AAR: Azedi Border Patrol

Stardate 95028
CMDR Forest
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: United Federation/Azed Confederacy Border

MISSION: Long range patrol, ensuring the Federation/Azed border is not violated

CAPT Rosewood
CMDR Forest
LT Kongat


On Stardate 94962.4, the U.S.S. Avalon departed K-7 to engage in a long range patrol along the Azedi border. The mission was due to last 25 days.

As soon as we came within 1,000km of the border, we transmitted a message into Azedi space, informing them of our intentions and assuring them that we had no intention of crossing the border before continuing along our assigned patrol route.

During the first 10 days, we encountered three ships that were on course to enter Azedi territory: an armed freighter, a garbage scow, and a Ferengi trader. We warned each ship of the dangers of crossing into Azedi space. The freighter captain was belligerent, but complied. The commander of the garbage scow acknowledged our message and turned around.

The Ferengi ship, on the other hand, refused to speak with us. However, they did stop at the edge of the border and we picked up communication signals from them into Azedi space. So far as we can tell, there was no answer. After an hour, the trader turned and warped away from our position rather swiftly.

On the 13th day of our patrol, we encountered the Ferengi vessel again. They had somehow managed to get hold of a cloaking device. Either they already had one in their hold and hooked it up, or acquired it since our previous encounter. Fortunately, the device malfunctioned before they could cross the border. As they became visible again, they made a dash for Azedi space, but were were able to capture the trader ship in a tractor beam.

We were, of course, heavily berated by the Ferengi captain. He threatened us with everything from enslavement to the destruction of our homeworlds. A preliminary scan of his ship told us that his weapons were outdated and barely functional. In order to call his bluff, Captain Rosewood ordered all weapons to be powered down, except for the forward torpedo tubes, and lowered our shields.He then invited the Ferengi to take a shot at the Avalon, if he was so certain he could destroy the ship in a single blow. If not, the captain promised that he would return fire with a full volley of quantum torpedoes. The Ferengi captain very quickly backed down and tried to pass his threats off as a joke. We released the tractor beam and insisted that they be on their way. We tracked their ship until they warped out of the system.

Two more days saw us reach the turning point of our patrol route along the border. We sent a message into Azedi space, thanking them for their patience and tolerance before we turned away from the border to continue our patrol through nearby star systems on a circuitous route back to K-7.

Three days out from K-7 we encountered a probe that did not match any in our databanks. Primary, secondary and tertiary scans revealed it to be without power, and its power core had been depleted long ago. Captain Rosewood ordered the probe brought aboard for study. The probe was beamed into Shuttle Bay 3 and was scanned by our internal sensors before crew were allowed near it. Once the all-clear had been given, science officers started their preliminary studies. Captain Rosewood went to see the probe himself. He placed his hand on the device, but as soon as he did a sharp implement impaled his hand. He fell unconscious instantly and was immediately taken to sickbay. Initial medical reports suggest that he is a chemically induced coma. We are currently trying to locate and identify the chemical as we cannot find any in his bloodstream, nor any in or on the probe.

We returned to K-7 as quickly as possible. As of yet, the only further development with Captain Rosewood is that his brain waves indicate that he is dreaming, which is very unusual for someone in a coma.


  • Continue to patrol the Azedi border and nearby star systems
  • Keep Captain Rosewood under 24 hour surveillance
  • Continue to investigate the probe. If traces of chemical are found, use them to develop an anti-toxin