paid off; his fingers managed to find an opening, and he pulled it down.
The lift suddenly erupted in light dazzling Sam enough so that he wasn't able to grab onto anything as the lift shot downwards. Because of this, Sam's head collided with the roof of the lift with a crunch.
Sam opened his eyes to see droplets of his tears masking his vision. He wiped them away with the back of his hand and blinked to see them float around. He saw a red stain on the top of the lift, where his head had hit the roof.
"Some warning next time would be handy," he grumbled, pushing back towards the floor, and waiting for the lift to open.
When it did, Sam drifted out, aware of the drops of blood that were floating behind him. Bars would murder him when those hit the floor.
"Captain!" came a voice from behind him. Sam turned to see a pair of officers coming down the corridor, flashlight in hand.
"Commander, Lieutenant," he nodded. "Status report?"
"The systems on this deck are all down sir," the Lieutenant Commander responded. "Lieutenant de Neste and I were going to look for people to bring them back to the shuttle bay where we have managed to restore power, due to it being an evac zone,"
Sam nodded. "Good job. Are there any other engineers on this deck?"
"No sir,"
"Well, Lieutenant de Neste, I want you to carry on this search on your own. Commander, I want you with me. We're going to head back to the shuttle bay and work on restoring some power to this ship. I hate being dead in the water,"
The pair nodded. "Yes sir,"
"Let's jump to it," he said and pushed off onwards.
He found none and slowly felt his body grow lighter, as the gravity systems turned off.
"Oh great," he muttered and looked around. If gravity was off, it was likely that life support was off, and he only had a few minutes of air remaining. In the darkness, he grabbed the side of the wall and pulled his combadge off, using the end to carve a large arrow pointing up on the wall, so that he had something to orient himself by, now that the gravity had failed. Then, kicking the floor hard, he floated upwards towards what he thought was the ceiling. There had to be a roof hatch he could escape from.
The air grew tighter around him, and doubt began to trickle into Sam's mind. His hands couldn't find anything that resembled a hatch, and he knew he was working to a deadly timeframe. Still, Sam had got out of worse situations, and he knew that panicking would limit the amount of time he already. His patience paid off; his fingers managed to find an opening, and he pulled it down.
The lift suddenly erupted in light dazzling Sam enough so that he wasn't able to grab onto anything as the lift shot downwards. Because of this, Sam's head collided with the roof of the lift with a crunch.
Sam opened his eyes to see droplets of his tears masking his vision. He wiped them away with the back of his hand and blinked to see them float around. He saw a red stain on the top of the lift, where his head had hit the roof.
"Some warning next time would be handy," he grumbled, pushing back towards the floor, and waiting for the lift to open.
When it did, Sam drifted out, aware of the drops of blood that were floating behind him. Bars would murder him when those hit the floor.
"Captain!" came a voice from behind him. Sam turned to see a pair of officers coming down the corridor, flashlight in hand.
"Commander, Lieutenant," he nodded. "Status report?"
"The systems on this deck are all down sir," the Lieutenant Commander responded. "Lieutenant de Neste and I were going to look for people to bring them back to the shuttle bay where we have managed to restore power, due to it being an evac zone,"
Sam nodded. "Good job. Are there any other engineers on this deck?"
"No sir,"
"Well, Lieutenant de Neste, I want you to carry on this search on your own. Commander, I want you with me. We're going to head back to the shuttle bay and work on restoring some power to this ship. I hate being dead in the water,"
The pair nodded. "Yes sir,"
"Let's jump to it," he said and pushed off onwards.