From the translation:
From the office of Senator Zdef of the Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire.
Shaoi dan,
It has come to my attention of a particular matter involving some Starfleet officers and the ongoing situation in the Terix system. While it is the policy of the government to not interfere with such external matters involving other governments and their justice system, I write not as a member of the senate but as a concerned member of our galatic community.
Not too long ago, I was tasked by the Senate to investigate and communicate with the Starfleet blockade over Terix. As a former colony of ours, we can't help but feel that maternal warmth we share with all our past and present colonies and felt that it was necessary to see for ourselves what's going on. I was dispatched aboard the IRW Indagator on a diplomatic mission and proceeded on route to Terix uncloaked so as to reveal that our intentions were peaceful. Upon arriving to the blockade we hailed a Starfleet vessel and requested an audience with the commander of the blockade under a flag of truce and goodwill. In return, we wanted to receive assurances from Starfleet that the Federation would let things take their course and not interfere with the events taking place on Terix. Due to past events involving other rogue elements receiving support from the Federation, we felt it important that history should not repeat itself yet again on a planet which, although we've had difficulty seeing eye to eye in the past, feel that obligation to provide encouragement to our former colonial brothers and sisters.
It was during these communications that a vessel, decloaked, well within the blockade and proceed to threaten the IRW Indagator. The commander of the Indagator, despite informing the decloaked vessel of our peaceful intentions and that our being there was solely to communicate with Starfleet, this vessel ultimately fired a salvo of topedos at us. Upon being fired upon, we hastily retreated to safe distance while the Starfleet vessels remained in their positions.
I do not know the names the captains in charge of the vessels or completely understand the circumstances of which they're being tried in your justice system. These captains should be commended, not punished for their actions. They held steadfast in the face of an imminent threat to diplomatic envoy of a foreign government and forced to engage to defend themselves and others! These are the not the actions of cowards and a dereliction of duty! but of heroes who despite their rules and regulations, had the mind to think to the defense of others and their crews and did what was necessary.
I do not know if this letter will reach the necessary channels but I have only praise for those who stood up to the aggression of rogue elements on Terix. I thank you and my constituents thank you as well.
Senator Zdef, senator to the Imperial Romulan Senate