CMDR zh'Vhenda, K
LOCATION Convoy RZ-110, Enroute to Hazardous Materials Disposal Site KX
MISSION Escort Federation Convoy Carrying Hazardous Materials for Disposal
OUTCOME Escorted Convoy KZ-110. Responded to distress signal while in transit. Signal turned out to be a trap. Attacking ship neutralized and captured.
- USS Sitka Crew
NARRATIVE On above posted Stardate, USS Sitka was on assignment to guard convoy RZ-110, enroute to Federation Disposal Site KX. Convoy was carrying hazardous and restricted materials from Deep Space 13 that were scheduled for disposal in accordance to proper protocol.
While on escort, the Sitka picked up on an automated distress signal originating from approximately three light years away. Convoy was positioned in a secure location while Sitka detached to investigate. Upon arrival, the signal was determined to be an Oberth Class starship under the name Wanderer. Ship appeared to be adrift with intermittent life signs.
As Sitka approached the vessel, the Wanderer regained power, raising its shields and powering up weapons. Attempts to hail the vessel went unanswered. Red alert was ordered, and Sitka went into a defensive posture. Wanderer engaged Sitka at this time, firing with outdated phasers and torpedoes. Sitka was able to easily absorb the phaser hits, and evade the torpedo strikes. Wanderer’s shields, weapons, and engines were rapidly disabled in that order.
Three security teams were dispatched by transporter to board and secure the vessel. Ten of the pirate crew were arrested, at the cost of six additional pirates killed during the boarding action. Security teams only reported minor injuries to two team members.
Wanderer was taken under tow, and towed back to Deep Space 13 in order to examine the ship, and to make efforts to contact the families of the former crew, who were all found to be deceased. Prisoners will be transferred to Deep Space 13 for interrogation.
RECOMMENDATION Continue convoy escort for convoys carrying restricted materials or valuable cargo.
RECOGNITION Recognition goes to Sitka crew for performing admirably during engagement and boarding of Wanderer