AAR: Mining For Mummies

Filed By:
ENS Sadaann

LOCATION Volodi Archeological Site

MISSION Starfleet personnel have been invited to oversee the opening of newly discovered remains of an ancient civilization.

OUTCOME Excursion team discovered a surplus of improvised explosives scattered throughout the archeological dig site. These explosives seem to have been placed largely along structurally integral parts of the caverns. The excursion team was able to find, disarm, and confiscate the explosives, however an investigation into the perpetrator(s) is still required.


  • CAPT. Mirazuni, Ayesha
  • CMDR. LaSalle, Evette
  • LT. Fra’seer, Kiarah
  • ENS. Sadaann
  • CPO. Ashodi, Thylan
  • CDT. Salim, Cara
  • CDT. Ban, Writ

NARRATIVE The excursion team arrives to the initial gathering, where we encounter the doctor known as ‘Seth’. Skipping over the formalities and amiable posturing, we are led to the archeological sight. The sight was mainly underground, consisting of a series of tunnels and caverns. Most of the area were already picked clean of any finds, the two cadets finding that out the hard way. After learning about Volodi mummies, we were directed to a lift, that would see us descending deeper into the underground. The aforementioned Doctor Seth proceeding us into a large chamber, to which the officers more knowledgeable on the topic would come to conclude the chamber’s use be related to the handling of the dead, however the doctor would go on to explain the chamber’s use being along the lines of ritualistic in nature, that these ‘Volodi’ believed in a form of reincarnation… reincarnation that required the remains of the deceased be destroyed before such a thing could take place. After noticing peculiar markings on the surface of the main stone slab, the doctor would go on to demonstrate what could be seen as Volodi ritual casting. It was during this demonstration that the Commander was pulled away via communiqué. Upon the Commander’s return Cadet Salim and I were ordered to the surface until more info was available. The cadet, myself, as well as the rest of the excursion team were ordered to begin searching the dig sites for any additional explosives, to which a plethora were found and readily disarmed. Once all bombs were properly taken in by security, the team made way
their way back to base. It was at this point that we informed the doctor of our findings. We have refrained from any accusations or any investigation into the doctor himself until we have thoroughly investigated the matter.

RECOMMENDATION With the explosives in the custody of the 38th Fleet, I recommend dismantling the bombs and looking into the components used in their construction. Hopefully, the perpetrators can be tied to the parts used.

RECOGNITION Cadet Salim showcased noteworthy ingenuity with use of her commbadge, having devised a plan to use it as a make-shift frequency jammer as to stop any detonations from occurring.

Filed By:
CAPT Mirazuni, A

ADDENDUM In my unprofessional opinion, the dig was very interesting, especially the theories of the Volodi understanding of biological concepts and how they overcame issues. It was unfortunate that the tour was cut short by the presence of mining explosives, placed to ensure the whole dig would have collapsed and no doubt destroyed the artefacts within.

Analysis of the explosives has yielded few extra results; they were easily obtainable commercial mining explosives that are common in the Federation. They were modified by someone who clearly knew about explosives, with the only new component a chemical compound that is known to be traded by black market sources in the Kelterre Sector. At present, it is unknown who the perpetrator was, or why they wanted to destroy the dig. Given that the explosives were not activated, one can assume that the perpetrator did not want to kill, only to destroy the dig, but this is unsubstantiated at present.

However, we can rule out our gracious host, Dr Seth Chapman, as telepathic readings indicated no malicious thoughts or behaviour. Since this dig is being spearheaded by the good doctor, it can be assumed that Dr Chapman is a victim rather than a perpetrator.

Further investigation is necessary.

RECOGNITION All members performed as expected. Cadets seemed rather enthusiastic and attempted to “treasure hunt”, something I doubt that the researchers would appreciate found out. However, when carrying out orders, the Cadets performed admirably, locating the explosives around the dig and keeping calm throughout. ENS Sadaann’s recognition is echoed by this officer.

The Ensign himself performed well. However, the Ensign is reminded to remain professional at all times, as sometimes, his inward anxiety and fear can sometimes be reflected in his actions. I remind the Ensign that this officer can detect thoughts and emotions; it is not becoming of an officer to wear their hearts on their sleeves at all times.

Representatives of the U.S.S. Dragon performed excellently. I am sure this is due to the standards expected of them by Captain Tungsten. It would not be amiss to label Lieutenant Fra’seer as a hero, for locating the explosives in the first place and it should be missed. Commander LaSalle similarly performed professionally to deal with the threat without alerting or scaring the civilians. Others should take note.