LOCATION USS Dragon, Azure Sector, Azure Ice Field
MISSION Find the derelict freighter, SS Von Gruber and retrieve data relevant to the Wind People species. Prevent Romulan Star Empire from obtaining the same.
OUTCOME Data obtained, and origin of species revealed as well as evidence of crimes by Janessen Yashal Mining Company found. Defeated Romulan Star Empire fleet and killed SADM Dhisuia s’Droall.
- CAPT Drake Tungsten (CO - USS Dragon NCC-93887-A )
- CAPT Regiatta Tohanna (Starfleet Intelligence)
- CMDR Nathes t’Velal (CO RRW Virin RRF-96284-34-1)
- CMDR Evette La Salle (XO - USS Dragon NCC-93887-A)
- CMDR Ruke Warner (Chief of Security - Deep Space 13)
- LT Ansha Wind-People (CTO - USS Dragon NCC-93887-A)
- CWM Timeer Wilminuo (Ops Crew - USS Dragon NCC-93887-A
99593.4 (August 5, 2422, Time: 14:11Z) PRELIMINARY BRIEFING: I was summoned to a meeting in the bridge conference room onboard the USS Dragon. In attendance were CAPT Drake Tungsten (CO), CAPT Regiatta Tohanna (Intel), CMDR Nathes t’Velal (CO RRW Virin), CMDR Evette La Salle (XO), CMDR Ruke Warner (DS13 Sec).
I was introduced to another member of my species, Charvas Aulke Wiish, and we were able to share experiences. (1.2, 1.4)
It was determined that we should proceed to the Azure Sector, and find the SS Von Gruber, a derelict freighter that my adopted zhen (mother or child-bearer) might have hidden data pertinent to our species. We were warned of a potential threat from forces loyal to the Romulan Star Empire, possibly commanded by Dhisuia s’Droall.
I was excused and took Charvas with me to the mess decks.
99595.2 (August 6, 2422, Time: 06:00Z ) ARRIVAL AT AZURE ICE FIELDS: The U.S.S. Dragon (NCC-93887-A), commanded by CAPT Drake Tungsten (SF), accompanied by the R.R.W. Virin (RRF-96284-34-1), Commanded by CMDR Nathes (RRF), and the USS Shenlong (NCC-99873), arrived at the Azure Ice Fields, last known location of the SS Von Gruber. The Von Gruber is located and it is noted that hull integrity had degraded to dangerous levels and there was one lifeform of the Wind People species onboard, with the two identified members of this species, myself (LT Ansha Wind-People) and Charvas Aukle Wiish, onboard the USS Dragon.
The RRW Virin indicated that there had been recent activity in the form of warp signatures from Romulan ships, which was correlated by reports from Starfleet Intelligence via Capt Tohanna.
99595.3 (August 6, 2422, Time: 06:33Z) BATTLE AT AZURE ICE FIELDS: Incoming warp signatures were detected. The vessels are cloaked but with the assistance of the RRW Virin they are detectable. A sizable fleet of Romulan Star Empire ships appear consisting of one (1) Scimitar Dreadnought, two (2) D’deridex Battlecruisers, and five (5) T’varo Light Warbirds.
A signal for Starfleet assistance was sent by CMDR La Salle.
We were hailed by the Romulan Imperial fleet commander, Dhisuia s’Droall, who indicated her conditions for allowing the USS Dragon to depart, that being to hand me, the only representative of the Wind People species present to her knowledge, as Charvas was present on the bridge but out of the field of view of the communication system camera. The offer was refused.
As suspected she revealed her plan to create an army using the my (LT Wind-People) spores once I was killed, to breed her own Wind People collective. (1.1.1, 1.1.2)
The refusal met with expected rage and we were treated to a superfluous monologue that was answered in critique by our Intelligence representative, Capt Tohanna. (Transcripts are available and the reader is encouraged to read them.)
