AAR: Kepler 42-d Away Mission; Stardate 92501.3

Stardate 92501.3

TO <38th Fleet Command>
CC <Starfleet Command>
FROM CAPT Alexandria Holmes
SUBJ Kepler 42-d Away Mission

As ranking officer of the away team to Kepler 42-d, I have enclosed my report of actions carried out by away team during the second scientific and exploratory survey of the planet; Kepler 42-d.

It is with regret I record two injuries during the course of this mission and a potential violation of Starfleet Protocols.

My full report is attached, individual copies will be dispatched to relevant departments.



Captain Alexandria Elizabeth Holmes
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Dallas; Gemini Squadron
((Brex, have you considered using Enjin attach for the pdf? would hate to lose access to that nice report should you choose not to host that file on Dropbox some farflung day from now.))
((A good point. Attached.))
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