AAR: Edge of the Abyss

Filed By:
CDR Nathes

LOCATION Breen-Cardassian Border

MISSION Response to Destruction of RRW Valdore Freighter

OUTCOME Encounter with unknown vessels, the same vessels which destroyed the RRW Valdore. Unknown vessels do not correspond to Breen technology. Speculation is that they are utilizing T’Kon technology, similar to what was encountered in the Tri’Vokil System.


  • CDR Salil
  • LT Shea

NARRATIVE For the past month, tensions with the Breen Confederacy have reached a boiling point. The source of these tensions began when Breen forces interned a Republic freighter carrying valuable supplied to a Cardassian colony.

Since then, tensions have only escalated. The recent destruction of the RRW Valdore, flagship of the 4th Expeditionary Flotilla, nearly precipitated an appropriate response from our forces in the region. It was discovered, through the word of three survivors that we picked up while en-route to impending offensive actions, that the RRW Valdore was in fact NOT attacked by Breen vessels. Instead, unknown vessels, the recording of which will be attached to this report, destroyed the vessel.

This was further verified when one of these unknown vessels attacked the RRW Tebok, with near disaterous consequences. Had it not been for Commander Salil’s quick thinking to fire a manual torpedo at the vessel, we would have suffered a similar fate as the the RRW Valdore.

The RRW Tebok is currently investigating the wreckage of the unknown vessel. While we do not know who the people operating the vessel were (hostile vessel was fully destroyed), the vessel is utilizing T’Kon technology. We are preparing an extensive analysis before we return to Deep Space Thirteen. Addendums to this report should be expected.

RECOMMENDATION This officer recommends immediate de-escalation with the Breen Confederacy. Further, this officer recommends RRW Tebok maintains its current position until we can fully investigate the wreckage of the ship which attacked us. Though this is largely speculative, this officer would posit that whomever is operating this mysterious vessels is attempting to start an interstellar war.

RECOGNITION Commander Salil is to be commended for his quick thinking in this situation. His decision to fire a well placed torpedo likely spared our vessel from suffering a similar fate as the RRW Valdore. Further, Lieutenant Shea should be commended for his ongoing investigation of this mysterious T’Kon technology.

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