SUBMITTED: Stardate 96555.7 | FILED BY: CAPT S. Bishop | SECURITY: Level 2 - Confidential |
LOCATION: Deep Space 13, Aldebaran Sector
MISSION: Interrogation of captured Xedi prisoners.
OUTCOME: Xedi prisoners interrogated successfully.
CAPT B. Ailes
CAPT S. Bishop
CAPT A. Derenzis
CAPT A. Nimitz
CAPT A. Tanaka
CMDR T. Akaela
LCDR N. Sideris
LT S. Valore
VORTA Kalris 8
CAPT S. Bishop
CAPT A. Derenzis
CAPT A. Nimitz
CAPT A. Tanaka
CMDR T. Akaela
LCDR N. Sideris
LT S. Valore
VORTA Kalris 8
NARRATIVE: Following the capture of the prisoners, they were transferred to the brig on Deep Space Thirteen. However, Captain Ailes informed us that of the prisoners we captured, only sixteen (16) remained alive; the others had killed themselves from infighting or had merely succumbed to their injuries. After it was learnt of the prisoners self culling themselves, security had separated them into their own cells.
In the briefing, Captain Ailes suggested that our questioning be directed at the answers to the following questions; where the weapons came from, why the transport was transporting cargo, what they were doing out there, and why they attacked a Starfleet vessel without provocation. This officer split the group into four teams to conduct the questioning on four individuals:
Team 1: CAPT S. Bishop LCDR N. Sideris |
Team 2: CAPT A. Derenzis CMDR T. Akaela |
Team 3 CAPT A. Tanaka VORTA Kalris |
Team 4 CMDR J. T'Nar LT S. Valore |
Teams 3 and 4 later joined forces after the briefing ended due to the unsuitability of prisoners to question and instead worked together in extracting information from one prisoner, bringing our total interrogations down to three.
Following the interrogations, the teams all rejoined and this officer led a debrief. A number of knowns were acertained from the interrogations, as well as a number of unknowns that would require more evidence to prove. To summarise:
The transport was transporting weapons from an unknown location (perhaps Isep Xedi itself) to the Kingdom of Parin. Given that the Xedi government did not authorise this transport, coupled with the captives' hate for the Federation, it was surmised that these captives were members of the rebel movement that has been plaguing Isep Xedi. These rebels are convinced that the Federation is propping up a tyrannical government and suppressing the religious and technological freedoms of the Xedi.
It seems that the rebel Xedi are in league with rebel faction in the Kingdom of Parin, by trading weapons and other resources between each other. These weapons are Klingon in nature, well above the technological ability of the Xedi currently. It is assumed that these weapons are being supplied by a minor Klingon house as one of the prisoners stated that they were tasked with learning about the Klingon technology her people were being supplied with, coupled with the apparent discovery of a Klingon crest found during a mission to Doza-L605 I. Whilst we cannot prove anything yet, it is not a far-fetched idea to assume that the Xedi and Parin rebel factions are potentially united over a shared hatred of the Federation.
Questioning left a number of avenues that needed to be clarified as a matter of urgency to gain a better picture of the situation and to best inform our next moves.
RECOMMENDATION: Intelligence in this area is very thin. As a matter of urgency, the following needs to be done (in no particular order).
- Locate and identify the house on the crest that was found during the mission to Doza-L605 I. If need be, we should liaise with our KDF allies to gain this intel. This house is charged with supplying Klingon weaponry to the Xedi rebels and we must put an end to this immediately.
- Find the Klingon weaponry on the captured ships, as well as the transport, identify what type of weaponry it is and where they are installed, and if necessary, develop counter measures to protect our ships.
- Liaise with the government of Parin to find out who the Xedi rebels are supplying weapons to; is it the government themselves (whom we already have a treaty with), or if there is an underground rebel movement we are unaware of. If the latter, the government should be warned of this potential insurrection and the armament of the rebels.
- A review of Federation opinion in the Doza sector and the source of the anti-Federation sentiment. There seems to be a growing concern about a misrepresentation of Federation ideals in the sector and it must be looked at immediately, especially if the actions of our officers are the cause of such sentiment.
This officer also recommends that a permanent patrol be placed on the Isep Xedi-Parin trade route to deter any rebel shipments from taking place; this officer believes that the threat to Federation safety warrants this action, but is also tempered by the image this might portray to the residents of the sector - it could be seen as verifying the rebel's concerns about the Federation. Command and the Diplomatic Corps should carefully review the situation and come to a decision regarding this. A consultation of ship captains who patrol the region, senior command, diplomatic corps, and public relations may be beneficial in this matter.
This officer makes himself available to coordinate with DS13 Intelligence in an attempt to resolve all the holes in our intelligence thus far, at the discretion of senior command. This officer would also like to underline the importance of finding this information so that our captains are not patrolling this region of space at a disadvantage. Finally, this officer would like to reiterate the importance of captains in particular, but all members of Starfleet, of maintaining a fair and positive image of the Federation at all times; we cannot give more public relations ammunition to the Xedi rebels who do not need any more convincing that the Federation is an authoritarian police force designed to suffocate the progress on any race who are not part of their membership.
OOC: This is Sam's report on the briefing and debriefing of the Xedi interrogations. It would be good if someone is able to follow up on these recommendations; I'm happy to have Sam take lead if needed.