AAR: Encounter at Scrap Point

Filed By:
CMDR Captain Bradley Carter

LOCATION Starfleet Salvage Yard 0047

MISSION Salvage replacement parts for USS Opportunity to skip months of waiting in shipscale replicator que.

OUTCOME U.S.S Opportunity sustained minor damage, assimilated Pakled clumpship was destroyed, Opportunity is continuing salvage operation.


  • Lieutenant Commander K’Rurin M’Tow
  • Lieutenant Commander Rain Valeros
  • Lieutenant Thryloshasshr Ch’ithalrit

NARRATIVE The U.S.S Opportunity was proceeding to Starfleet Salvage Yard 0047 to acquire a new mounting bracket from the mothballed Nebula Class U.S.S Pacific for her port nacelle to alleviate an ongoing vibration issue. As soon as we arrived we were hailed by a Ferengi vessel who proceeded to try and “sell” our own mothballed ships and components to us.

On the way there we had picked up some unusual sensor readings, so we were attempting to investigate that when we detected a large Pakled ‘clumpship’ type vessel on sensors. The Ferengi and Pakled ship seemed to get into an altercation, before the Pakleds attempted to scrap the salvage yard for ‘more ship pieces’. Diplomacy was attempted, however, they did not seem to take much notice of it even after we used our deflector to emit a jamming signal to disrupt their manipulator arms.

The Pakleds pulled out a glowing green component of some sort which seemingly was some form of Borg technology from the Pacific that seemed to be the source of the strange readings we were getting on sensors. Before we could do much else, they had attached it to their ship, despite our warnings which they (perhaps predictably) ignored. Despite attempts to disrupt the item, the borg component seemed to quickly assimilate the Pakled vessel.

The Pakleds then proceeded to transmit a garbled version of the standard Borg greeting, before engaging a much more coherent version of their second greeting, firing on us. We engaged standard anti Borg protocol and returned fire while cycling our shield and weapon frequencies however we quickly came to the conclusion that a drawn out slugfest, while more than likely winnable for a Galaxy class starship, would result in us sustaining extremely heavy damage and unnecessarily risking the lives of our crew.

We instead opted to end the fight as quickly as we could by replicating an overload failure we discovered while initially getting the Opportunity back running, and fused our utility power shunt buffer to the main battery phaser to enable a single extremely overcharged burst. This resulted in our main saucer section phaser strips burning out most of their emitters, but our improvised “phaser lance” was able to penetrate the assimilated clumpship’s shields and then their reinforced hull right as they were attempting to get a tractor beam lock on us.

Tactical scans showed breaches and fires on all decks of the assimilated Pakled ship, but also that the hull was already in a state of “self healing”, similar to other Borg vessels previously encountered by Starfleet. We opted to follow up with a full ten quantum salvo from our aft tube as soon as we’d made up enough distance rather than risk the Pakled ship regenerating and continuing the engagement with us down our main phaser battery. Ten quantums impacting the hull, flying into the big hole our phaser had blown. The Pakled vessel quite simply ceased to exist.

We then continued with our salvage operation, taking extra care to avoid provoking anything on the U.S.S Pacific, however, we didn’t find anything else out of the ordinary on board. As of filing this report we are returning to the Starbase to make repairs after securing the nacelle mounting bracket alongside several other useful components we were able to recover. Our speed however has been temporarily reduced by having to magclamp and strap down a few of the larger items to the secondary hull as we were unable to fit them through the shuttlebay doors, let alone haul them into our cargo bays. Don’t worry, I checked the straps myself. They ain’t going anywhere.

RECOMMENDATION Enquire as to just what sort of experiments the USS Pacific was conducting before retirement, and why said experiment was not removed. Increase security around Starfleet salvage yards.

RECOGNITION The entire crew served with distinction, reacting to and handling this unexpected threat better than I could have ever asked of them. I would particularly like to highlight my senior staff, who’s quick thinking and rapid response enabled the USS Opportunity to come out of the encounter relatively unscathed and with zero loss of life.