99595.305 (08-06-2422, Time: 06:38Z): ARRIVAL OF KLINGON ALLIES: It was close to that exchange when allies from the Klingon Defense Force, led by Captain Kring of House QiRos, arrived, bringing one (1) Gorkon class battlecruiser, two (2) Bortasqu’ class battlecruisers, three (3) Kortar class destroyers, and four (4) Mogh class frigates, bringing our projected chance of survival to 98%. Capt Kring stated that he owed Capt Tohanna an honour debt, the details of which are not available to me at the time of this report’s writing.
99595.3 (08-06-2422, Time: 06:50Z): SADM DHISUIA WITHDRAWS: Romulan Imperial commander Dhisuia withdrew from battle in a T’varo Light Warbird once it was apparent her forces were being decimated.
99595.31 (08-06-2422, Time: 06:54Z): ROMULAN STAR EMPIRE DEFEAT: The Romulan Imperial fleet under the command of SADM Dhisuia s’Droall was annihilated by actions of all ships present with the Dragon and the battlecruisers under Capt Kring’s command drawing fire while fighters and the USS Shelong, RRW Virin, and KDF destroyers and light ships pounded the seemingly undirected and confused Romulan Imperial commanders. (It is the opinion of this report’s author that it was obvious their fleet was hastily assembled with untrained crew, possibly pressed into service against their will, and that the commanders were expecting their fleet to be the larger force in play, and thereby being able to either dictate terms or surrender or dominate combat easily. Though we had to do what we had to do that day, I would like to state that my fellow crewmates and I take no joy in causing the deaths of those forced to serve the Romulan Empire and Tal Shiar against their will, and I hope those rescued are treated with compassion if this is found to be the case. - Lt. Wind-People)
99595.7 (08-06-2422 Time: 10:00Z) ACTIONS ONBOARD THE SS VON GRUBER: Once rescue and recovery operations were conducted and the area was considered secure, the USS Virin and USS Dragon proceeded cautiously to the wreckage of the SS Von Gruber which had been hit by stray fire from the battle, weakening it further. Interference had prohibited the use of transporters until the distance had been closed to within 2.4 Kilometres, which was the safest the ships could get given gravitational flux caused by the size of the USS Dragon that would potentially degrade the Von Gruber’s condition further, and the sheer amount of debris.
The decision was made to beam into the hanger bay which would put the team close enough to the a central compartment of the ship that still seemed to maintain its Environmental Control and Life Support System integrity.
The away team would consist of CAPT Tungsten, CMDR Nathes, CMDR La Salle, LT Wind-People, and CRW Timeer Wilminuo. We were to wear Armoured Environmental Suits of the FCE type IIV, and Custom FCE (Note: as issued to non-standard bipedal and non-bipedal beings) were issued for wear as well the standard boarding team load out with 2 Custom TR-116A Sniper Rifles, with Over/Under Spread Wave Plasma emitters, 3 MK IIV Phasers. (NOTE: I did not have a chance to get CMDR Nathes’ loadout but it seemed to consist of a suit of Romulan Origin and a disruptor type side arm.)
99595.72 (08-06-2422 Time: 10:15Z): ARRIVAL ON THE VON GRUBER: (NOTE: From here on out I will have to give descriptions from my point of view as I was separated from the rest of the away team. - LT Wind-People) Upon arriving onboard the Von Gruber, not only was I not in the hanger/cargo bay with the rest of the away team, but I was also without my rifle, EVA suit, or any other equipment. I had been intercepted, mid transport, and placed naked into an environmentally controlled chamber onboard the Von Gruber, by Evoch Khaiell Rhadai. (1.5.3)
The larger compartment was recognizable from the deck plans on file. It was the medical bay, and it was 45m fore to aft and 20m port to starboard, and located in the centre of the ship. On the aft side of the room there was a door that would lead to a small maintenance access jeffries landing area, and then to the aft of that the hallway to the hanger and cargo bay.
Forward of the medical bay, there was a door that would lead to the main deck hallway with quarters, mess deck, and bridge.
The room was fully powered and had life support, as well as structurally reinforced. There were additional explosive stem bolts along a ridge on the ceiling that were wired together.
