CAPT Tungsten, D.
LOCATION Near Drozana Station, Donatu Sector. Just inside Klingon Space
MISSION USS Dragon was tasked with solving a dispute between the Hysperians, and an Orion freighter believed to have kidnapped Princess Sarah of Millin. The Orion flag on the freighter, let alone intercept occurring in Klingon space also brought involvement of the Klingon Empire.
OUTCOME Mission success. Though not the outcome the Hysperians were initially seeking, Princess Sarah of Millin was confirmed to have run away of her own accord, joining the Orion freighter’s crew, utilizing her surprising engineering abilities. Sarah was allowed to stay with the freighter crew, and a shooting match was avoided.
- CAPT Tungsten, D.
- CAPT Tohanna, R.
- CMDR LaSalle, E.
- LT Wind-People, A.
- LT Fra’seer, K.
- LT Tzedek, A.
NARRATIVE USS Dragon was dispatched to resolve the standoff between the Hysperian and Klingon ships, with the Orion freighter SS Lambertine caught in the middle both literally and figuratively. The Hysperians believed Princess Sarah of Millin to have been kidnapped from wedding dress shopping on Earth Space Dock, and they tracked her to the Lambertine and disabled it, drawing the wrath of the Klingon Empire. Frankly, the restraint shown by the Klingons, and in particular Captain L’Kalla of their lead ship is to be commended, however understandable the Hysperian position may have been.
Captain Tohanna, whom we have worked with in the past on other missions, briefed us en route on further details of the situation, and apparently she was aquainted with the SS Lambertine’s captain, a Selene Guarish. This proved helpful in de-escalating the situation.
Upon arrival, the Dragon hailed the Hysperian and Klingon lead ships in conference mode, to announce our intentions to work as a third party to defuse the situation. Fortunately, despite their frustrations with each other, they agreed.
Next, we hailed the SS Lambertine, and Captain Guarish answered, also in an understandably bad mood dealing with the damage the Hysperians had done to her ship. She claimed to not know of any Sarah aboard, but said that we could come confirm that for ourselves. This officer decided to take that invitation, and had Commander LaSalle assemble an away team to the SS Lambertine.
The away team consisted of Commander LaSalle, Captain Tohanna, Lt. Fra’seer and two of her security personnel, Lt. Tzedek, two medical personnel, and two engineering personnel.
Commander LaSalle offered the services of the medical and engineering personnel upon arriving to the Lambertine, and of course asked again about Princess Sarah, and whether or not there were any human females aboard, assuring Captain Guarish she was actually inclined to believe there was no kidnapping, but needed to speak with Sarah to confirm. Captain Tohanna was able to convince Captain Guarish that this would be the best way to get them back on their way.
At this point Captain Guarish said she didn’t know any Sarah, but that she did have two Hysperians on her crew, one female. Commander LaSalle reports that at this time, with seemingly impeccable timing, a woman the Captain addressed as Anne came to the bridge with a question, and was the female Hysperian in question. She quickly confessed to being Sarah of Millin, and was of course very upset with the whole situation.
Commander LaSalle reports that she echoed Captain Guarish’s own words moments prior that she (Sarah) did have rights in this situation, and the away team hardly had jurisdiction being in Klingon space to kidnap her back to the Hysperians, nor any intention to do so, even if jurisdiction weren’t the main issue. Sarah made it clear to the away team that she had no love at all for Prince Thomas, whom she was arranged to marry, but actually did have a passion for engineering that she would study in whatever free time she had, thus making the Orion freighter stopping at Earth Space Dock with openings on its crew a change she jumped at. Captain Guarish was indeed unaware of Sarah’s true identity, and certainly had not kidnapped the princess.
Captains Tohanna, Guarish, and Commander LaSalle all agreed that the first step here needed to be Sarah coming clean with her people about what had happened. Commander LaSalle did mention to Sarah that if her parents were more concerned about some notion of duty than their daughter’s happiness, she could also look into requesting asylum with either the Federation or Klingon Empire.
Fortunately, a request for asylum would prove unnecessary. A channel was opened to the Hysperian and Klingon ships from SS Lambertine, and Princess Sarah’s parents and the prince to whom she was to be wed were conferenced in from the Hysperian side. Sarah explained what had happened, and Commander LaSalle added that she and the away team had confirmed that Sarah was not kidnapped, in good health, and not under duress. To their credit, Princess Sarah’s parents were very understanding, if surprised, by their daughter’s confession, and only made clear that they loved her, and expected her to write them of her adventures. The prince, in Commander LaSalle’s words, merely shrugged, making the princess’ motives all the more clear and understandable. We assume that the Hysperians should be able to sort out their issues of succession easily enough, and they seemed untroubled by this. Either way, at this point, that is their business.
At this point, the Hysperians did leave, and Captain L’Kalla said the Klingons would send their own engineering teams to the Lambertine, and Commander LaSalle acknowledged, and prepared to return our away team, so that the Dragon could also leave Klingon space.
RECOMMENDATION Commander LaSalle mentioned she may actually try to write Sarah after a bit of time passes here to check in on her. This officer agrees that may be helpful here, as Sarah may appreciate the correspondence in her new life. For now, there are no concerns about her wellbeing, and that should be sufficient follow-up.
RECOGNITION Captain Tohanna has proven a valuable asset to our mission once again, both in providing intelligence and analysis of it to help us navigate a difficult situation. Commander LaSalle’s interpersonal skills have once again helped us defuse a very tense situation, and hopefully put a young woman onto a more fulfilling path in life without looking over her shoulder. I would also like to give recognition to Lieutennants Fra’seer and Tzedek for thinking well on their feet and formulating plans of action pre-emptively, as the situation unfolded, but awaiting orders to implement.
OOC Thank you @jackascii for this event, I know I enjoyed it a lot! There are some formatting issues in the log file still, but I think it at least includes all the text we want, and none we don’t after Kat has made some adjustments to the transcript colorizer. Log: Damsel in Distress