AAR: Entrenched

Filed By:
CMDR Sedai, Katriel

LOCATION Asteroid belt, Cero System

MISSION To further goals of resource denial to RSE, locate and report on coordinates of cloaked RSE dilithium mining platforms.

OUTCOME Three RSE mining platforms were located and recorded. One destroyed by USS Reyga. Developed sensor scan parameters and filters package has been shared with Cero basecamp to coordinate further searches for locating remaining platforms.


Aesop Runabout

  • CMDR Sedai
  • CDT Vemok
  • CRW Belm (npc)

USS Reyga

  • ENS Sadaann

NARRATIVE Reported to Cero basecamp with Crewman Belm to await mission parameters. Cadet Vemok was assigned to Aesop and we departed basecamp and set course for the asteroid belt.

It took us a little time to develop and calibrate a working sensors package to penetrate latent sensor scattering and natural density obstacles of the asteroid field. While we were fine-tuning, the Cadet detected two cloaked scorpion fighters tailing us as we navigated through the belt. Their lack of overt action made us unwilling to abandon the search or call for reinforcements, but the Cadet continued to track their movements just in case things changed.

After focusing our search parameters for dilithium deposit densities of at least 40% and concentrations of ilium-629, we were able to identify specific hotspots to visit. We found one uncloaked platform this way, and uncovered another two that were cloaked utilizing tachyon burst scans. Calibrations for these have been included in attached sensor package.

On the second cloaked platform that we identified, the RSE fighters finally seemed to realize that we were successfully locating their assets, which prompted them to engage. Vemok successfully utilized a full-spectrum tachyon cascade burst to blind the scorpion fighters’ sensors sufficiently for the Aesop to escape, but an additional Kestrel runabout had detached from the platform to follow us towards our cover location. I was able to deploy a viral matrix that ended up disrupting the Kestrel’s shields, after which Vemok disabled the hostile vessel’s engines and allowed us a reprieve.

By this point, the Reyga had reached our position and provided reinforcement by destroying the mining platform, the resulting torpedo volley taking out one of the Scorpions and forcing the remaining one to retreat. Aesop rendezvoused with the Reyga at that time and I instructed ENS Sadaann and CDT Vemok to direct the Reyga in returning to neutralize the other two platforms.

RECOMMENDATION Distribute attached sensors package for ease of identification for further platforms. Any smaller vessels sent for scouting/recon should most likely be accompanied by a patrol escort capable of holding against likely cloaked RSE fighters in the area.

RECOGNITION CDT Vemok performed satisfactorily in all respects.

//ATTACHMENT// CERO_DMP-target.spkg

OOC For Kermit’s event, 7 Jun: Entrenched. Mission transcript for our bit.