My loadout was laying in the corner of the medical facility. The smaller chamber I was in was surrounded by clear duraluminium (NOTE: Assumption as I could not analyse the material but given the chamber walls’ texture I am fairly confident). I was given a simple hospital gown to wear. (1.1.4, 1.1.5)
In conversation with Evoch, with whom I had not shared yet, he claimed he was in fact not going to follow his orders as per SADM Dhisuia, but rather betray her, and either, with my assistance find the location of the Wind People Collective or he would use a dessication function of the chamber I was in to kill me by dehydration which will preserve the spores I would inevitably produce, and produce his own army of Wind People. (1.1.4, 1.1.5)
Eventually Evoch, who was wearing an EVA suit without the helmet, grabbed a remote switch of the ‘deadman’ variety, wherein the holder must keep a grip on the trigger mechanism or whatever is set to happen by that trigger will happen. This is a favourite tool of hostage takers who want to insure their longevity during the commission of a crime. Though he did not say what the remote switch triggered.
The rest of the boarding party, Capt Tungsten, CMDR Nathes, CMDR La Salle, and CWM Wilminuo, entered the medical compartment from the aft side, having come from the hanger bay as planned, both the team’s and Evoch’s apparently.
After a brief but tense discussion, est 3 minutes, Evoch began to show signs of distress, which was the result of some kind of toxin introduced to his system. I worried at first this was in the medical bay as a whole which would limit my plans for escaping my predicament and donning my suit, however, he released the switch which, to my pleasant surprise, merely opened the environmental isolation box I was trapped in and no toxin was present in the medical bay.
I did not however have time to don my EVA suit as he said that Dhisuia was on her way, and begged me to share with him before he died. Apparently there was a device in him that delivered a toxin into his body as a failsafe should he go rogue as he was doing at that moment. I wondered why, if that was the case, he would tell me his whole scheme to betray her as she was watching and would kill him.
We shared (1.5.3) and I discovered he was in fact hoping she would trigger the failsafe so she would not be so quick to shoot upon entering the room potentially injuring me or the party. She apparently harboured a great fear of him. He needed the situation to be under control.
She was also hindered by obstacles he had set up in her way so he would know when she boarded the Von Gruber from the fore end, and have an approximate timeframe to work with.
Knowing now his plan was to betray her, not by killing me and creating his own army, but by letting me trigger the bio-encoded holovid device my zhen (Nashal zh’Bast) had used to store a message and evidence to me so we would have that information in Starfleet’s hands, I did so and we discovered that in affidavit and by evidence presented, recorded, and attached to this report, Jannessan Yashal had been committing acts of genocide on a planetary scale. The planet I came from was revealed (1.5) but it was revealed that the Grove of the Sweet Wood was now rendered lifeless.
An additional recording was then shown by another crewmember/scientist named Davak. He stated that he became concerned so he contacted a former colleague to survey and rescue the planets they had been to. This colleague, Jarkael, had secretly set up a new Collective on an uninhabited island on the planet Risa.
Evoch had emphasised during our sharing the experience of putting in each explosive stem bolt and the detailed way in which he wired them to the compartment and along the hull of the ship for months, which was basically a Wind People high sign that my teammates should shoot the stem bolts when Dhisuia and her 5 guards arrived.
Dhusuia did in fact arrive, and was unwisely but conveniently not wearing an EVA suit. Evoch had guessed she wouldn’t but wasn’t sure if this would be the case. I indicated we needed to stand close to the aft door and without time to don my suit I had no choice but to grab CMDR La Salle and ask her to make sure she kept hold of me. I was going to freeze solid in space within seconds but this would not kill me if I were thawed before I dried out. (1.1.4 )
As predicted, Dhisuia thought she was in control and began speaking about setting a trap. Apparently sacrificing her ‘fleet’ was part of that trap, which in my tactical experience tells me it was not, and she was expecting the Von Gruber to be more intact.
I quietly mentioned the stem bolts, and CMDR La Salle took the hint, and shot one, which caused the expected chain reaction that split the ship in half and caused rapid decompression. Dhisui, and guards were sucked out into space, which killed them, and demonstrated the importance of wearing the right loadout for the mission. Evoch, who did not put his helmet on, was sucked into space, however this was also his plan. The toxin that was in the failsafe had been rendered less potent, but was still dangerous without prompt attention. Freezing preserved him long enough for his suit to automatically take his frozen body to his ship which was in the hanger bay.
