SUBMITTED: Stardate 95874.1 | FILED BY: LTJG S. Valore | SECURITY: Level 2 - Confidential |
LOCATION: Rulian III, Doza Sector
MISSION: Analyze planet for future colonization.
OUTCOME: Hostage situation resolved. Planet effectively rendered uninhabitable.
CAPT A. Derenzis
CMDR T. Akaela
CMDR A. Samaras
LT O. Mercer
LTJG M. Khet
LTJG S. Valore
FIFTH Talak'Fives
NARRATIVE: Where should this officer begin? The operation began to fall apart quite quickly. This officer had accompanied Captain Sel to act as a consultant on the logistical concerns of establishing a colony. Some anomalies were detected planet-side and this officer was beamed to the surface along with the rest of the key personnel. Almost immediately upon arriving, we encountered an Orion group armed with Ferengi equipment and weaponry. They fired upon us as we attempted to establish dialogue, resulting in a return of fire and the Orions neutralized. Upon interrogation, it was discovered that the Orions were hired by a Ferengi group to seize control of the planet for commercial purposes and to remove anyone who stands in the way. As it happens, a small human colony was indeed present on the planet.
The group pushed on and we arrived at a building where we discovered an armed Ferengi. After neutralizing him (he did not react well to seeing a Jem'Hadar among our ranks) we encountered one of the local human colonists. While this officer and Captain Sel interrogated the Ferengi, who seemed to be working for a DaiMon named Qob, it was discovered by others that the system's star was going to render the planet uninhabitable in the next few hours. There also appeared to be a jammer that prevented us from communicating with the ships in orbit, preventing us from coordinating with anyone but ourselves. The Ferengi had hired a team of mercenaries to seize control of the colony and all colonists were hostages.
Deliberations took place on what to do, with Commander Akaela as operational command. Several plans were brought up, by this officer and others, but the Commander seemed to have settled on a plan of stealth. However, this officer wishes to state that this officer was not entirely aware as to what the plan was. This officer does not believe the plan was made clear by the Commander.
This officer was placed into a team with Captain Sel and Talak'Fives to move in to distract and neutralize guards. Captain Sel objected to this plan, claiming that - due to the nature of a large hostage situation - we should attempt to seize control of the power generators and attempt to negotiate with Qob - especially due to the alarming few hours until the planet literally burnt up and killed everyone. A fact this officer attempted to remind people of multiple times in the incoming argumentation. Commander Akaela disagreed with Captain Sel and the two began to dispute the plan as we approached and surveyed the area of operation. After lengthy arguments on both sides, this officer believed that there was no way to reconcile the two and moved ahead with the original plan with Talak'Fives as other teams proceeded with their portions of the plan.
We spotted three guards on the ground. Fives eliminated one and this officer nerve-pinched a second. Fives proceeded to eliminate the third. It was at this point that Fives abandoned this officer to pursue his own goals, ignoring the idea of teamwork or cooperation. This officer, now alone, moved to the warehouse where she discovered two more guards and almost all of the hostages. This officer eliminated the guards and released the hostages from captivity. This officer wishes to state here and now that her focus was primarily on distracting and neutralizing guards. However, with Fives' sudden departure via personal cloak, this officer was forced to act independently and stumbled upon - by chance - the hostages. Believing that removing the Ferengi's best bargaining chip to be useful, this officer proceeded to rescue them from captivity.
This officer then proceeded to communicate with Captain Sel, arranging for the hostages to move to the shuttles as all of the remaining guards seemed to be occupied with fighting in another part of the area of operations. The jammer went down and the Commander and the rest of the team met with us. Except for Fives, who seemed to be on a warpath against Qob and his people. That seemed to also result in the death of a hostage. This officer suggests asking others who went after Fives for more information, as this officer was too preoccupied with assisting the colonists at the time.
This officer soon beamed with Captain Sel back onto the Brahe once it was determined to be the time to depart. A debrief came soon after. This officer recommends contacting the senior officers for transcripts of the debrief.
RECOMMENDATION: This officer wishes to make the following statements:
1) It is of the opinion of this officer that Commander Akaela - as operational command - was unable to maintain control over the team. Directives from the Commander felt vague and in need of elaboration that was not provided. This officer also believes that the Commander did not have control of the situation on the ground and it seemed - at least to this officer - that each officer seemed to be acting more as an independent unit. This officer does not make such a statement lightly, as this officer intends to follow orders as is due and proper in the field. This officer recommends Command review the mission.
2) Talak'Fives is both a useful tool and a dangerous weapon. We had entered multiple combat situations and Fives proved to be the most useful asset in almost every single one of them. It was with his aid that we maintained an operational edge over the enemy. However, he refused to cooperate as a team and to follow my instructions when we operated together as a duo. He rejected attempts at coordinating with me and outright left me to act solo and independently after the first encounter with hostiles. This left this officer trying to rescue the hostages by herself. This is a great risk and one this officer does not feel should be present in a routine Starfleet operation. This officer recommends Command review this mission and try to rectify this wayward operative. This officer also recommends taking steps to rectifying Jem'Hadar place in Starfleet Command Structure. Talak'Fives did not seem to have the desire to take orders from anyone and operated independently. This officer believes such a thing to be a grave risk to future operations.
3) The leading Ferengi escaped. Qob must be found before he takes another colony hostage. This officer recommends law enforcement be tasked with pursuing him.
4) The chain of command was not apparent at times during the mission between Captain Sel and Commander Akaela. This officer recommends taking steps to rectifying this matter. Captain Sel and Commander Akaela, as it seemed to this officer, believed in two different plans and carried both of them out and their argumentation earlier in the mission did not seem to rectify the situation. This officer would recommend the Captain and Commander settle their differences. Perhaps group counseling.
5) This officer recommends Command review this mission in its entirety and decide on whether a course of action is necessary.
OOC: I really loved the event. Thank you so much for hosting it Derenzis. It was a real blast to RP with both the environment and all of the other PCs. Let me know if I got anything wrong. This was Sunset Clause, not to be mistaken with Santa Clause. There were no presents here. Only death.