AAR: Small Party Return to Kepler 42-d

TO: <38th Fleet Command>
CC: <Starfleet Command>
FROM: CAPT Martin Acacius Lazard
SUBJ: Kepler 42-d Away Mission: Stardate 92544.8

After departing the Asimov, our shuttle successfully navigated to Kepler 42-d's northern pole. There, we were to undertake a mission of observation with a focus on the behavior of the species known as 'Spine Snakes' - nomenclature I respectfully request revisiting. Once on the ground, the team and I began collecting tricorder readings and approaching a stationary gathering of Spine Snakes who were apparently conducting some form of ritual, apparently lead by one known as Ulkesh. After reaching a staggered translation range, we were able to learn they are not only capable of language but also reason and seemingly prior knowledge of space-faring peoples.

Audio Files Uploaded:
*Three distinct voices are heard*
"Space people aren't returning Ulkesh. Just calm down."
"Did you not see the burns!? The sky ship!?"
"They killed our two best warriors, and they don't even have wings, tell me those aren't space people."
"Let's just go examine the body for ourselves, then decide."

I believe we may infer here, they are able to discern between that which flies on their own world and those who come from far-away worlds. Could this mean others have visited this planet before we stumbled though and killed the Spine Snakes' kin? While I wholeheartedly disdain and condemn any previous acts of perceived self-preservation, I do not suspect Starfleet is the first galactic organization to visit Kepler 42-d.

After the above recorded communication, the gathered Spine Snakes converged on the bodies in the center and we took the opportunity to withdraw ourselves from the scene. While taking care to conceal our retreat, a voice came from behind Lieutenant Junior Grade Caelia which caused her to lose her footing and fall to the ground. A native Spine Snake had circled our flank and addressed the away team, upon which Lieutenant Jekal approached Caelia's side. As my team was in a compromised state and carried orders to reserve any and all hostile actions, I took it upon myself as ranking officer to commune with the Spine Snake.

Utilizing a bow-like gesture we had observed earlier in the ceremony, I mitigated the threat of aggression and politely requested my team be allowed to withdraw from the serpent's direct reach - granted in kind. At this point, the being (who had not divulged its name if it in fact owns one) began to ask our purpose on its planet which I obliged by explaining the purpose of Starfleet's research into new frontiers for the sake of knowledge and understanding. Given the previous away team's actions, this was met with doubt and the assumption we came as hunters in search of prey.

I took full responsibility for the actions of the United Federation of Planet's hostility, explaining that we had not meant for violence but rather acted out of misunderstanding. Afterward, Lieutenant Jekal had suggested she should be the one to claim this, as she was a member of said team, but I held firm in my decision. After coming to what seemed a level of trust through diplomatic speech, the Spine Snake offered safe passage back to our shuttle and informed the away team that it would not disclose our party's trespassing. Furthermore, it explained that we had put fear into the hearts and minds of its people and it would take on effort to prepare the others for future interaction upon our return.

After briefing Vice Admiral Celes, we await instruction.

Surely you see we have a truly unique opportunity here - and have tread upon this species' rights. With due respect, I strongly advise we do what is right and continue investigating this world. Who knows what we may learn from the Spine Snakes? Why do they acknowledge cosmic travelers when they have no known active warp capability? As I currently represent (and claim responsibility for any breach in the Prime Directive on this away mission) the United Federation of Planets to this species, I respectfully request to take part in guiding further interactions. Many other parties have expressed interest in or actively pursued perceived-hostile actions. We cannot risk losing a valuable asset on this world if we are to pursue knowing.

Captain Martin Acacius Lazard
Away Team Command, USS Asimov
Stardate 92547.4
Away Team:
Captain Martin Acacius Lazard, USS Gainsborough
Lieutenant Jekal, RRW
Lieutenant, Junior Grade Caelia

Mission Support:
Lieutenant Commander Domoll