We were not sucked out, though I did freeze. My last memory was being held by CMDR La Salle which was reassuring to me.
I woke up the next day onboard the USS Dragon, in medical bay, floating in a tank full of the warm and wonderful nutrient bath Dr Vakmar Singh had developed for me. I was pulled out of the bath but kept an additional 2 days, despite my protestations.
I was allowed to go on leave and with permission from the Risan government and Jarkael, who acts as the New Wind People Collective, Charvas and I were allowed to visit. There will be a follow on report for that visit.
1.0 NOTES: For the sake of context, I will add my own history and events that happened before the event that this after action report is describing, as this has significance to the narrative as expressed by this report.1.1 I am of a species known colloquially as the Wind People from the Grove of the Sweet Wood, or “Wind People” for short. I originated from Adjaellia Prime where the Grove of the Sweet Wood, a primaeval forest once stood, and the Wind People live in a central fungal collective, heretowhence called “The Wind People Collective”. We are called “Euscamycetal Sympophaticus” by the Federation scientific community, as we are considered very similar in structure when free growing to Morels and Truffles (also known as Ascomycete fungi), but those of us of this species who developed the ability to speak prefer Wind People, so that is how I will refer to us here.
1.1.1 We are considered monocarpic in the sense that upon our deaths, either by the actions of others, or by our own initiative, we produce ballistospores (spores which are ejected from our which will cling to almost anything, sometimes riding with the wind (hence our name). Under prime conditions, these spores will undergo mitosis entering a gametes phase from which a male and a female gamete will unite then produce a batch of mycelium. That mycelium will in a matter of weeks become a Wind People fungal colony, which can reach a mass of 80 kg within 12 weeks if nurtured properly and cling to any frame it is given.
1.1.2 Upon maturity the child will have all knowledge of all its ancestor’s collective experiences past, though to apply that knowledge requires training. For a drone expected to do little more than fight, kill, and be cannon fodder, that could potentially mean 6 months to a year to field. Why this is important is the central to the reason this situation developed.
1.1.3 Physically, we are nothing more than fungal colonies, clinging to rigid frames that through chemical and electrical processes move, sense, and think. We do not have organs. We breathe Carbon Dioxide through our skin, which makes our clothing choices important.
1.1.4 We are resilient when it comes to receiving damage and do not feel pain from kinetic force, laceration, and freezing. It is known that we can be destroyed by drying out, fire (which results in drying out), toxins and harsh environments, and digestion, all of which cause excruciating pain.
1.1.5 We are however highly sensitive to environmental settings and require undersuits to keep us warm and moist, in most environments that other species prefer particularly that which once would find on a Starfleet spaceship. I prefer to wear an EVA suit when assigned to an away team for this reason.
1.2 We can transfer emotions and experiences by physically touching one another. This is a compulsory activity and one that is difficult to resist doing without training. We refer to this as “Sharing”. It is regarded not as a form of telekinesis or psionics, but a complex chemical exchange that requires bare skin to skin contact.
1.2.1 I (Lt Wind-People) voluntarily submitted to training that taught me to filter what is shared in these unions, as not to release restricted information as well as compulsion resistance. I was cleared to share with others of my species all unrestricted experiences by members of Starfleet PsyOps.
1.3 Wind People are horrible liars. Since we revel in the ‘Sublime Experience’ and do not initially see an event as neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’, a learned trait, we see little motivation to do so, and we have never developed the ability to lie. I myself cannot resist telling the truth. Required officer interrogation resistance training taught me to leave things out which is handy for keeping me from hurting people’s feelings in my personal life.
1.3.1 It was revealed when I shared with Evoch that through a very painful and traumatic training process, a Wind People colony can be taught to lie.
