SUBMITTED: Stardate 96280 | FILED BY: CAPT S. Bishop | SECURITY: Level 3 - Restricted |
LOCATION: Sustridies IV, Sustridies System, Nwr Sector
MISSION: Survey planet.
OUTCOME: Planet surveyed. Possible Prime Directive breach.
CAPT S. Bishop
CAPT A. Nimitz
CAPT T. Nimitz
CMDR A. Samaras
LT(JG) T. Shinwa
ENS R. Mitsuki
ENS A. Terik
SCDR E. t'Cyklaas
CAPT A. Nimitz
CAPT T. Nimitz
CMDR A. Samaras
LT(JG) T. Shinwa
ENS R. Mitsuki
ENS A. Terik
SCDR E. t'Cyklaas
NARRATIVE: The Endeavour began it's mission to survey the Sustridies IV, last surveyed in 2401 by the Vayt. The planet was incapable of sustaining life so the crew were surprised when we detected biological signs on the surface. An away team consisting of Captains Bishop and Nimitz, Subcommander t'Cyklaas, and Lieutenant Shinwa, beamed to the surface to investigate these biological signs. These biosigns appeared to come from cybernetic robots who were working on the surface, collecting material to place machines to take down underground. It was theorised that the survivors of the Sustridian nuclear war lived underground.
The away team returned to the Endeavour and we formalised a way to potentially contact the Sustridians, if they did live underground. As we were configuring the comms for this, we also detected a signal from the planet that was masked by the radiation before, though it was too degraded to receive. We proceeded to contact the Sustridians, who warned us to not beam down to the planet because of the radiation. It would seem that the signal was a similar warning.
The Sustridians proceeded to ask for a favour done; that we recover the data in their satellite network to give to them, in order for them to begin to try to clean up the damage on the planet. Even though the data was theirs, it was decided that this was a potential Prime Directive breach, so an away team (consisting of all the officers listed above with the exception of Commander Samaras and Ensign Mitsuki), beamed down to the surface in order to gain more information about the Sustridians before any data was exchanged.
It was on the planet that the away team realised, though the Sustridians were advanced technologically, they were still primitive and were even in a war with their neighbours, though this last point was concealed by the Sustridians. Upon realising this, the away team excused themselves and returned to the Endeavour. It was finally decided that there was to be no information exchange, to any parties. We told the Sustridians that we were unable to transmit the data across, and they thanked us for our time. After this, we departed the system.
RECOMMENDATION: Data of the Sustridies System should be updated to include the survey data we gathered. This mission skirted us close to the borders of the Prime Directive, but it is this officer's belief that the Prime Directive was upheld at all stages; the Sustridians did not gain any information that they did not already have, and with the exception of revealing our presence to them, something that this officer believes they already knew from our entering orbit, the Sustridians were not influenced by any of our actions. The away teams took steps to ensure that the Prime Directive was upheld throughout.
OOC: AAR for the events Crawl out through the Fallout, Parts 1 and 2. Logs available on request. Not the ending I planned this event to take, but then again, I always expect everyone to die.