SUBMITTED: Stardate 96085.4 | FILED BY: CAPT Zaliel Sel | SECURITY: Level 3 - Restricted |
LOCATION: Aldebaran Sector, between systems NZ-89717 and NR-31374
MISSION: Exploratory Backlog Mission 2419D997410-004
OUTCOME: Mission Aborted after survey of NZ-89717; encountered hostile alien vessel, ship disabled
CAPT Zaliel Sel
LCDR Wimini Zolwink (Brahe NPC)
LT Victor Castillo
ENS Amset
CDT Robin Monroe
CAPT Jack Buchanan
CAPT Alistair Nimitz
CAPT Aaron Tanaka
CMDR Patrick Aubrey
CMDR Raymond Stone
CMDR Tarm Wallunga
LCDR Elizabeth Kermit
LCDR Gira Niya
LT Mondet
LCDR Wimini Zolwink (Brahe NPC)
LT Victor Castillo
ENS Amset
CDT Robin Monroe
CAPT Jack Buchanan
CAPT Alistair Nimitz
CAPT Aaron Tanaka
CMDR Patrick Aubrey
CMDR Raymond Stone
CMDR Tarm Wallunga
LCDR Elizabeth Kermit
LCDR Gira Niya
LT Mondet
NARRATIVE: While traveling within the Aldebaran Sector between survey systems NZ-89717 and NR-31374, USS Brahe was violently removed from subspace without warning. Almost immediately upon stabilizing the ship, power systems began failing, ultimately resulting in a total failure of the ship’s systems. Curiously, this dampening primarily affected the ship’s power systems, while also inhibiting some independent power systems. Phasers, tricorders, and particularly Ensign Amset were not adversely affected.
Without communications or power, several attending officers were sent on tasks throughout the ship in order to assess the situation, regain power, and restore communications. During one of the excursions, it was reported that unknown aliens, coated in fur with an ability to cloak themselves, had infiltrated the ship. Though Commander Aubrey and Cadet Monroe attempted to communicate with them, they were unsuccessful—the aliens fled by cloaking themselves and eluding the officers.
Once informed that the ship had been boarded, this officer dispatched Captain Nimitz and several others as a Counter Boarding Party to attempt to locate and apprehend the boarders.
During this time, Lieutenant Commander Kermit and Lieutenant Mondet had entered Engineering and begun assisting the Brahe’s engineering teams, where efforts to restore power were underway. It is noteworthy that all interconnected power systems were disabled: Warp Core, Fusion Reactors, and Batteries were all affected in some way.
Captain Buchanan opined that the ship’s torpedoes could be used as a power source which led to a broader discussion as to whether the same system could be used to counter the scattering field. Ensign Amset then suggested he transport those power systems to the Main Deflector. After weighing the safety of such a procedure, and with life support at dangerously low levels, it was determined that such action was worth the risk. Ensign Amset and Lieutenant Commander Niya were sent to accomplish this task.
After some time, Engineering was successful at restoring minimal power. Communications were restored and the Counter Boarding Party contacted. They had entered an alien ship docked at the Emergency Port Docking Hatch. They reported no other contacts with the alien creatures; instead locating a large cargo area with items apparently stolen from multiple Alpha and Beta Quadrant races. Proximate to their investigation, Ensign Amset activated the counter-pulse using the Main Deflector, eliminating the dampening field.
Main power was immediately restored, which appeared to startle the alien ship, as they attempted to release the docking clamps and escape. Unfortunately, the docking collar had become locked in position and required manual intervention. Lieutenant Commander Niya, at this officer’s direction, rushed to the docking collar and engaged the manual release. The Away Team took refuge in a Type-7 Shuttlecraft allegedly belonging to the USS Yamato (lost in 2365), in an effort to avoid a possible decompression.
At this time, Ensign Amset returned to the Bridge and attempted to beam the Shuttle and its occupants to the Brahe’s Shuttlebay. Due to limited power and residual effects of the dampening field, the transport could not be completed. Fortunately, the officers inside the shuttle were successfully transported and deposited on the Bridge. The shuttle was not recovered; therefore, its authenticity cannot be confirmed.
The alien ship then departed at warp speed. Brahe was unable to pursue, as the warp core was offline and dilithium crystals fractured. Sensors, operating at limited power, tracked the vessel at warp for only a few moments before it disappeared.
USE OF FORCE NOTATION: Brahe officers and its guests attempted several times to communicate the evasive aliens, who did not respond. Though weapons were involved in this incident, this officer is not aware of any intentional discharge of a weapon directed towards those aliens. (Note: Engineering reported an accidental discharge of a phaser due to a mishandling weapon which caused no damage or injuries.)
ANALYSIS OF DAMPENING FIELD: Based on the Engineering Postmortem Analysis, Chief Engineer Zolwink believes the Brahe’s systems were targeted by a highly sophisticated directed energy dampening array. Engineer Zolwink’s report goes on to suggest that a larger ship could still be affected by this field; however, she points out that the effectiveness of this array, in combination of the few, compact systems of the Brahe’s design, made this ship particularly vulnerable.
Further analysis is heavily speculated. It is the consensus of the Engineering Team that the Port Docking Hatch was used as transporter systems would be impossible while the scattering field was in place. Independently powered systems, like tricorders and phasers, were operable because they were not the direct target of the dampening field; instead, their limited functionality was due to the ambient effects of the directed field.
A comprehensive analysis of Ensign Amset’s resistance to the field has been suggested. Chief Engineer Zolwink intends to perform a detailed analysis once she is able to reproduce the effects of the dampening field.
STOLEN ITEMS: Several items were reported missing as the crew returned to their quarters. The only connection these items appear to have is that they were taken from the Brahe. The following is not a comprehensive list; these are examples illustrating the randomness of which items were taken, largely from Decks 3 and 4. All weapons, tricorders, and other protected equipment have been accounted for.
- Lieutenant Castillo: A clockwork music box
- Ensign Kellye: An analogue clock taken from his quarters
- Crewman Flex: A personal PADD containing several gigabytes of family photos and videos
- Crewman Jordan: A deck of playing cards
- Cadet Monroe: A locket containing a picture of her father, Jacob Monroe (Deceased)
- Given the concern of this dampening field potentially compromising Starfleet Vessels, this report has been submitted as Classified
- The description and sensor profile of the alien ship should be distributed to Starfleet and Civilian vessels with the intention of identifying and apprehending the vessel
- The complete list of missing items should be shared with Starfleet Security, in the hopes they can be identified later
This is the AAR for Freighter Finesse. THIRTEEN WONDERFUL PLAYERS JOINED THIS EVENT. This AAR takes place from Zaliel's Bridge perspective, so though many people were present, this report only includes those Zaliel ordered or directly worked with, along with the overall plot of the event. Everyone's contributions were meaningful and I am grateful and humbled by the incredible interest in this event.