AAR: A-Weem-A-Way

Filed By:
ENS Sadaann

LOCATION Eclerra System, Celes Sector

MISSION Locate Xenoprotistologist, Serindra Xadd

OUTCOME Located Xenoprotistologist, Serindra Xadd


  • LT Sono
  • ENS Ban Writ
  • ENS Sadaann

NARRATIVE Having been granted a detour to the Celes sector, the Lieutenant, Ban and I had been dispatched via shuttle to find this Doctor Xadd. Upon arrival, following the coordinates given, we discovered why Xadd had been so difficult to pinpoint. The dense and opaque nature of the moon’s atmosphere interfered not only with comms, but seemingly transporters as well.

With Ban piloting, we would make an unpleasant, but sufficient landing. Managing to find a clear enough area between the thick and dense trees of this jungly environment. Lieutenant Sono would order non-security personnel to keep phasers holstered, despite this she, herself holstered her own sidearm. It would be then, with tricorder in hand, that we set out to actually search for the doctor.

During our search, we had encountered a specimen of flora that made use of an adhesive substance to trap potential prey before consumption. I had been caught in its trap. With aide from both Ensign Ban and Lieutenant Sono, I had been able to escape from the assumedly carnivorous plant. It would be around this time that Ban would signal a “friendly” on approach. This “friendly” being Doctor Xadd herself, who had picked us up on her own tricorder. Relaying the same information to her that I had to the man who had answered our initial hail, Xadd became eager to meet our “trash monster”. We would then split into teams of two, one pair returning to the shuttle to prepare for departure, the other pair returning to Xadd’s outpost in order to prepare the doctor for departure.

RECOMMENDATION Allow the doctor’s expertise to inform our future decisions in regard to the replicator creature.
RECOGNITION I would like to make my appreciation to the Lieutenant and Ban for disallowing me to be eaten by a plant. Secondary appreciation to Ensign Ban for providing a degree of separation of my bare foot from the unpleasant jungle ground. Though, do not expect “piggy back rides” to become a common occurrence.

OOC Thanks for the host, Kat!