CAPT Mirazuni, A
After Action Report
LOCATION Tonteev System, Kelterre Sector.
MISSION Encounter of an unknown ship.
OUTCOME Ship belonged to a genetic scientist. Ship wiped out all life onboard with biological agent. Ship destroyed to prevent data returning to scientist.
- CAPT A. Mirazuni
- CAPT A. Nimitz
- CAPT F. Skye
- CMDR K. Verlin
- LT(JG) R. Mitsuki
- ENS V. Sovum
BACKGROUND On a routine exploration patrol, the U.S.S. Endeavour encountered an unknown vessel.
Ship Image
NARRATIVE As the ship did not respond to hails and seemed damaged, an away team of the above officers were sent to the ship. This officer, accompanied by Commander Verlin and Lieutenant Mitsuki, attempted to find the inhabitants of the ship. The other team attempted to find the damaged section of the ship in order to see if repairs could be done.
This officer’s team were ambushed by a Klingon/Gorn hybrid and were chased through the ship. We managed to hide in an empty engineering lab and lost the Klingorn in the chase. As we were unable to contact the U.S.S. Endeavour due to a jamming field around the ship, we made our way to the bridge, where we subdued two more genetic hybrids. The jamming field was generated by the ship itself and there was a timer counting down to what was surmised to be some sort of self destruct mechanism. Commander Verlin managed to drop the jamming field and both away teams were beamed back to the ship before a biological agent spread throughout the ship, killing all lifeforms on it.
As the ship began to manoeuvre out of the system, this officer gave the order to destroy the ship than let the data within, which was unable to be downloaded or destroyed, return to wherever it originated from.
RECOMMENDATION The dangerous genetic experiments are a creation of Doctor Jibim Nirraun, an illegal scientist with whom this officer has had previous contact before whilst serving on Deep Space 16. It is unknown how his creations have travelled to the Kelterre Sector, but it can be assumed that Doctor Nirraun is in the region. Command should attempt to track down and apprehend the scientist.
RECOGNITION All officers performed as expected. Captain Nimitz should be reminded that he should not discard his arm on the bridge of the U.S.S. Endeavour, and that he should take all litter back to his own ship to throw wherever he so chooses.
OOC This is the report for the impromptu Endeavour event, Klingorns and Caitrills. Thank you all for attending. Event logs available on request.