AAR: Carnelian Convergence

Filed By:
CMDR Sedai, Katriel

LOCATION Kelterre Sector

MISSION Standard stellar survey

OUTCOME Survey interrupted by distress signal. Recovered three adolescents in a runabout after they were targeted by pirates.


  • CAPT Kermit
  • CMDR Sedai
  • ENS Ban
  • ENS Sadaann

NARRATIVE While taking measure of a section of stellar gas clouds, the Reyga received a brief blip of a distress signal. The Captain called available senior staff to the bridge as we immediately went to intercept.

On arrival, we saw a pair of vessels: a Federation civilian runabout, identified as the S.S. Shavokh, belonging to a Vulcan trade envoy to New Circini, T’Plar. The other vessel, remaining unidentified at this time, was an Andorian freight hauler which immediately departed on our arrival.

As we did not personally witness any altercation, the Reyga allowed the freighter to flee, though we unfortunately later learned that it had been a pirate vessel that had preyed on the Shavokh and provoked the distress call.

CAPT Kermit spoke with the passengers on the Shavokh, who were eventually identified as three female youths, clandestinely attempting to make their way to the ‘Carnelian Convergence’, a music festival being held on Atenalp, in the Yuhop System. They were extremely uncooperative with the Captain’s initial inquiries, but when their vessel continued to experience cascading failures stemming from the original damage sustained in the pirate attack, they were forced to accept our offer to beam aboard and accept escort.

Despite the lack of any genuine emergency or need to assist the travelers to their desired destination, I suggested that the Yuhop’s agreement to hold a large event of regional interest to be quite uncharacteristic, so Captain Kermit agreed that we should investigate the system while also contacting the adolescents’ parents.

Several hours later, after we completed repairs on the runabout, Reyga delivered shuttle and all three passengers directly to New Circini, releasing all into T’Plar’s custody.

RECOMMENDATION Evidently the Yuhop are becoming quite infamous in the region and are expanding their ties with other species and local powers. This is potentially a cause for concern given Starfleet’s assets in the area. Formal negotiation with the Yuhop may be necessary to ensure we are all still on the same page in terms of expectations.


OOC Calyx’s event for May. Mission Brief, Event transcript.