AAR: Operation Edelweiss Alps

Filed By:
CAPT, Sh'ow, H


Following the Defender rendezvousing with Group Alps as Part of Operation Edelweiss, The Defender warped into the system in formation with other ships of the Starfleet taskforce.

Once the Defender was out of warp, sensors on ship reported interference making acquiring and tracking hostiles difficult, despite attempts during the opening hail requesting a surrender, the Science and Tactical officers where unable to clean up the interference.

This led to the Defender’s opening salvos of fire failing to make contact with hostile vessels, something that the Imperial vessel had no problem with targeting the Defender, causing damage to shields, causing them to deplete quickly during the course of the battle, which was only enhanced by the Defender’s unsuccessful attempts later in the battle to help draw fire away from more heavily damaged vessels in the task force.

During the final assault the Defender focused on attempts to shield other vessels to prevent further loss of life despite the ongoing final assault before damage to the ship rendered it combat ineffective. Please find full damage report attached which also includes a casualty report, U.S.S. Defender Damage Report

Following the conclusion of the Operation the Defender was able to limp back to DS13 for repairs and memorial services from crew lost.

RECOMMENDATION Based on the actions that where taken by the Romulan Star Empire before the conclusion of the action, Starfleet should mobilize aid to the Romulan people as best we can, to help rebuilding efforts as well as help build relations with the Romulan people.

RECOGNITION Following the battle all ships and crews within group Alps preformed with courage and bravery in the face of hostile action and showed a resolve and dedication that goes above the call of duty. Only by the efforts of all ships together was the Operation able to be a success, despite the loss of life.

I would also like to make note of Chief Engineer CMDR Kaseex, C. efforts to keep the ship combat effective for as long as possible, as well as the efforts of LT Nightingale, J. who manned tactical during this engagement and will the help of Helm did his best to ensure that the Defender tried to draw heat away from other ships in the taskforce, despite the risk this would put the Defender into. All crew gladly accepted this risk and preformed their duties well above what was expected of them.

OOC This is part of the AAR for Operation Edelweiss Alps group from the U.S.S. Defender’s view point (part of the Soiling the Nest event). If anything needs changing please feel free to contact me