CAPT Mirazuni, A.
LOCATION U.S.S. Endeavour, Kacam System, Itrin Sector
MISSION Open informal talks with Kacam to build relations for formal diplomatic efforts.
OUTCOME Talks successful and further insights gained.
- CAPT Mirazuni, A.
- LT Sovum, V.
- CENT tr’Vastam, S.
BACKGROUND As part of the IDKA Stability Initiative focused on building diplomatic relations with Kacam, this officer saw it prudent to establish a friendship with Kacam before formal diplomatic talks. Therefore, an informal meeting with the Director of Kacam’s Spaceflight Consortium was arranged.
NARRATIVE After a tour of the ship, the delegation sat down to a meal of Federation and Kacam cuisines. Talks quickly turned to a discussion on Kacam’s needs; whilst basic needs were met, several areas still remained before pre-Terran invasion thresholds, with Kacam relying on Federation trade. To counter this, the Director impressed upon us the need for warp technology and dilithium supplies; Kacam’s production levels were booming but was stymied by lack of export capacities. The Director was keen to point out that the Federation was already assisting Ralin with outfitting their trade fleet with warp technology.
Relations with Ralin were also described as “fraught”, as Kacam’s continued dependence on external trade was leveraged by Ralin to demand further concessions from Kacam. On relations with Viggo, the Director mentioned that they would be open to a peaceful reintegration with the Confederacy, provided Viggo did not disrupt trade with Ralin, or infringe on Kacam’s autonomy. Our worries about Viggo expansionism were shared with Kacam.
In order to make further communication easier, the Director proposed installing subspace relays in their system.
At the conclusion of the dinner, the Director impressed upon us that they were looking to strengthen Kacam’s self-sufficiency, and were looking forward to future engagements.
RECOMMENDATION This officer recommends that we support Kacam’s warp capability; allowing them to be warp-capable will not be a threat to us, whilst serving to further our aims in the region. This would form a solid basis for encouraging a further Kacam-Rali-Citali alliance, as per Operation Sovereign Nexus’ ideal outcome.
Further efforts should be made to establish the true nature of the Viggo threat.
We should also look into establishing a subspace relay in the Kacam system to enable quicker communication.
This officer believes that continued relations with Kacam should be encouraged. Kacam has huge industrial potential and want to be able to use its advantage on the galactic stage. We should take every effort to help them achieve this aim, even if we provide and maintain the ships for trade.
RECOGNITION All officers performed as expected. Centurion tr’Vastam represented the Republic well, opening another avenue of diplomacy with the Kacam.
OOC This is the AAR for the event Courting Kacam. Thanks to @Sophist!