1.4 Up until Stardate 99593.4 I believed I was the only one of my species in known existence to the UFP, and I have since come to find out that, Starfleet Intelligence was tracking a second Wind People named Charvas Aukle-Wiish (which means “People of the Wind’’ in Orioni), after he made an appearance at Deep Space 13 on Stardate 99515.1 (07-08-2422) as well as telling those involved there was another Wind People known at that time as Evoch. It would later be revealed to me that he was Evoch Khaiell Rhadai (Romulan for “Wind People”), and this was associated with information I was told by CMDR Nathes about an assassin known “The Khaiell Rhadai”. Later it was confirmed by the use of sharing (1.4 - 1.5) that Evoch was this assassin.
1.5 I was harvested as mycelium on Stardate 73425 from the planet of Adjaellia Prime by a biological survey team from a ship known as the Slygo Surveyor, working for the Janessen Yashal Mining Company, on a charter with the former Romulan Empire and the Klingon Empire.
1.5.1 It was also revealed through vocal interview and through Sharing, that Evoch and Charvas were harvested approximately 2 years after me (possibly stardate 75368) by members of an Orion crime organisation that wished to produce and sell our species as slaves or soldiers.
1.5.2 Though information is incomplete as to why this ended abruptly, Charvas was disposed of in a garbage bin on the port city of Vassar on Rigel VII ( around 75716.2 ) and recovered by a local cleaning woman of the Orion species named Jessalee Shunnel who ended up raising him as her own.
1.5.3 Evoch was sold to the Romulan Star Empire on the estimated stardate 75687. He was first fielded on Stardate 76852.1 with the assassination of Romulan Ambassador and frequent Tal Shiar critic, Vatal STroua. A full listing of his mission history will be attached.
1.5.4 At Stardate 84156.5, the Slygo Surveyor was destroyed and her crew died, however I was set adrift in an escape pod. I would be found on Stardate 84289.5 by a Starfleet vessel and brought to Earth for study. I later would be adopted, grow up in the Punjab part of India and then go on to attend Starfleet academy graduating with the class of 2416.
–Ansha Wind-People, LT, Starfleet.
=================NOTHING FOLLOWS========================
RECOMMENDATION UFP should establish ongoing diplomatic relations with the Wind People at the new Collective, on Sweet Wood Island on the planet of Risa, through Jarkael, who acts on their behalf and the Risan Government.
Discuss with Jarkael what species he has catalogued and investigate their possible return to their homeworlds if those planets and regions can be restored.
Show mercy to those RSE crew rescued at Azure Ice Fields, if it can be shown they were pressed into service of the Romulan Star Empire against their will. Encourage the KDF (Capt Kring of House QiRos ) to do the same.
Re-examine the crimes of Evoch Khaiell Rhadai with a merciful eye, as he did not have the capacity to know right from wrong when those assassinations were committed, and he was controlled by the RSE, during that time. He has since developed moral and ethical capacity after sharing with Charvas and I (LT Wind-People). If he is still in the custody of the Romulan Republic where he surrendered himself, ask them to show understanding and perhaps work towards his rehabilitation.
CMDR Nathes (RRF) - as well as her crew for valor in battle.
CMDR Evette La Salle - for assistance in making sure LT Wind-People made it back to the USS Dragon, for understanding with little to no information as to what was needed in order to spring a trap that eventually killed SADM Dhisuia s’Droall.
CAPT Drake Tungsten - for ensuring the lives of his crew were paramount and not backing down.
@DrakeTungsten , @Garak234
links to relevant pages in chronological order:
The Call from Capt Reggie Tohanna
Drake meets Charvas
Vonn Reese arrives to distract Ansha, Drake and Reggie talk
Reggie arrives and talks to Drake then Charvas while in disguise.
Drake send message to Capt Varley
Reggie visits DS 13 Security
Commanders talk strategy, Ansha meets her cousin Charvas, the Battle of Azure Ice Fields
Ansha gets kidnapped by Evoch
Ansha opens the message from her zhen, Nashal zh’Bast
The away team find Ansha and meet Evoch. Dhisuia arrives
A news report on events that unfolded after.
Ansha receives an ecrypted message from Evoch
AARs, The Family Reunion (this document)
Vonn Reese gets home and makes a life changing decision.