AAR: Line in the Sand

Filed By:
CDR Nathes

LOCATION Chaltok System

MISSION Rapid Redeployment to the Chaltok System.

OUTCOME Vessels of the 11th Expeditionary Flotilla were redeployed to the Chaltok system. The redeployment was a success. Enemy forces further suffered losses during the flotilla’s arrival.


  • CDR Amarik
  • CDR Davin
  • CDR Nathes
  • CDR Taela
  • CENT Shea
  • Evoch
  • Ahnar

NARRATIVE Vessels of the 11th Expeditionary Force were ordered to rapidly redeploy their assets to the Chaltok system. The Chaltok system has been under heavy attack by the forces of Rator III.

Vessels R.R.W. D’Ishae, R.R.W Inyadar, R.R.W. Tebok, and R.R.W. Vauthil arrived in the system. Recommendation was given, after a brief discussion, to approach the main planet weapons hot. The ships proceeded to tear through the retinue of hostile vessels.

The engagement was a success. All four vessels were able to inflict losses on the enemy. Further, the vessels of the 11th Expeditionary Flotilla were able to arrive in high orbit of Chaltok prime. Upon our arrival, indications were given that Admiral Kererek was preparing a briefing for all flotillas in the region. The briefing was to be held in the capital city’s main university, which was doubling as a headquarters for RRF assets within the region.

Upon beaming down, we were directed to attend a briefing regarding Operation Unbroken later in the evening. Before that, though, Command asked us to provide assistance to the injured and wounded civilians on the surface of Chaltok Prime.

RECOMMENDATION Operation Unbroken must succeed. However, assistance should be rendered to the populace of Chaltok. They have been suffering immensely amidst this sustained conflict with Rator III.

RECOGNITION All senior warbird Commanders are to be commended for their tactical acumen in orbit. All involved personnel are to be commended for providing assistance to the populace upon our arrival on the planet.


To: Governor Perak tr’Vastam
From: CENT Shea tr’Vastam
Subj: Update


Per your previous request for information about the ongoing war, I shall provide you with as much information as I can about my current whereabouts. As you may have heard from the news reports, the Tebok is indeed currently in orbit above Chaltok. It seems that the Empire is indeed targeting the most prosperous and most populated Republic worlds, either in an effort to capture them for their resources, or to eradicate the populace to weaken our morale and military ability.

This world has already suffered significant damage from the initial Imperial assault. Fortunately, our assault on the fleet blockading the world was remarkably successful, and we have, for now, driven off the Imperial forces. Unfortunately, just like the Imperials, we tend to be far more skilled at offensive warfare than defensive, and I fear that the impending counterattack will be quite brutal.

In the meantime, we have attempted to repair as much of the damage that this world has sustained as possible. I have managed to write this message in the brief time that I have between assisting with the treatment of patients and mixing new salves for the physicians to use. This experience has been a stark reminder as to why I never wished to become a physician. It is far easier to take a life than to save it. By the same token, please pass my thanks along to the good doctor. I must confess that when I was young, I rather resented her insisting that I take note of her lessons on botany, but they have proven quite invaluable recently. Please inform her that I did remember that the pulp of the chith weed is an excellent salve for plasma burns.

On a more private note, I have noticed that the Empire seems… desperate. Their attacks are ferocious, even manic, as though they are attempting to seize as much territory as possible before we can mount a counterattack. Their treatment of the worlds they have captured is also more akin to plundering than attempting to sustain development. While raiding does play to the Empire’s military strengths, it is also unsustainable, and I cannot fathom how they hope to continue this sort of warfare. It is as though they consider this war a race for survival, just as we do.

In a strange way, though, I can almost respect that. Far more infuriating, in my opinion, is the attitude that the Federation seems to have about this war. To both us and the Empire, this war is an existential struggle for the right to exist. The Federation, on the other hand, almost seems to be treating this as little more than a training exercise. In fact, one of the reports I noticed on the Commander’s console involved one of their captains stating that they were planning for an upcoming battle that could well turn the tide of the war, with the arrogant implication that they personally would be responsible for their inevitable triumph. It seems that what we see as a fight to survival, they consider a “splendid little war,” to borrow a phrase from Earth’s past. It is a low-risk opportunity for their junior officers to gain experience, and their senior officers to rack up medals, stories, and glory.

Worst of all, I am certain that if I were to voice my thoughts aloud, any member of Starfleet would vehemently deny my claims. Of course they understand that this war is horrific - even though the Federation has not faced a serious threat since the Dominion War. And even though it isn’t their people dying, naturally the Federation is so compassionate that they keenly feel the loss of any life! In fact, it undoubtedly pains them more than me! They would be insulted that I would even suggest such a thing!

It is not as though I am ungrateful for their assistance. The Federation is the unrivaled superpower in our region, and an invaluable ally. They also sincerely mean well. However, there are many poor reasons to start or join a war, and idealism is among the worst. And that, I fear, is why the Federation is aiding us - not out of true compassion, but out of the ideal that it is the Federation’s duty to aid us in our struggle against an oppressive empire. That line of thinking is not only arrogant, but can lead to the assumption that any action they take is just, and therefore, justifiable. That is dangerous for any government, no matter how well-intentioned.

In any case, forgive me for digressing. With the likely impending counterattack on Chaltok, I may be unable to contact you and the good doctor for a while. I shall send another message when I am able.

CENT Shea tr’Vastam
Chief Science Officer
R.R.W. Tebok