A Totally Regular Report To Starfleet Intelligence

To: Starfleet Intelligence
From: LCDR t’Veras, A.
Subj: Regular Communication to SI

(This is mostly a fairly standard report filed on a regular basis by LCDR t’Veras as part of her duties as DS13 Chief of Intelligence, filling in the folks on Earth regarding Kacam, the Defender, etc. Except for this part…)

Republic forces have arrested and detained the criminal Kirina t’Nalah and imprisoned her on mol’Rihan. Sources there tell me that she will be given the death penalty. If Starfleet wishes to extradite for its own trial and possible imprisonment, now is the time for the diplomats to reach out.

LCDR t’Veras, Aurelia Buchanan
Chief of Intelligence
Deep Space 13

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