ENS S'cha T'aihn, Sadaann
LOCATION Deep Space 13, Aldebaran Sector
MISSION The U.S.S. Reyga was set for manifest replenishment at Deep Space 13. The Captain wishing to keep things on the move, settled for a shuttle pick up, as opposed to docking.
OUTCOME Discovery of a cargo discrepancy and possible security risk.
- LT. Sono, Consolación Raika
- LT. Vehl, Naderi
- ENS. Idrael, Ireni
- ENS S’cha T’aihn, Sadaann
NARRATIVE Once the Aesop had arrived at DS13, the Lieutenant had went to check in with station security, leaving Ensign Idrael and I to handle the inspection and securing of the cargo aboard the shuttle. In earnest, us ensigns hesitated at the idea of handling what we thought at the time was a containment of bio-mimetic gel. Eventually, inevitably, the cargo would be visually inspected for confirmation to which we found that the shipment we were supposed to be transporting was… not… infact bio-mimetic gel. Once the rest of the cargo had been inspected and boarded onto the shuttle, it was left to Lieutenant Sono to follow up on the security hazard.
I believe a separate security report will be provided.
RECOMMENDATION I am not security. I recommend checking in with security.
RECOGNITION The Lieutenant performed their security duties exemplarily, with their leadership skills also of noteworthiness. Ensign Idrael granted us a smooth transport.