AAR: Playing The Odds

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LOCATION NGC-2447, Noro Sector, Beta Quadrant

MISSION Interception of Imperial Romulan reinforcement convoy

OUTCOME Convoy intercepted. Escorts eliminated. Capture of Mogai Warbird and Four transports.


  • CAPT Vel, Lunya
  • LCDR Flynn, Matthew
  • LCDR zh’Vhenda, Kora
  • LT Drush, Lalaa
  • 10th Carrier Air Wing

NARRATIVE On above stardate at NGC-2447, USS Forrestal and the 10th Carrier Air Wing intercepted a convoy of Imperial Romulan reinforcements. Convoy was composed of six transports that were carrying supplies ranging from industrial replicators, plasma torpedoes, parts of singularity drives, etc. Convoy was escorted by one Mogai Warbird and two T’Varo class warships.

Prior to convoy arrival, Peregrines from VAQ 140 were stationed around the system, providing early warning to any ship arrival. Once convoy arrived, lead element of VAQ 140 alerted Forrestal, providing image of the convoy. Fighters from VFA 188, VFA 212, and VFA 21 were already on station awaiting the arrival of the convoy. Orders were given for all fighters on station to attack the Mogai Warbird, while Forrestal attacked the two T’Varos, splitting the escort between two overpowering forces. VAQ 140 remained on station, providing target jamming and overall electronic disruption during the attack.

Initial passes on the Mogai produced severe shield damage, while Forrestal’s initial attack on the T’Varos produced considerable damage to one. At the request of VAQ 140, additional jamming and ECM forces in the form of shuttles 2 and 5 were launched.

As fighters from VFA 212 broke away to engage transports, it was determined that one transports was an ersatz carrier that had launched twelve scorpion fighters. Additional fighters in the form of VFA 100 and VFA 123 were readied and launched to assist with the newly revealed enemy fighters. This committed all but VFA 201 to the engagement. Reinforcement fighters were directed to engage enemy Scorpion Fighters, giving Federation fighters a two to one force advantage.

After destruction of the two T’Varo class warships (one by Forrestal, one by VFA 100), Forrestal proceeded to close the distance to the Mogai, and lock it in a tractor beam, bringing it around to lock on all forward weapons on the Warbird. After disabling the Warbird’s weapons and engines, a surrender order was given, and accepted. At this time, the Mogai warbird and four transports were remaining.

A boarding party lead by LCDR zh’Vhenda was assembled to secure the Mogai. Boarding party was successful in securing the computer core before it was disabled/wiped/destroyed. Additional boarding parties were dispatched by shuttle to secure the four remaining transports.

LCRD Flynn was dispatched to the Warbird to assist in securing the computer core and decrypting same. Those results are pending. Warbird and transports were secured with custodial staff and along with Forrestal, are enroute to Federation space. Due to engine damage, the Mogai Warbird was taken under tow by Forrestal.

All Romulan prisoners of war were secured in Forrestal’s cargo bays two and four. Prisoners will be turned over to Starfleet Intelligence for debrief.

Casualties/Damage: Minor systems damage to Forrestal. Loss of five Valkyries and one Peregrine. All pilots either recovered by transporter or shuttle after ejection. Various injuries reported to Forrestal crew and pilots. No Federation fatalities.

RECOMMENDATION Recommend Intelligence debrief of Romulan POW’s. Recommend decryption of Mogai computer core for possible valuable information.

RECOGNITION Recognition of LT Drush for her outstanding fighter coordination during the battle. Recognition of LCDR Flynn for maintaining transporter lock on downed pilots, and superior work of Forrestal’s systems during the engagement. Recognition to LCDR zh’Vhenda for actions during boarding party to secure Mogai Warbird and its computer core. Recommend same for promotion to CMDR and permanent station as Forrestal’s Executive Officer.

OOC Information obtained from Computer Core can be a plot device for anyone to use

Filed By:
LCDR zh'Vhenda, Kora

ADDENDUM Information from cracked Imperial Warbird computer core determined to be superfluous in nature. Specifically it contained already known information of Romulan Star Empire fleet movements.

Secondly, information contained within regarding known tactics and fleet compositions, shows that RSE tactics are getting more desperate. There were numerous mentions of weapons based on something called “T’Kon” based technology. Analysis of this information has been forwarded to Starfleet Intelligence.

No additional information of importance located. Computer core sent via courier to Intelligence for deeper analysis.

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