BGEN Donavah
LOCATION Cero System, Hobus Sector
MISSION Occupy Cero System
OUTCOME Cero III colony secured. Asteroid belt mining platforms captured or destroyed.
Cero III Colony
Intelligence reports indicate that prior to Starfleet’s arrival, the Cero III colony was functionally independent and eschewed advanced technology. Outside the main settlement, the Star Navy maintained a maintenance/supply depot to support the Empire’s nearby dilithium mining operations, and the Tal Shiar operated several small facilities of unknown purpose. During the battle in orbit, Imperial and Tal Shiar personnel scuttled their facilities and retreated into the civilian colony. They secured the colony’s Ruling Council, fortified the city, and refused to surrender.
A ground force consisting of personnel assigned from Deep Space 13, the 6th MACO Group, and teams from Task Force Condor starships was assembled and deployed to the surface. A command post was established near the ruined Imperial supply depot. The presence of transport inhibitors and a large civilian population limited the range of tactics available. Staging areas were secured at the edge of the inhibitor field and forward aid stations were set up near areas of heavy fighting within the field.
Fighting continued until teams reached a fortified government building at the center of the colony and neutralized its Tal Shiar defenders. Inside, teams discovered the Cero III Ruling Council, which issued a surrender. Also discovered inside was the Star Navy regular command staff of the supply depot, who were reportedly executed by the Tal Shiar after attempting to order a surrender earlier in the week. This is consistent with Tal Shiar tactics during the battle for the colony - there were multiple reports of friendly-fire sniper and mortar attacks on Star Navy positions about to be overrun. Following the Ruling Council’s surrender, the remaining enemy forces were quickly apprehended or neutralized.
Asteroid Belt
Numerous mining platforms had been established on dilithium-rich asteroids. While many of these platforms were originally constructed by the colonists, Intelligence reports indicate that they have long since been operated exclusively by the Star Navy. Since the invasion, these platforms have been used as bases for fighter strikes against Starfleet and have allowed ground forces to stay in contact with Star Empire leadership.
Locating the platforms in the dense asteroid belt proved difficult for starships, so teams were deployed in runabouts. A method of detection was devised using a combination of asteroid composition scans and directed tachyon bursts. In total, nine platforms were destroyed by fighters, three were destroyed by torpedo strikes from fleet starships, six were captured, and two self-destructed prior to capture.
RECOMMENDATION While the Star Navy regulars have surrendered and the civilian colonists are generally nonviolent, the occupation force must be particularly mindful of Tal Shiar tactics. It is likely that some hostile personnel escaped capture and remain hidden among the population. While no further comms traffic or fighter activity has been detected, the possibility of additional cloaked installations in the system must also be considered.