AAR: Korgasant Observation

Stardate 93882.7
Tabadi Mysti
Level 2 - Confidential

LOCATION: Breen border patrol; subspace anomaly field

MISSION: KDF and allies investigates were dispatched to investigate the appearance of an unknown cosmozoan creature on the border with the Breen space.

OUTCOME: A successful test of the unknown creature's psychology, leading to multiple theories as to how to combat this threat.

Tabadi Mysti | SNV Thana Vaneri
Captain Egzo | IKS Hag'lhr
Lieutenant B'Atar | IKS San'leth
Lieutenant Yig | IKS Daramar

NARRATIVE: The Thana Vaneri - hosting our loaned specialist from the Daramar - set out with Hag'Ihr and San'leth in escort to analyse the threat posed by the creature previously encountered in this sector. Our hangers were all but cleared out to accommodate two derelict husks that were supplied by the salvage yard of Alyss - one an old Bird of Prey and the other, a recovered Plesh Brekk - both already written off for scrap so obtained for a fair price no doubt.

We theorized based on previous observations that the creature may be attracted to the disruption of warp fields, and so both husks had their cores reactivated - the Plesh Brekk at a lower frequency to further test the theory that specific Breen signatures held something which attracted the creature. Our working theory was that the Breen patrol last witnessed engaging with it had unwittingly ventured into it's hunting grounds, and the creature was in some way territorial. Our plan was to drop the two husks at a fair distance from one another and along the perimeter of the anomaly field which was made up by previous incursions of the creature into normal space.

Upon arrival at the designated coordinates, Lt. Yig calculated optimum positions for the husks to be dropped and once placed and we took up an observation position at a safe distance and with our energy signature masked (our escorts remaining under cloak), we waited... and waited... and Goddess did we wait!. Eventually, subspace distortions were detected moving towards the test zone. The Hag'lhr also recorded the presence of a single Breen raider at long range and sitting on the edge of our test zone, though it was deemed doubtful that even if they observed things they would collate any useful data at such range and so mission integrity was maintained.

We saw the creature emerge through a subspace rift and go straight for our Bird of Prey bait. As it engulfed the hulk and disappeared back into subspace, the resulting shockwave decimated our second bait hulk. Whilst a single test is far from conclusive, the evidence now strongly supports the theory that this creature operates like a natural predator within it's own defined hunting area, and is attracted by warp signatures. No further action from the Breen raider was observed or warranted.

RECOMMENDATION: A full in depth analysis of all collated data must be performed to verify the findings. The San'leth also caught a visual log of discernible damage around the creatures maw, so this should be a particular focus to better determine how we can damage it if forced to defend.

Theories regarding the use of Theta radiation or carrier waves to trap the creature in normal space and/or provide a form of early warning to it's presence, may warrant simulation before field testing. Further theories regarding the impact of tri-cobalt warheads against the creature should be correlated with the damage observed to it. If results show promise, another hulk may need to be requisitioned and mined with a large volume of said warheads with a remote detonation setup that can stand up to subspace disturbances.

Also, constantly referring to this thing as 'the creature' is as dumb as it is disrespectful to the powerful lifeform which we refer to. Until otherwise informed of an official designation based on the name of it's discoverer or something, I will continue to identify it as a Korgasant [basic translation: tentacled-mauler], given it's likeness in nature to the beast of the same name from Daros IV.

Finally, there are also the planetary bodies in the nearby area that were noted during the first visit here. One of which may house either a Breen facility, or a downed Breen vessel. These may warrant further investigation as a separate matter to that of the creature.

OOC: This is the outcome of the Gravity is Desire event. If I've unintentionally misrepresented your character's actions, misspelled their names, got their rank incorrect, et cetera, please send me a PM over enjin and I'll make the necessary edits.