SUBMITTED: Stardate 96531.2 | FILED BY: CAPT A. Derenzis | SECURITY: Level 1 - Open |
LOCATION: Deep Space, Aldebaran Sector
MISSION: Investigation into mysterious power drains throughout U.S.S. Endeavour
OUTCOME: Source of power-drain found to be a previously unknown type of xenogastropod, which had infested the ship's EPS grid. Infestation removed through frequency reversal in EPS flow, causing widespread but minor damage throughout the ship.
CAPT T. Anderson
CAPT S. A. Bishop
CAPT A. Derenzis
CMDR A. Samaras
LTJG Shinwa T.
ENS Mitsuki R.
CPT G. Valencia
Subcommander Eviess t'Cyklaas
FIRST Talak'fives
CAPT S. A. Bishop
CAPT A. Derenzis
CMDR A. Samaras
LTJG Shinwa T.
ENS Mitsuki R.
CPT G. Valencia
Subcommander Eviess t'Cyklaas
FIRST Talak'fives
NARRATIVE: On arriving on the Endeavour on another matter, this officer soon found herself, along with the above listed officers, enlisted, and visitors, drafted into teams to investigate a series of power drains of increasing severity. This officer, CAPT Bishop, CAPT Anderson, and LTJG Shinwa attempted to reach Engineering via turbolift when one such drain halted said lift near Deck 11. We were able to force an exit from the turbolift, with the aid of CMDR T'Nar, and rendezvoused with the other listed personnel minus ENS Mitsuki, who joined us later.
We soon found the source of the drains in the form of a xenogastropod that had lodged itself onto one of the EPS conduits on that deck, and was siphoning energy from the conduit to fuel its own growth. Scans by this officer could find no other system of nutrient intake, leaving the possibility of direct energy-to-matter conversion, an apparent impossibility for lifeforms of this size and relative complexity. The xenogastropod left behind a slimy substance as it moved. Concerned that we were faced with a possible widespread infestation, CAPT Bishop split the group into teams in an effort to locate and isolate any of the xenogastropods on that deck - this effort soon proved futile both to the large numbers of xenogastropods infesting the ship and to their rapid responses to attempts to shunt power away from affected conduits (this officer, teamed with First Talak'fives, was unable to keep one such creature from escaping when we attempted to isolate one). One of the other subgroups, consisting of LTJG Shinwa, CAPT Anderson, and Subcommander Eviess, attempted to make their way to Engineering to see if they could tackle the problem of removing the infestation from another angle.
Before this officer could attempt to locate more, this officer and First Talak'fives heard shouts from behind us - at this point we had been joined by ENS Mitsuki, apparently off-duty. We moved quickly to the source of the shouts, to find that CAPT Bishop, CAPT Valencia, and CMDR T'Nar had been ambushed by one extremely large xenogastropod. Their onboard equipment had been partially drained of power (including universal translators, which prevented effective communication with CMDR T'Nar until he was able to recharge his unit), and they had been thoroughly coated in the xenogastropod's secretions, but they were otherwise unharmed. The xenogastropod, itself apparently unharmed by the encounter, proceeded to wedge itself into another panel to feed on another conduit. Shortly thereafter, the xenogastropod so gorged itself that it exploded. The resulting force knocked everyone off their feet, and propelled First Talak'fives against the wall, rendering him unconscious. Other xenogastropods in nearby panels also began to explode, causing damage and releasing large amounts of slime onto the decking.
Further scans by this officer soon revealed the immediate vicinity to be thoroughly infested by xenogastropods about to detonate. We proceeded to barricade ourselves in the stuck turbolift, the only safe location we could reach in the time remaining, with ENS Mitsuki activating the emergency brake as a safeguard. CPT Valencia, being cut off, took the unconscious form of First Talak'fives in a bid to find another safe location. Shortly after reaching the safety of the turbolift, the deck erupted in the explosions of several xenogastropods, damaging wall and floor panels and coating every available surface in slime. We would later learn this scene had repeated itself throughout the ship.
Afterwards, we would learn that the second group, having reached Engineering, had hit on the solution of reversing the EPS flow frequency in a bid to 'scare' the xenogastropods away; it is now believed this frequency reversal had caused the xenogastropods to detonate, instead of the intended effect. Apart from minor injuries due to impact or slipping on the slime, no casualties were reported. With the infestation eradicated, power levels returned to normal.
RECOMMENDATION: Based on conversations with CAPT Bishop, it is hypothesized the xenogastropods originated in the Istriska Corridor, a region of space the Endeavour had been exploring at the time of the first recorded power drains. This officer recommends a thorough review of external and internal sensor logs from one week prior to this incident in an attempt to pinpoint exactly how many xenogastropods infiltrated the Endeavour, when, and by what method. With such information and a comparison against detected numbers, we may be able to determine rate of reproduction as well as develop early detection methods. Probes should be employed to confirm if the Istriska Corridor (or some planetoid within said Corridor) is indeed the origin of the xenogastropods, and warning buoys set around the Corridor to prevent future infestations of other ships.
The xenogastropods themselves are, frankly, baffling in their life-cycle and consumption. Further study is recommended to learn more about this creature.
This officer laments the loss of life involved in eradicating the infestation, though she notes that, given the severity of the situation at the time the infestation was found, there was no other alternative at the time, and commends the personnel involved in their efforts to find a solution that saved the ship with no loss of personnel. Nevertheless, this officer recommends that research into nonlethal means of removing xenogastropods from an affected ship be attempted.
OOC: AAR (mostly from Alyx's POV) of "Sweet Juicy Power". Thanks to Sam for running this entertainingly disgusting event! As always, if I've omitted or misrepresented actions by players in this report, please let me know and I'll make the appropriate corrections. Other reports from other POVs are also welcome to fill in the gaps!