To: LT Wind-People @jackascii
CC: @38th.FDC
From: Ambassador Perim
Subj: Wind People Collective (Re: AAR 99612.8)
Lieutenant Wind-People,
On behalf of President Okeg and the Federation Council, please accept my most sincere condolences for the loss of the Grove of the Sweet Wood. You may rest assured that the Council is taking the reported crimes of Janessen Yashal very seriously. Its leadership and involved employees will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible, should they ever find themselves within Federation jurisdiction.
I was pleased, however, to learn from your report that some of your people had survived the ordeal and are now settled safely on Risa. Given your recommendations, I felt it important to inform you that the Federation will indeed be making official contact with the Collective of “Sweet Wood Island” in short order. My office on Deep Space 13 will be taking the lead on that initiative and acting as the primary point of contact. Please do not hesitate to reach out to discuss the situation as it proceeds - as either, or both, a member of the Wind People, and a citizen of the Federation.
Neema Perim
Federation Ambassador