LT Greene, R
LOCATION Cero System, Colony.
MISSION Provide aid to civilians and ground forces.
OUTCOME Managed to provide aid to those injured during the ground invasion until reinforcements were able to relieve us.
- CMDR zh’Lindresko, Soa’lina
- LT Greene, Rhea
- LTJG Vaas, Halur
NARRATIVE Upon arriving at the colony, myself, along with Doctor zh’Lindresko and Lieutenant Vaas, immediately made our way towards the designated triage area.
On our arrival supplies were unpacked and the empty crates were used to create makeshift cover for the medical tent (on the suggestion of LT Vaas).
Within minutes of setting up and preparing for the continuous influx of wounded, the first group arrived. Doctor zh’Lindresko and myself began triage, sending off the most serious case for medical transport while we began to treat those remaining.
During this Doctor zh’Lindresko was shot. While not fatal, it was enough to put her out of commision. Leaving myself as the senior officer, and only remaining doctor.
The shooter was abled to get off another shot, killing an injured Imperial soldier we had just treated and restrained, before Lieutenant Vaas was able to coordinate with Captain Nimitz who ordered an orbital strike, taking care of the sniper.
Following the incident, things were fairly cut and dry. Doctor zh’Lindresko was taken for transport. Lieutenant Vaas was able to topple a pillar, creating an extra layer of cover for us.
All the while I was able to treat the remaining influx of patients, with the invaluable assistance of Lieutenant Vaas, without any further fatalities. Managing to hold out until reinforcements were able to relieve us.
RECOMMENDATION It is my opinion that a larger medical staff is needed to provide adequate care for ground forces and civilians.
RECOGNITION Lieutenant Vaas performed admirably. Going beyond his duties as security to aid in providing medical assistance to those under our care and putting his first aid knowledge to immaculate use.
OOC Ground events of 7 Jun: Entrenched.