AAR: EVA Mission to Deep Space 13

Stardate 94849.5
CMDR A. H. Nimitz
Level 1 - Open

LOCATION: Deep Space 13

MISSION: Unknown signature detected, was presumed to be hostile or savager

OUTCOME: Borg Cat recovered.

CAPT S. Desimone
CAPT S. Bishop
CAPT B. Rosewood
CAPT T. Kawamori
CAPT L. Omar
CMDR A. Nimitz
LT (JG) C. Delphiki
LT (JG) K. Zanek
ENS A. Carter

NARRATIVE: The USS Akagi, Avalon, Axiom, Endeavour, Lexington, and Shadowfax were dispatched to the hulk of Deep Space 13 after sensors detected an unknown signature in the system. Operating on the presumption that ships from the Azedi Confederacy were in the system poking around the hulk of DS13, the task force under command of Captain Desimone made way from K-7 to DS13 at Warp Nine.

Upon our arrival we detected a single life sign onboard the station and a team made of Captains Bishop, Rosewood, Kawamori, myself, Lts Delphiki, Zanek, and Ensign Carter beamed onboard the station in EVA suits.

After a few minutes of chasing after a small 'blur' down several decks and an active holodeck, we managed to corner the 'blur' inside a set of quarters on deck 31. Inside the quarters the 'blur' jumped at the team causing myself and Captain Rosewood to open fire in self-defense. The phaser fire was set for light stun but did not effect the 'blur' as it was protected by a green shield. The 'blur' stopped moving and the team was able to identify the 'blur' as a Felis catus, in other words, a Tabby Cat. The cat introduced itself as 'Second Of Four, Primary Thermal Inducer of Sub-Matrix Zero Two'.

Once the cat was tamed and fed cheese, we all beamed off the station and returned to K-7.

RECOMMENDATION: I recommend we return Second Of Four, Primary Thermal Inducer of Sub-Matrix Zero Two to his caretaker, one Lt Maxwell, as soon as possible. Presuming that Lt Maxwell survived the Battle of Deep Space 13.