Hi folks!
So, I've been having this idea a while, coming from my own issues with limited time availability. I often find myself with more time on Discord than I can actually spend in the game. Hence why I do occasionally dip into RPing on Discord, usually in one-on-one situations or small groups.
Seeing as my schedule this year is jam-packed again, contrary to what I had hoped, I was wondering if I am alone in the wish to have a Discord RP that's a little..."more".
This is not intended to replace actual RP of course. I still want to make as many events as I somehow can. But I do like RPing with you people, so it'd be cool-beans if there were another place I could do that.
I've been thinking of a few possible settings for this...
1) MU with MU versions of characters in the fleet but possibly/probably decoupled from the fleet 'canon' MU.
2) MU with original characters
3) Prime Universe alternate characters decoupled from fleet canon (for now. Who knows what we could do in the future. )
4) COMPLETELY different setting (Star Wars is one I love, but open to suggestions here).
Anyway, if anyone is interested in this, let me know. If not, I'll just keep it small and personal. xD I'll create a poll later if there's enough interest.
I know there are a few RP discords privately run by some ship captains, so it's not an unheard of thing around here
If you guys want to try this out and see how you get on with it without imposing changes on the existing fleet Discord, you are welcome to join VF's shipboard server where - as highlight above by Nimitz - we have such supplementary rp in operation (mostly shipboard social which gets retrospectively bolted on to recorded 'episodes'). You could either join simply to observe or make up an alt to join in with!
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